Years ago

Feedback on the ABA Blitz

Any suggestions, improvements for next year's ABA blitz. I am sure someone from the Blitz Committee will read this. Positives as well as negatives.

Topic #6276 | Report this topic

Years ago

Timed 12 minute halves would be better.

Reply #70837 | Report this post

still sweating  
Years ago

At least stop the clock in the last 2 minutes of each half. Saw a lot of world class time wasting. And 5 hours between semi and Grand Final for the guys was way too long. But it had a lot of potential for the future

Reply #70840 | Report this post

Years ago

Fully timed half for sure.
More Central location
All teams involved
A naming rights sponsor!!!!!!!! The new Ceo has missed out on a big oportunity here to make this a success.

Reply #70842 | Report this post

Years ago

Excellent venue for something like this even though it is a fair drive for most. There was plenty of places where the teams could sit down and relax (spare court, canteen area, bar area) and it was well catered.
Teams needed to play more games to make it more worthwhile. Should have played everyone once. Even if all ten teams played you could still have 9 minor round games and then 1v2, 3v4, etc for placings. Maybe six games on the Saturday and 4 on Sunday (do away with Friday night - not enough time and too many people involved with juniors)
Stop the clock the last minute or 30 secs of every game so close games can be decided more fairly.
No need for all star five or medallions for winners. Maybe a team trophy only. All the teams really want is a good hit out before the season - the actual results count for nothing. Mind you some prize money would add a bit of spice - but the only way to do this is to get sponsorship which is always difficult or to charge the teams more which is a definite no no.
Definitely persist with it and do it again next year with some improvements.

Reply #70844 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, why is it difficult to find a sponsor????? I would have thought it would be eazy

Reply #70845 | Report this post

Years ago

i disagree with having prize money.

I think it should be used as a warm-up carnival, and for working on team chemistry, fine-tuning plays, seeing what player combinations work, and a bit of fun before the season proper starts.

if you add prize money, then teams stop worrying about the purpose of the carnival and end up priming themselves to start by feb 17th not march 5th of whatever it is.

Reply #70852 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe instead of prize money they should put any sponsorhip money towards other things - eg don't charge teams the $100, provide sandwiches, fruit, drinks etc for the players, or a BBQ after the last game on Sunday avo

Reply #70855 | Report this post

Years ago

Firstly i think 'the blitz' has enormous potential, and i feel that a few small changes are all that is required to make it a huge success.
1. Compulsory for all 10 teams to compete.
2. Rather than increase the number of games, keep the number of games the same and make it a more quality hit out. Ie. like a number of people have suggested on the forum, make it 2x12 minute halves fully timed, or even 2x10 fully timed. 2x12 mins with running clock is almost a foreign game and simply goes too quickly for it to simulate game situation closely. 2 groups of 5, and that guarantees all teams at least 4 more solid hit-outs, with the top 2 from each pool advancing to the can have play-offs if you wish, but probably not.
3. A more central location would certainly help, however if all teams have notice prior to Christmas, then there is no excuses not to plan for a team weekend up at gawler.
4. Less breaks between the games.
Many positives from the weekend.....and a great concept, congratulations to the Centrals North and Woodville clubs for hosting the tournament.

Reply #70876 | Report this post

Years ago

It cost teams only a hundred dollars to play?????? Trust me that is a bargain basement price and I donĀ“t think that should get any cheaper.

Reply #70882 | Report this post

Years ago

As a non playing spectator, I loved it. The games were fast and furious, they didnt drag out and there really wasn't enough time for any team to make a huge break. It's probably comparable to the 20/20 cricket.

Reply #70891 | Report this post

Years ago

johno - the only way the number of games should stay the same is if they were fully timed 48 min games. Going all the way to Gawler for 3 or 4 half games is a bit of a waste. Keep it at 2x12 but have 10 games over the weekend

Reply #70922 | Report this post

Years ago

10 games is absolutely ridiculous anonymous.....playing everyone would result in quite a number of 'dead' rubbers towards the end of the minor team A loses their first 4 games, and has nothing to play for in their last 5 games....would disintegrate into nothing games. also very hard for teams to be mentally prepared for 10 games....give them 4 games to concentrate on and make it slightly longer game than on the weekend, and i think you have a winner!!

Reply #70970 | Report this post

Years ago

I gotta say - it has great potential.

2 x 12 minute halves of basketball instead of 4 x 12 minute halves - similar to 40 overs of cricket instead of 100 overs of cricket.

Great way to get the game on its feet!! Just have to take the opportunity and do as much as you can with it.

Reply #71015 | Report this post

Years ago

the sh###est tournement i have ever played in. so many games could have been better if the clock stopped and if the ref's didn't waste the time as well. they were pretty much there for decoration anyway. next year better location timed games and more of them. p[laying in a couple of short games wouldn't tyre out the most un fittest of our aba players. think about it guys.......

Reply #71125 | Report this post

Years ago

jonno - you have missed the point of the tournament. The teams would have plenty to play for. No one cares whether they win the tournament - it is about fine tuning for the season.

Reply #71136 | Report this post

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