afroman Jnr
Years ago

Year 10 Knockout 2008

with it coming into the school basketball season, just wondering peoples predictions for boys yr 10 knockout.

Unley have a decent team from what i've heard and also hear Concordia may be underdogs with one or two good players

what are peoples thoughts?

Topic #15516 | Report this topic

Years ago

have they even had tryouts yet?

Reply #183172 | Report this post

afroman Jnr  
Years ago

what do you mean mate?

Reply #183176 | Report this post

man of the moment  
Years ago

haha afroman jnr you just want ppl to talk up concordia cos im guessing that you go there am i right?

Reply #183177 | Report this post

afroman Jnr  
Years ago

nah mate sorry you are mistaken i actually go to unley.
i have just been hearing it from my friend for the past week how good they are and just wondering peoples thoughts.

Reply #183180 | Report this post

man of the moment  
Years ago

haha sure mate i can tell your from concordia just by the way your talking

Reply #183183 | Report this post

afroman Jnr  
Years ago

ok mate if u say so
i do have a couple of friends from concordia and play for sturt who have been saying alot,
but the unley team should be hard to beat with some very talented players

Reply #183184 | Report this post

man of the moment  
Years ago

haha omg ur a laugh mate now ur just trying to cover it up and im guessing u also play for sturt with the way ur talking am i right?

Reply #183185 | Report this post

Years ago

leave him alone man of the moment hes just trying to start a conversation about yr 10 knockout so get of his back

Reply #183186 | Report this post

afroman Jnr  
Years ago

yea i play for sturt, and what does that have to do with it?

from last years sacred heart were very good but are they any good this year? also any country teams?

Reply #183187 | Report this post

man of the moment  
Years ago

your very predictable afroman jnr!

and who gives a shit about yr 10 knockout its just young kids trying to be arrogant

Reply #183189 | Report this post

afroman Jnr  
Years ago

and im guessing ur just an arrogant arm chair critic?
who thinks they know everything about basketball even though they havnt picked up a basketball since they gained that keg?

just the thing that comes to my head

Reply #183190 | Report this post

Years ago

man of the moment, can you please stop being annoying and just let us have a conversation about year 10 knockout. (Who are the talented youngster from Unley (or aren't we allowed to mention kids names on here?) Do they have any state players?

Reply #183191 | Report this post

Years ago

MOTM - Afroman Jnr posted referencing Unley back in June 2007. How is it implausible that they're not making it up?

Reply #183192 | Report this post

Years ago

Man of the moment, your a jerk, probably amongst other terms you hear all the time, all pathetic. Piss Off!

Reply #183193 | Report this post

Years ago

Afroman Jnr, I'm not trying to dis u like MOTM but are you a year 10 unley student (not that there would be anything wrong with that?

Reply #183194 | Report this post

afroman Jnr  
Years ago

not yr 10, unley year 11 actually

and sorry to cause such a fuss just with friends in yr 10 ive been intertested in it so i was trying to find out from people who know something here

Reply #183195 | Report this post

Years ago

curious to know who u r cause i go to unley 2. anyway its not ur fault, MOTM caused the fuss.

Reply #183197 | Report this post

wutang noodles  
Years ago

Chill people!

Reply #183226 | Report this post

Years ago

im pretty sure i know who who afroman jnr. is and im pretty sure he goes to concordia. im not 100% but i havea fair idea who it is, i got told by one of his close friends.

anyway, Unleys got a strong team, bringing in the youngest of the Dalys to play point guard should be good. Also on the team, Blake Sutherland from last years Under 16 state team, and in terms of big men, Stephen Wright from Under 16s 1s will be on the team.

Reply #183234 | Report this post

Years ago

(Mod: Well, that's the last time I listen to another mod...)

Reply #183236 | Report this post

Years ago

Concordia should be quite competitive they have the makings of a very strong team and they have many talented kids that play ball from year 8 and up. Curious to know how a year 8 gets to play year 10 knockout though, are there no age restrictions?

Reply #183241 | Report this post

afroman Jnr  
Years ago

it also occurred with our unley team last year where we had a yr 8 student play in both year 8 knock out and then the next day in our year 10 team

Reply #183244 | Report this post

Years ago

does the youngest daly share tom's basketball genes?

Isaac, didn't you go to Unley?

Reply #183256 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah ild say Sam is going to be better than tom, hes showing amazing talent at the moment, im quite close with the young fella, and im pretty sure hes going to go somewhere big with basketball. He will easily follow his brothers footsteps if not going higher than tom.

Reply #183260 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon in reply to your question about are there restrictions, I dont think so, At unley they basically havea year 8 in the 9/10 team every year, they pic the best year 8 player to play.

Sam Daly got picked to try for the open knock out team this year

Reply #183261 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, I went to Unley many, many years ago.

Reply #183286 | Report this post

Years ago

"im from concordia and we versed those guys last year in knockout and we won, there not that great as a team, indivitualy there are though."

FOr those interested, Afroman Jr. said that in this thread


Reply #183299 | Report this post

Afroman Jnr  
Years ago

well ive been caught out on this one
although i didnt start this thread just to get everyone to talk about concordia.
i did start this because i have no idea about the other schools, (other then concordia and unley)

so dont kill this thread just because of my lack of covering up abilities.

Reply #183318 | Report this post

Years ago

isn't there also a ben daly?

where will tom end up? NBL?

Reply #183388 | Report this post

man of the moment  
Years ago

haha well well if i wasnt right after all got u afroman jnr seeing as im your mate from concordia in yr 10 and we play basketball together hehe got ya!!! so i was joking around ppl no need to get so angry but may i add concordia will have a very good yr 10 team this year and will be better than unley with plenty of good players, im not just sayin that cos i go there but they do have a very good group of players.

Go concordia!

Reply #183406 | Report this post

Years ago

Ben Daly, hes good, but he lives in the shadow of his other two brothers a bit. Tom and Sam seem to be getting their names everywhere and ben just hasnt got the same amount of talent, im not saying his bad because he is a good player but his brothers are better.
I would say tom will go over to play div 1 college, but im not sure if he will go anywhere from their, mainly because of his height, all the dalys are short and tom is a tall daly. But he defiently seems to be on teh right track for div 1 college then NBL.

On the topic of Concordia vs Unley in year 9/10 kncok out, i would say unley has a very good chance of beating them, dont get cocky, look what happened to cabra last year in the knock out grand final. Unley works well as a team.

Reply #183508 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous have you seen the Concordia team before?
2 under 18 div 1 players
3 under 16 div 1 players
2 under 18 div 2 players
that's there main 7 players all from Sturt and Forestville

Reply #183513 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah i know, but did you see cabras 9/10 team last year, it was an allstar team, they were made up of under 18 div 1 and 2 players, there wasnt an average player there. But Unley had 2 stars, Tim summers and Josh hayes and they won, so dont get cocky.

Reply #183657 | Report this post

Years ago

There are also a couple of U16 Div 2 kids at Concordia from Sturt and F/Ville as well

Reply #183658 | Report this post

Years ago

So what's the rule here, is it okay to use names to brag but not bag?

Reply #183662 | Report this post

Years ago

The school threads are a bit looser than juniors, but yes, try to keep it more positive than negative, and keep it fair.

Reply #183666 | Report this post

Years ago

"but did you see cabras 9/10 team last year, it was an allstar team"

please.... I think Cabra talk their players up a bit much....

Reply #183734 | Report this post

Years ago

im not from cabra im from unley Luke

Reply #183836 | Report this post

Years ago

i think i know who u r anonymous.

Reply #184554 | Report this post

Years ago

who do you think i am... tell me... but im from unley ill tell you that :)

Reply #184558 | Report this post

Years ago

ur name starts with L right?

Reply #184753 | Report this post

Years ago

when does year 9/10 knockout start!?

Reply #184754 | Report this post

Years ago

haha yeah thats me, good job you worked out who i am, howd you know?

Reply #184802 | Report this post

Years ago a genius

Reply #184964 | Report this post

Years ago

Cabra college will be shit with no isaih and kareta now. Theyve only got brodie who plays for himself.

If they can get Nathan Robertson and Bryce Shilton some time they might do ok!

Concorida will dominate with Chris Tormae and PETE

Reply #185196 | Report this post

Years ago

"Bryce Shilton - the dude played div 4 last season? yeah he should be a force.

Reply #185213 | Report this post

Years ago

I know afroman jr and i am 100% certain that he goes to concordia. about year 9/10 knockout I think that Concordia will win it but Unley also has a good change. Cabra is not very good anymore with Isaih gone to Brighton and Nathan K. also leaving. but they still have Brodie Grundy and Chris W.

Reply #185511 | Report this post

Afroman Jnr  
Years ago

thanks querty22, but think i already got busted and then admited it

sorry to all again for that, just trying to start a good discussion, NOT trying to talk up concordia

Reply #185514 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #186242 | Report this post

Years ago

Marryatville might actually be okay. they got big Ben for West under16 1 and Micheal Glezos for Norwood under16 1s. They could work well together. But I do admit that Condoria have a very good team......but will Adam Shearwood play, I hear that he is not able to play for sturt until he trains

Reply #187926 | Report this post

Victor kid  
Years ago

Adam I believe does not play bball anymore. He has decided to concentrate on his footy. Having seen him play footy he has made the right choice. If he puts his mind to footy he should go a long way. I played bball against him and state underage with him and he was one of the best and a great sport to go with it.

Reply #187928 | Report this post

Years ago

could it come down to coaching at all???

Reply #187934 | Report this post

Years ago

Adam is very talented sport-wise. He could go a long in Basktball as well as football if he concentrated on basketbaal.
With yr10KO, which schools had more than 4-5 Club ballers in divs 1 or 2?(becides Unley,Condiria and Cabrea)
Come on, which schools?

Reply #188126 | Report this post

Years ago

when does year 10 KO start!?

Reply #188202 | Report this post

Years ago

Marraytville will do well they have at least 6 six players that play district a couple of div one and a few div two. Heard that they have a good coach

Reply #188255 | Report this post

Years ago

Concordia will take it out for sure.

Reply #188270 | Report this post

Years ago

coaching will be the interesting thing players are known quantities the unknown coaching factor will play a large part for example schools that have teachers coachin who hav no idea will be hurt

Reply #188700 | Report this post

burger 44  
Years ago

heard that there is this kid from south u/16 d1 who plays for cabra, brett shomlaffel. hes a dominant force in his school team and chris and brodie will play well alongside him

Reply #191499 | Report this post

Years ago

st mics have a strong team but where not entering but unley are the best tema we've played for 2 years.

Reply #192906 | Report this post

Years ago

Who did Marryatville play in the first round? they were like a marone colour and had a few taleneted kids.. They lost by like 20 to Marryatville though and they didnt have glezos or ben

Reply #192913 | Report this post

Years ago

whoops that was open I was referring to. Looked like a year 10 game lol

Reply #192928 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #194171 | Report this post

Years ago

results will b known soon enough

Reply #196275 | Report this post

Years ago

well u better watch 4 ( my school name here) whooooooooooooooooooooo ownage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #199622 | Report this post

Years ago

marryatville won beat blackfairs well done

Reply #201837 | Report this post

Years ago

(insert school name here) rocked the stadium Whooooooooooooooooooooooo ownage

Reply #201847 | Report this post

Years ago

hey peeps

what are ur thoughts on Brighton

they have a solid line up with Isaiah (old cabra player) Ryan Gardner, Luke Davis, Sam Mckenzie and Nick Belfeild

what are ur thoughts

they won both of there first round games today against Blackwood and Heathfeild by over 60 points

Reply #201972 | Report this post

Years ago

wow thats a killing

Reply #202059 | Report this post

Years ago

Davis is really good, the other brighton kids are ok. No 2 schools that will beat em though.

Reply #202066 | Report this post

Years ago

so r i hear that scotch beat caoncordia lol

what happened shearwood lol and all the rest of the team

what u guys reckon of brightons chances of winning

Reply #205151 | Report this post

Years ago

no chance at all

Reply #205204 | Report this post

Years ago

has brighton played any decent sides yet? and do they have any bigs?

Reply #205213 | Report this post

Years ago

pretty sure youse have no idea
modbury are hell good
there whole team is district 1/2
Modbury is gonna take it out ay!

Reply #206734 | Report this post

Years ago

brighton all the way


got to get through cabra first but i reckon we can win

who plays for mobury

and scotch are fair sick

Reply #206912 | Report this post

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