Liam Flynn
Years ago

Sturt Legends Night

Take a stunning dining room at a five star hotel, add in lavish cuisine & fine wine (thanks to our good friends at Coriole), moving speeches and a fantastic rock'n roll band for ambience....and you don't even come close to discribing the special night had by all attendees at the Sturt Basketball Club's "Legends Night". Channel 10's Rob Popplestone, with help from guest presenters and emotive video tributes, lead the 200 strong crowd through the rich history of the club; from's its early days and achievements as the green and gold Uniting Church Basketball Club to its current form as the mighty Sturt Sabres. There were presentations and dedications, jokes and anecdotes, there was even an Auction (who could ever forget Nathan "Money Bags" Vaughan purchasing one of the items for his girlfriend for $500!! All I can say is it must be love....); all culminating in the naming of the Sturt's Legends Team - a collection of the finest mens and womens players our club has ever produced.

The night was made ever more special by the attendance of some of the greats of South Australian Basketball: Mal Heard, Pat Mikan, Albert Leslie and Ilza Nogy. Not only did there stories of past successes and hardships touch all of us, but the way that they mixed and mingled with current champions and members brought the club closer together as a family representing all eras.

I would like to congratulate the entire steering committee for the Legends Night, especially Paul Bauer, whose dedication and passion for staging this event was brought out in every facet of the night. This was a truely memorable night and I cant wait for the 50th Anniversary funciton in five years time.

If you were at the night, feel free to post some of your favourite memories of the show.


Topic #2917 | Report this topic

Years ago

you're up early, considering . . .

Reply #33091 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

So, who was in the all-time teams?

Reply #33099 | Report this post

Years ago

What did they have to celebrate? They've never won anything apart from 3 or 4 championships...Wow!

Perhaps it was good night for all but when they become a big time club with a tradition they can have a proper show!!

Reply #33106 | Report this post

Years ago

How about the fact that since it's inception Sturt has had a member at each and every Olympic's. Can any other club make that claim. The night was about celebrating the achievements of the members of the club. And in fact it is 7 Championships.

Or maybe that they community that is Sturt Basketball Club goes beyond winning and losing. That great friendships have been made and people's lives have been improved by the association with each other. Celebrating these friendships is something that all clubs should do. From somebody that is relatively new to the club and the sport, geting a glimpse of the people who payed the way was inspirational. I can only hope that my family is able to come away with the same long lasting friendships and life lessons that were gained by the people who presented the history of the club.

Favourite memory will be the final montague with the voice over that asked the question 'what does Sturt mean to you'. Magic stuff.

Reply #33107 | Report this post

Years ago


I get ur point.

But good on sturt for promoting what success it has had and getting some of its "legends" back and involved. Can only be good for their club and basketball. Perhaps some of the other clubs such as West, North and Forestville with deep histories and successes including some at the National WNBL/NBL level could have similar nights.

Reply #33108 | Report this post

Years ago

The fact that Sturt have had a player at every Olympics since inception is stupid....Your talking about 2 players....Smyth and Maher. When you can boast as many Olympians as other clubs then you can start talking. If your going to piss in the tall grass, then you better have long legs...

Reply #33110 | Report this post

Years ago


I think that you are forgetting.

Malcom Heard
John Heard
Albert Leslie
Pat Mickan
Laura Summerton
Angela Marino.

All players who have played at Sturt and gone onto Olympic level. And that is not counting those female players who played in Senior World Championships before Women Basketball was played at Olympic level.

The only 'stupidity' here is your lack of knowledge.

Reply #33111 | Report this post

Years ago

yes mouse check your facts before you speak only makes you look stupid

Reply #33112 | Report this post

Years ago


You are counting Mal & John Heard & Albert who were all Uniting Church players...Sturt wasn't even around then.Check your facts yourself...fools.

Sturt may have eventually came out of Uniting Church but when your club changes its nickname every decade your tradition tends to get murky...DOuble Blues, Pioneers, Sabres...etc etc.

Angela MArino!!!! She just stepped off the plane and you count her as an Olympian for Sturt? Surely you would have to be playing for the club when you went to the Olympics. Clutching at straws I think.

And as far as your famous womens players playing at World Championships, well I guess you could count them on a couple of fingers...if you guys can count that far.

Reply #33114 | Report this post

Years ago

It's actually not every Olympics, but its pretty close:

1960 Heard, Heard
1964 Heard
1968 Leslie
1980 Smyth, Davies
1984 Smyth, Davies, Mickan
1988 Smyth, Mickan
1992 Smyth
1996 Maher
2000 Maher
2004 Maher, Summerton, Marino, Lucas

It wasn't a contest to see who's better, who's best or compare ours to other clubs or about "claiming" players. It was a Celebration of United Church and Sturt History, and a way to re-unite people who haven't been in the same room together for up to 40 years.

I am sure that some people will find some things about the night they didn't like, but the overwhelming feeling was extremely positive and at times very emotional. To see legends of the sport who are not playing an active role with the club at the moment like Pat Mickan, Albert Leslie, Mal Heard, Ilze Nagy, Bill Jones, Dean Kinsman all speak on the night so positively and from the heart was a sign of how much the night meant to a lot of people.

By the way the Legends teams were:

Lynette Parnell
Glenys Bauer
Michelle Gillings
Ilze Nagy
Heather Mickan
Pat Mickan
Jane Barton
Marie Stevens
Kylie Newbold
Laura Sumerton

John Heard
Mal Heard
Colin Dabinett
Albert Leslie
Phil Smyth
Steve Johansen
Dean Kinsman
Jason Williams
Brett Maher
Bill Jones

Bob Russell and Lynette Parnell gave everyone a real insight into what is was like in the early days and were absolute stars on the big screen. Well done to all involved. It was a truly memorable night. The closing montage had grown men and women weeping!

Reply #33116 | Report this post

Years ago

Your claiming Ian Davies as an Olympian!!!! For Sturt!!! He was here for 1 year and that wasn't even an Olympic Year!!!!

And what happened to the rep at every Olympics???? Missed a few did we?

Good on you all for what would have been a good night but stop raving on like usual, that STurt is the be all and end all of SA Basketball. Its not.

Reply #33117 | Report this post

Years ago


Again you have your fact's wrong. The night was actually the Sturt/United Church legends night. Yes Sturt changed it's name from United Church. But by that theory there may be only 1 real club that hasn't changed it's name at some stage. So you are putting your own club's history down due to their changing their name. So do you know your clubs past names.

Angela Marino has plaed for Sturt since the age of 10. She has played, and is currently playing ABA and I bet if you ask her she would consider herself to be a Sturt member through and through.

Good to see that the jealousy if out there. It will only fuel the fire for more success.

Reply #33118 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh please stop....all this laughing is not good for me.

Reply #33119 | Report this post

Years ago

You can hardly claim a rep at every olympics as been a Sturt achievement anyway. Olympians tend to go through a number of coaches at varrying levels and often the clubs take credit for them but actually have very little to do with developing players to this level. Club success is measured on junior success and success of their senior teams. Perhaps sturt would be better of talking about that Mouse??

Reply #33121 | Report this post

Years ago

Mouse, I don't think you get it. It's not about comparing Sturt to others, or "claiming" players. Of the 200 people in the room last night, they all had one thing in common. They have been at one time involved in United Church or Sturt. Many of them have no active role in the sport at the moment. Many others actually do have an active role with other clubs. That's not the point. It was a celebration Sturt's history and about bringing people together. Other clubs may have been going longer, shorter. Won more Championships, less Championships, more or less Olympians, have more or less attractive colours. Who cares? It was about Sturt recognising the contribution of so many fine people who make up the club's history. And it was a great night.

Reply #33122 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Congrats on getting it right Sturt. To acknowledge those of the past is fantastic. I saw Mal Heard's photo in the paper this week re the Commonwealth Games. He and John both played with my father and I was then privileged to have Mal as a coach in U12s, and then John refereed us for many years.

Congratulations to the Heards ..... and to Sturt.

[And Mouse, I'm not Sturt supporter, trust me.]

Reply #33131 | Report this post

Stella Artois  
Years ago

Mouse enough know, eat some cheese and have a nap

It's great to see club's proud of their history. The organisation required to stage big events such is this is huge and they should be congratulated. I hope my club does something like this at some stage.

Well done

Reply #33134 | Report this post

Liam Flynn  
Years ago

This was suppose to be a thread to inform the basketball public of what happened at this event and then also share in the terrific memories that we all NOT chest beat about which club has more Olympians or championships etc. All the district clubs have fine histories and recent successes...we are more then allowed to post on how we have managed to celebrate them, and so are any other club as well.

Mouse, you post with no courage, intelligence or integrity and have just shown yourself to be a "small" person to everyone on this forum. I challenge you to put your name to your post and then we can all put your comments into the insignificant context they deserve. I am quite confident you wont be doing that any time soon so maybe everyone else can go back to talking about the night itself.

My other favourite parts of the night:

- Steve Bowley, sporting a Bob Marley knitted beanie, leading the way on the bongo drums as part of the band that played on the night
- Potsie's interview of his Mum (and Sturt legend) Glenys. Champagne comedy by the Bauers!
- The final video montage- WOW! Monz and Channel 10 did an awesome job on this.
- Dean Kinsman's presence. It was so great to see Deano back at the club and be apart of the spirit of the night.
- Graham Burdon tearing up the dance floor at the end of the night. Who knew he had the Patrick Swayze moves in his repoitore!

Lets try and keep this post 'on topic' if possible.

Reply #33143 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Mouse, found a site for, obviously a great night was had by those who attended, why come on here and try to make an arguement out of something they want to share? When whoever it is you are associated with Mouse, celebrates a milestone as this, lets hope karma prevails.

Reply #33155 | Report this post

Years ago

mouse is from west.

Reply #33232 | Report this post

Years ago

People don't even respond to Mouse's comments - he obviously has no clue and doesn't warrant the attention he is getting.

Anyway, I had a ball on the night and I don't even play for the club - great food, great company and great entertainment. I know how much effort went in behind the scenes so a big congrats to all involved.

It was great to see all the different generations coming together!

Reply #33249 | Report this post

russell coight  
Years ago

cant believe wade hampton didn't make the legends team.......... sorry just thought i would try and add to the laughs, after all thats why they put jason williams in the team isn't it?

Reply #33270 | Report this post

Years ago

how original - another Jason Williams hater . . .


Reply #33272 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Jase starts his Mt Gambier A grade career this week with the Panthers, with the Millicent/Mt Gambier comp up and running.

For those that really know Jase from his junior career through to present day, you would know that the accolade is well deserved.

Reply #33355 | Report this post

Years ago

Mouse, you are a tool. The night was designed to bring people together, and acknowledge periods of success our club has achieved. Promoting a club, and more importantly a sport that is struggling in this state would appeal to any basketball fan. And I'd be happy to promote any club if it would improve the profile of this fantastic game.
Paul Bauer

Reply #33423 | Report this post

Rock Lobster  
Years ago

i know i was at the dinner and it was bloody unreal from what i could see and remember after all those jugs of beer on my table.

Reply #33450 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Potsie, good to see you post here.

Did anyone think to inform the legends who weren't there on the night, that they'd made the all-time team? Just a thought .....

Reply #33505 | Report this post

Years ago

Good on ya Potsy. You deserve more credit then you get not only for th Sturt Basketball club but basketball in SA in general. keep up the good work.

Reply #33575 | Report this post

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