Years ago

Deron Williams close to signing with Turkish team

The ramafications of the NBA lockout.

I wonder if the NBL can pick up anyone.

Topic #25832 | Report this topic

Years ago

The NBL can definitely get NBA players to play down-under.

Like I mentioned in other threads, during the lockout, NBA players want to go to a league where they can still play in a competitive environment without alot of pressure and without a heavy game schedule.

NBA players would be turned off from places like Spain and Lithuania.
In those leagues, there is immense pressure from owners and fans (Basketball is their religion per se), the game schedule is extremely heavy (A team like Barcelona plays 75 games a season) and then you have the language barrier and the fact that their league runs over Winter.

NBA players that come to the NBL can experience a 30 game or so schedule over a long time meaning they can stay fresh and continue to get their vitally important off-season strength workouts in. Their wouldnt be too much pressure on them to perform..Certainly not as much as in Europe. Our season runs over Summer and some teams are based in extremely nice holiday areas (Gold Coast, Townsville, Cairns) And then of course, Australia is an English-speaking Country.

Reply #322777 | Report this post

and our $ holding ok against the greenback.

I agree we could definitely attract second tier NBA players - I think the only way we would get a big name would be if they wanted the australian experience

Reply #322780 | Report this post

Ain't no G  
Years ago

Williams has agreed in principle to $200,000 a month. For an NBA superstar, the nbl could definitely land an NBA role player going by this figure

Reply #322781 | Report this post

Years ago

Besiktas is the team that lured Allen Iverson last season, and is the team that our own AJ Ogilvy has just departed for Valencia.

They are obviously flush with some money!

Will be interesting to see what eventuates.

Reply #322785 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #322787 | Report this post

Years ago

And Besiktas have also signed NBA centre Zaza Pachulia!

Besiktas agree on terms of contract with Zaza Pachulia

Reply #322788 | Report this post

Muzz Buzz  
Years ago

How many NBL clubs could come up with that sought of cash though.

Reply #322790 | Report this post

Years ago

What's the deal with 3rd party involvements contributing towards luring a player?

Surely some basketball fan can help out the clubs by throwing in some extra incentives.

Eg Hood Sweeney?

Reply #322794 | Report this post

Years ago

MACDUB, you should post what u just wrote to Larry Sengstock. He needs to sell the same message to NBA agents on behalf of the NBL. Sell it as a lifestyle thing where maybe they don't make as much as cash, but they aren't overworked, they speak the language and they can do the touristy thing as well.

It would be a a really great thing for the league if each team could get one quality NBA player. It would give the NBL an instant marketing focus for next season and you could talk about the weekly marquee matchup between each team's NBA 'star'.

How about Patty Mills v Aaron Brooks? Reggie Williams v Al Thornton? Troy Murphy v Kris Humphries? Chris Douglas-Roberts v Shannon Brown? Leon Powe v Shelden Williams?

Who knows, a couple of them might even stay! Shelden Williams would be the perfect candidate. He was a dominant college player and high draft pick who was never able to translate his game to the NBA because of a lack of size. But he could be the next Mark Davis over here if he stuck around. He'd probably enjoy being a big fish in a small pond after constantly being seen as a disappointment in the NBA.

Reply #322816 | Report this post

Years ago

I guess a question a lot of people would ask about those players is "who?"

Reply #322820 | Report this post

Years ago

I am wondering 'who' about some of them, and have more than a passing interest in the NBA, albeit mostly following the Aussie interests and the top few teams.

The other major issue with overhyping something with an influx of talent from overseas is the inevitable (and probably mid-season) letdown when they all return to the NBA.

Reply #322821 | Report this post

Juror 12  
Years ago

Surely this Deron signing is a good thing as far as resolving the lockout goes. If owners see that their (star) players aren't afraid to go and play elsewhere then surely they will have to cave on some demands?

Reply #322822 | Report this post

Years ago

Beantown, would love to see Kris Humphries come play in the NBL.
But only to see Kim Kardashian courtside at one of his games :-)

Reply #322823 | Report this post

Years ago

Sheldon would be a good grab, only prob is he's married to Candice Parker and not sure if he'd leave his family to play out here. Surely one of the NBL clubs can find the cash to bring a NBA player out here, most likely only a bench player? but still would bring some excitement to the league!!!
Would be even sweeter if a hi profile player came down for a 'holiday' and earned a bit of pocket money playing nbl ball while on vacation. Can't Kobe shoot a sprite commercial or something here....

Reply #322870 | Report this post

gun dad  
Years ago

no way they would come unless as a family - they have a little one and CP has an injury at present - CP will have team USA commitments for London. So that just about stonewalls that.

Reply #322888 | Report this post

Years ago

Sheldon is only one of many potential imports for the NBL.

Lets be realistic here though..You can't tell me that the winter months in Lithuania, Spain, Russia, Italy or France are more inviting than a Gold Coast, Townsville, Cairns or Sydney summer.

While European players are sitting indoors waiting for practice while it snows, Players in the NBL are basking in the summer sun at the beach.

Now I don't mean to come off racist, but don't African-American's really enjoy the summer scene? (Imagine how much fun LBJ was having at Miami)

There are definitie lifestyle advantages associated with the NBL, and it is these lifestyle advantages which need to be promoted/proposed to potential NBA imports.
Sure, the NBL isn't able to compete with European clubs financially, but it is sure as hell head and shoulders ahead of Europe in terms of what it offers as a lifestyle choice.

Reply #322893 | Report this post

Years ago

MACDUB, you should post your resume into BA and/or the NBL!

Darius Songaila signs with Turkish team

Another NBA player signs in Turkey, this time Songaila signing a 1 year deal worth US$1.5m (plus bonuses) with Galasataray.

Reply #323045 | Report this post

Years ago

The Raptor's Sonny Weems has also signed a 1 year deal with Lithuanian team Zalgiris.

Sonny Weems signs Lithuanian contract

From the article:

Weems played last season for Toronto and was a restricted free agent. The Raptors extended a qualifying offer, meaning they would maintain the right to match any offer by another team if he returned to the NBA.

Montgomery says Weems could play 70 games next season between the Lithuanian and Euroleague schedules, a good opportunity for a young player instead of losing the entire year if the NBA and players don't reach a deal. He didn't disclose the value of the contract.

Reply #323046 | Report this post

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