Years ago

Referee Meeting

Last night new Referee Director Neil Poulton, in conjunction with BASA held a referees meeting to discuss the new changes being implemented into the refereeing system. The following were the main points that were discussed:

1. Junior training referees on saturday mornings and friday nights will be wearing a yellow (or alternate colour) shirt to signify that they are a training referee. It was mentioned that this could be a possibly bad decision by 'painting a target' on the referee, but according to study done through other sports this was not the way. Other sports tested were football and soccer were training referees were not as attacked as much. I believe in the basketball environment where coaches, and spectators are alot closer to the action this could cause a problem. What are peoples views on this?

Referees also once they have passed their level one course will have to wear a grey shirt in all games to show that they are at that standard.

2. Referees courses will be run yearly, where all referees have the option to undergo the level course which is above them. Eg a level one referee has the option of attempting the level two course in 2005 and if succesful has the option of completing the level 3 course in 2006. As the courses are difficult in both written and practical this means that a referee will not automatically go up a level each year, but the referee must pass the course to gain that accreditation. Course will run for approx 9 months each with a referee being constantly looked at.

3. Senior games will be ideally only refereed by those who are level 2 or above. As many referees who do the games currently are not level 1 this will not change for the time being, but will be intergrated over the next 6 months.

4. BASA and Neil have recruited an extra 10 referee coaches, or evaluators, so that all referees will be looked at more often.

5. An open speaking policy where referees may ask their evaluators, for what reasons they have not recieved certain appointments of championships. This allows referees to be told in what areas they must improve to be considered for those games.

6. The reporting system has changed. The old system consisted of a A5 report form which only allowed small detail. Now a 2 page report form has been constructed to allow furthur detail into the incident.

These are some of the changes being implemented into the refereeing system either immediatley or over the next season.

Thoughts or opinions welcome.

Topic #1686 | Report this topic

Nathan Wieland  
Years ago

Who are the additional referee coaches?

Does that mean that the black and white shirt is a thing of the past?

Reply #19128 | Report this post

Long Memory  
Years ago

Excellent. I'd be interested to know the pay scale as well though.

Reply #19129 | Report this post

Years ago

From what i have gathered nathan the black and white is a thing of the past.

Names where not given for the additional referee coaches but we were ensured that 22 of them now exist.

Pay rates were touched on, and the idea of leveling out the pays instead of having numerous amounts. Your L0, L1, L2, L3 will still be different but more simplified. But yet more discussion is being done about it.

Reply #19131 | Report this post

Nathan Wieland  
Years ago

I already have way too many of those grey shirts. Don't know how many times I've nearly put the wrong one on before realising that it was for the wrong league.

Good to see that education is getting the attention it deserves.

The pay rates for juniors and div 2/3/4/5 need to be looked at, but I doubt anything would change before the new financial year comes around.

Reply #19134 | Report this post

Years ago

In my opinion highlighting trainee referees is a good idea. You may be annoyed at a decision but see the shirt and decide "hey Rookie mistake - happens to all of us".

Could mean that the other more experienced ref gets more curry though...

Reply #19146 | Report this post

what the  
Years ago

all sounds good - let's at least give it a try - and if it needs fine tuning - we'll work on it then.

Reply #19164 | Report this post

what the  
Years ago

how does it all sit with FIBA requirements?

or can we make our own bylaws on this?

Reply #19165 | Report this post

The Punisher  
Years ago

I think this is a great idea in theory, will help the younger umps coming through the system, & should be embraced by all.

But it wont help with the older lazier umpires that have absolutely no intention of improving themselves. And unfortunately there are too many of them in South Australia.

Reply #19177 | Report this post

Nathan Wieland  
Years ago

FIBA for a long time has had a grey shirt without a collar. It's only Juniors and Social that would be using the old black and white shirt.

In regards to the older lazier umpires - what grade competition are you talking about?

Reply #19207 | Report this post

Years ago

they probably go along with the older lazier players who can't be bothered improving.

or the older lazier coaches who can't be bothered learning the rules nor more modern techniques.

or the older lazier posters who can't be bothered to do anything but criticise others.

Reply #19217 | Report this post

The Punisher  
Years ago

Nathan - I was talking about some of the umpires running around on a friday night and saturday mornings juniors, the senior umps seem ok to me. This new program implemented by basa & the ref director needs to be successful. Hopefully a new wave of umps can weed out some of these older refs that HAVE NOT IMPROVED and belong at social ball & help make basketball successful in this state once again.

Anonymous - i have no probs giving credit where its due, but the fact of the matter there are umps that do not deserve it.

Reply #19325 | Report this post

Nathan Wieland  
Years ago

You've made a valid point Punisher, without pressure from below those at the top will not strive to achieve. Same thing applies in all walks of life and is no different here.

Things will improve, slowly to start with. I don't think you will see any real progress until 2 years from now.

Reply #19373 | Report this post

Years ago

Well yes Nathan I reckon you are spot on - it will take time butsome things need to be addressed now and this state needs some person at the top to put some pressure on Basa to work harder on improving the referee standards thru out all leagues!!!! Ie Communication and Training of Refs

Reply #19637 | Report this post

knobbly knees  
Years ago

numbers are the key issue - get them up - people compete for spots - puts some pressure on

Reply #19639 | Report this post

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