Years ago
Dream Team
Well the scores are up for this round. I scored 498 with a weekly rankly of 210.
How did everyone else go?
A few players have been added to the competition now
Angelo Reyes (wollongong) $53,200
Bakar Hendrix (south Dragons) $55,300
Gerald Brown (Perth) $32,900
Isaiah Victor (sydney) $32,900
Anyone considering grabbing any of those players. I think Reyes is a great pickup and will help my team.
Also amazing how Sammy mac has dropped down to $146,600 but in all fairness it would be pretty damn hard to stay at $192,000 odd grand and be scoring 80+ dreamteampoints per game
Shane heal has dropped down to $57,000
Tragardh BIG improver up to $135,800 (+$63,500)
Hnson very good consistently rising to $129,800 (+$69,000)
Ballinger, Cattalini, Tucker, Muurseep, David Stiff, Boucher, Rillie, Saville, Grabau, Chappell, Copeland have all significantly dropped in cash