Years ago

What is Actually Wrong with the League?

Been a lot of mid-weeks discussions about various ways to "save" the league. But is actually wrong?

Are we able to have an honest discussion?

I think by and large the league is going well. It's an exciting time to be an NBL fan, and things like the Next Stars have added another dimension.

Cairns have whooped our asses twice, that points to a good standard of competition.

Looking back over the years, I think the biggest problem sin the league have been caused by fuckwit management & ownership.
The firepower conman and Sydney, the Child-Care dude and Brisbane, the boobs who ran Townsville into the ground.
This year, its the lunatics running NZ, and whomever is responsible for whatever it is going on at the Hawks.
Not sure how you fix that, maybe vet would be owners better, and make it easier for the League to hold clubs to certain standards.

I think if you could sort out those issues, both those teams would also be competitive.

I do agree that various things need to be tweaked. I think the "growth" in quality has been good, but I do think that teams like (currently) Perth and MU have to be reined in a little, to keep things competitive and allow other teams to "catch up".
My personal preferences about some of the players aside, Perth's couple of stumbles has been a good thing for the league. If they really start to click, and put it all together, they could still be a bit too overpowered. Same with MU now Prather is back.

Sydney having another good season and probably winning a ring is good for the league. But we need to be sure they don't leave too much wreckage in their wake. And the constant doubling down is getting a bit tiresome.
They already had the best squad and without Gaze would have been rated a good chance.
Then they added Ware.
Then they added Didi.
Now they've added Cooks.
Whilst my heart is saying we need to whip out the chequebook and beat these fuckers, my head is starting to worry that if Perth, MU, and SEM spend more, we will actually start to leave other teams completely behind.

Topic #46430 | Report this topic

Years ago

I just posted this in the Kings' salary thread but it belongs better here, as it summarises my lingering pessimism about the long term viability of the league.

You'd think that Kestleman is banking on getting a decent television/streaming rights deal in the next 2-3 years. Otherwise the NBL would surely go broke?

Averaged per player, AFL has a salary cap about twice NBL's. But AFL crowds average about 5 times NBL crowds during the home and away season and AFL team memberships average about 10 times NBL team memberships.

With these crowds and membership numbers, AFL only made an operating profit in 2018 because of the massive tv rights income - $418 million per year - and 4 AFL clubs ran at a loss. While cost structures would be somewhat different for teams in the two leagues, I find it hard to look at these numbers and see the NBL as a going concern without a healthy tv/streaming revenue deal in the near future. That becomes even harder to see if some NBL team salaries are substantially above the cap.

Numbers from AFL 2018 Annual Report.

Reply #777387 | Report this post

Years ago

The league is fine, you're just a weirdo.

Reply #777390 | Report this post

old mate  
Years ago

Yeah spending so much over the cap and 4 imports is something that all NBL teams aim for.
Let's face it if Cairns beats Perth twice, Perth aren't that good. But for Jack's generostiy Perth wouldn't exist today.
Perth win the title in what ever yean and sack the head coach!

The Hawks are a joke and you forgot about the Cairns owner years ago that was dodgy as all hell.
You had the Adelaide guy, now in jail? and the Dragons owner who simply refused to do what the NBL wanted him to do and walked.
Now LK runs it all with his son supplying the uniforms and he wants the Tassie Government to give him land for free and wants a $1.5 mill subsidy every year so Tassie can get a licence and try and keep up with the 'Jones' '.
There is no effective salary cap and no one can seriously explain how the Luxury tax works or is it even distributed.
The Kiwis were once a great franchise and the owners decided to take their profits and run. They knew what was coming.
Brisbane have lost money since inception and would be sure that they aren't making anything now.
The KIngs have new owners and at a rumoured $80k to open Ogden who knows why they are even in it. Little chance there to make any money.
Bogut is dreaming if he thinks his futeure share in the Kings will reap any money.

I am pretty sure that once LK get tired of subsidising hiis league he will walk.
That is actually what is wrong with the League IMO.

Reply #777391 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm a Perth fan, but Melbourne or especially Sydney winning the league is needed. They need to establish their fanbase, and winning is how you do it.

I don't think the massive spending will continue forever. It's definitely a short-term plan to take advantage of the current basketball boom in Australia. I think after the next couple of years, it will even out a little more.

I do think however that Illawarra and Cairns are in serious trouble of ever making playoffs again. Those two clubs might be folded in the next few years, once Tasmania is settled in.

Reply #777392 | Report this post

Years ago

Why are you making another thread when we have been discussing the problems in the other threads you already pointed out?

Reply #777393 | Report this post

Years ago

We have a league. 5 years ago we were on the bones of our ass. Be thankful.

Reply #777395 | Report this post

old mate  
Years ago

Yes and in another 5 years the League may very well be gone.

Reply #777396 | Report this post

Years ago

The only thing wrong with the league is you being interested in it Dazz and posting repetitive long rants that are tl;dr.

Reply #777398 | Report this post

Years ago

Repeating the mistakes of the past is what is about to go wrong. Also, no one in the media wants to call out LK for any misstep, assuming they are blinded by the freshly polished turd.

Reply #777401 | Report this post

Years ago

What's wrong with everyone, so negative and ready to slice the head off the tall poppy all the bloody time!!

The highest rate of NBA talent ever.
Best TV and media coverage ever.
Internationally recognised as one of the best leagues in the world.
Great crowd numbers and exciting games.
New team in the league with proposals for more.
Great new young Aussie talent everywhere you look.

Seriously, we can go one debating this non-issue all day, how about letting the league grow and evolve and see where we are in 5-10 years, then say what you want but at the moment I can see many more positives than the constantly annoying pesamistic negatives...

Reply #777403 | Report this post

Years ago

Wildcats have been cheated

Reply #777407 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not tall poppy to highlight the issues that get glossed over, especially when those issues seem to be history repeating.

The on court product is currently fantastic but that doesn't guarantee the league will be around in 5-10 years.

Reply #777409 | Report this post

Years ago

The league is in fantastic shape, nothing is guaranteed in life, enjoy the ride and stop whining.

Reply #777414 | Report this post

Years ago

Whinging fans, certainly not supporters

Reply #777418 | Report this post

Years ago

LMAO at Perthwanker attacking Dazz. That's like the shit telling the fly he's the one that stinks.

Reply #777424 | Report this post

Years ago

Im guessing many of yo cant read and comprehend the English Language. Read what the OP wrote again. Hes making the point that there is not actually much wrong despite all the pessimistic threads.

Reply #777427 | Report this post

Years ago

It is the best NBL season ever.

Reply #777506 | Report this post

Years ago

100% this the best state the league has been in for a long time. Long time Cats fan since the days of the old Perth Entertainment Centre when my parents made minimum wage, but tried to get me to as many Cats games as they could afford. Fast forward to 2014 when I had my own disposable income and James Ennis signed, a group of us became members and have been ever since, great atmosphere, entertainment and ideal purpose to regularly catch up with friends. In that time I've only seen the league grow and become more popular. Even in 2014 you may not know all the players in the other teams unless they had standout games at your home court. Now with NBL Fantasy, and free televised games, the majority of true basketball fans could rattle off every teams player list. Prior to 2014 it was extremely difficult to follow NBL as it was basically non existent unless you attended games.

As much as I dislike some of the things going on in the NBL, I can't deny the growth LK has achieved, he's made Australian Basketball relevant again. I remember when I think it was Vlahov and Longley tried to expand the NBL to Australasia which I think was a good idea in theory, but for some reason didn't really work out, whether that was because they didn't have enough business experience or not I'm not sure.

We're winning as NBL fans currently, and I hope to God it is sustainable somehow, if the spending gets out of hand though I can see it all backfiring, fingers crossed that does not happen. If it does and if I was a 36ers, Taipans, or Hawks member, I'b be cutting up my membership at the first signs.

Reply #777509 | Report this post

Years ago

Hay really good story until the negative bit at the end.
Settle down chicken little don't cut up your membership cards these teams need more members not less. But I enjoyed your story.

Reply #777516 | Report this post

Years ago

"Hay really good story until the negative bit at the end.
Settle down chicken little don't cut up your membership cards these teams need more members not less. But I enjoyed your story."

I'm as optimistic as can be, but there's always a chance it can fail like those before have, albeit it looks much healthier than every so doubt it would drop to those levels ever again.

Reply #777520 | Report this post

Years ago

As long as the NBL can see the mistakes it's made in previous seasons and correct them and constantly improve the show it should keep growing and improving every year.
Lk has put up a lot of money he doesn’t want that to be for nothing.

Reply #777539 | Report this post

Years ago

Bear is on the money. Let it all evolve.

Reply #777560 | Report this post

Years ago

"As long as the NBL can see the mistakes it's made in previous seasons and correct them"

If that is what it takes to succeed, then they aren't going to last long.

Reply #777561 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #777563 | Report this post

Years ago

Long time Cats fan since the days of the old Perth Entertainment Centre when my parents made minimum wage, but tried to get me to as many Cats games as they could afford.

I've got images of Oliver in my head now asking "Please, I want some more."

Reply #777567 | Report this post

Years ago


Because the mistakes of previous seasons are being made again right before our eyes.

Reply #777568 | Report this post

Years ago

What mistake?

Reply #777574 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't understand how people can sit here and say this is the best season ever when two or three years ago the wooden spoon team finished only a couple of games outside the playoffs.

Reply #777595 | Report this post

Years ago

Better players, better teams, bigger crowds and better atmospheres? IDK. Parity is a pipe dream in a sport like basketball where one or two guys on a team can completely dictate the outcome for the most part. And when has parity ever equaled better? If all the teams were mediocre but closer, is it really better? A rising tide lifts all boats (or if your boats have holes in it, you're taking on water no matter what and shouldn’t be out there). People just want all teams to be feeder clubs like the Hawks. Feeder teams for Europe and the NBA, rather than the best Aussies playing at home. Not everyone can win, but you can get motivated and work hard and better yourself rather than expecting people to make it easier for you.

Reply #777655 | Report this post

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