The Banker
Years ago

Uniform Clashes in Juniors

Last night watched a basketball game between Forestville and Centrals and both teams were wearing there blue uniforms

Centrals were team B but due to new players to club not all players had white singlets and due to being within 5 weeks of start of the season that isnt an issue but my understanding was that the Forestville team all had there alternate uniform at the game and i believe they refused to wear the gold singlets on the basis that they were team A and they didnt have to it was central that needed to.

and that is the rule, team B needs to change uniform

This game was close and during the entire game both teams were turning the ball over after passing it to the other team

As part of the forestville basketball club i was disappointed that the eagles team didnt use their common sense and change their uniform

in the end of the game after eagles lead the entire game they lost to centrals by about 6 points

In my mind this loss could of been avoided if the eagles had changed their uniform, using there common sense.

Topic #22934 | Report this topic

Cat in the Hat  
Years ago

What age group are we talking here? If it was a younger group in particular it doesn't send a great message to the kids about sportsmanship and the spirit in which the game should be played.

Reply #276686 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I say sucked in.

Yes, you were technically right in refusing to change, but F me! Basketball is a minor sport in this country and Centrals are trying to grow the sport by attracting new players.

Pigheadedness is not a quality that looks good. An inability to negotiate is something that causes more problems than it is worth in society. Wars have been started because egotistical leaders have failed to negotiate effectively.

Once again, sucked in.

Reply #276688 | Report this post

The Banker  
Years ago

This was under 18 girls where they were all bottom age so ur looking at them being 15 or 16 depending if they already had the birthday this year.

Reply #276689 | Report this post

The Banker  
Years ago

This was under 18 girls where they were all bottom age so ur looking at them being 15 or 16 depending if they already had the birthday this year.

Reply #276690 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

OK, so Centrals didn't have a team last season and have assembled a team for this season. Well done Centrals for growing the sport. Let's hope the girls build as a team and have a great season so they play next season.

Reply #276692 | Report this post

Years ago

Eagles should have just changed who cares if they have to swap to yellow it still shows thier logo, colours and club name.
They paid the price and lost the game.

Reply #276693 | Report this post

Years ago

hey if dont like your alterative then get a one you like
sooks really - protest cost you the game -

Reply #276696 | Report this post

Hydra 41  
Years ago

This is always the case with Centrals.

Jack, do you know how long centrals has been tring to "grow the sport"? They are no better now than they were 20 years ago. And every year or 2 they say they are getting back to growing their juniors, but it never happens.

The last president said the same thing then agreed to pay Erin Phillips $10k for what ended up being 1 game. And do you think that the mens teams getting imports has anything to do with the current president having a son in the team?

If centrals want to be taken seriously, their administrators should have made sure that the team had the correct uniforms, before they started playing.

Once Janx gets jack of the unfulfilled promises, he will be like the others who have come before him. Best of intentions, but nothing to show for it.

Forestville should win the game on a forfiet and centrals should be fined.

Reply #276697 | Report this post

Cat in the Hat  
Years ago

Excellent post Hydra, I agree with pretty much everything you have said. Same shit different day when it comes to Centrals and how good things are going to be one day.

Reply #276699 | Report this post

Years ago

Be careful centrals or the eaglets will have you reseeded in the state champs

Reply #276703 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Oh Hydra, don't you have any compassion?

Reply #276704 | Report this post

Hydra 41  
Years ago


What, so that someone as inexperienced as yourself can blub out the same chorus that has been used every couple of years to keep centrals in the competition.

Next we hear will be the whole "growth area" and "super school development program" garbage.

The sooner basketball works out that you shouldn't be given opportunity, but rather earn it the better.

Reply #276705 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Who says I'm with Centrals?

Hydra, you're obviously with one of the bully boys of the competition and won't it be great when "Club 1" 1 plays "club 2" 1, "club 1" 2, "club 1" 3 etc in the competition. That'll be as boring as!

Believe it or not, the best competitions in any sport have teams who are all similar strength. You'll always get clubs/teams stronger, some weaker.

If any of your seven heads had a brain, you'll understand it.

Reply #276708 | Report this post

Hydra 41  
Years ago

Maybe just a little more basketball educated than you!

And now we are using the left wing scare mungering about competition and its evils. Piss weak.

Melbourne has a qualification system. More than 1 team from each team can qualify for VC as well as top 10.

Not only can smaller and more recent clubs like Werribee or McKinnon come into existance, but they can grow and improve.

They can also go from nothing to being the best like Dandenong have.

The difference is that they weren't guarenteed opportunity, but rather earn't it by making good decisions rather than giving a player $10K for 1 ABA game.

Basketball can't move forward becuase clubs like yours is holding it back. And unless things change, it will be the same in another 10 years.

Reply #276709 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

So, you are obviously a Centrals hater, which means that you feel some injustice by that club in the past.

Are you sure she was paid the full $10,000 for one game?
You seem pretty fixated on that $10,000 for one game and in my experience, people who are obsessed about incidents and continue to raise them years later have usually been hurt and then consequently scarred as a result of the incident and then can't seem to let go and move on with their life.

Just joining the dots here, but for you to continue to mention the incident and to be so serious about it, indicates to me that you were personally involved in the incident and suffered some hurt as a result of the person in question leaving one club to join another to try to make a positive difference to basketball in this state.

Not being able to let go is a common condition and in the most extreme end of the spectrum, it's can lead to "post Traumatic Stress Disorder". Sometimes it can manifest itself in OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

Do you need a little help letting go?

Reply #276710 | Report this post

Years ago

Hahaha Loved watching this thread.

Hydra 41 do you need a hug? Totally agree with Jack on this one. Hydra to fine an under 18 girls team for not all having a white singlet would be a joke.

Everyone whinges and whines when a club like Centrals beat them, but when they are thrashing them it's the same story of like why are Centrals in the comp.

1. Centrals is a region in Adelaide where players come from. Hence why they're needed in the comp.

2. Who cares about a past incident with a $10k payment to Erin Phillips for one game. Centrals had the right idea of luring a high profile player so it can attract fans and more female ballers to the club which as we know Centrals does need.

Hydra do you have anything else you want to whine about before you ask for a hug?

Reply #276711 | Report this post

Years ago

Ha ha jack love your work!

Reply #276714 | Report this post

Years ago

jack's certainly a centrals man cause they need a psych!

Reply #276718 | Report this post

Hydra 41  
Years ago

It is merely a highlight of common decisions by a club that hasn't changed in 20 years

Do you need there examples.

This and last years imports. Waste of money. Same as Phillips, you can't generate the type of money it costs becasue ABA doesn't make money. And at the end of the season, you are left with nothing. Kids aren't going to come and play for clubs because they have these types of people playing for them. If they did, surely Centrals would have more people playing due to Erin Phillips time there. Its a flawd theory, allowed to occur because clubs like Centrals are guarenteed div 1 status and don't have to earn it.

Paris McCudy, Jerrey Dennard and Kelvin Hernderson all in the same team is another. Same argument was made back in those days and BASA was told centrals was going to go back and devlop juniors rather than try and win seniors by buying players.

Nobody is saying that centrals should be disbanded, just that they will not actually engage in a long term development play unless they are made too. If they had to qualify for div 1 at junior level they would then have the choice of working harder or diverting senior resources into their juniors.

Reply #276730 | Report this post

Years ago

At Marion LC on Friday night, Under 18 Boys South wore Netball Bibs vs Magic which was really a joke !

Marion LC had the sum total of three games on Friday night, when will BSA shelve this project and put games at Wayville/Pasadena or even the Marion Stadium

Porr rostering of refs, no refs want to go there for two games....what the

Reply #276732 | Report this post

Years ago

annon - there were already Div 1 games at Marion Stadium on Friday night. There was no room for low divs. With the number of teams playing Friday nights, court space is at a premium.

Reply #276733 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, but every week there is spare courts at Pasadena and Wayville.

BSA are just throwing money away out of the sport.

Reply #276735 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Not involved with either party re the Central didn't bring their alternate tops and Forestville wouldn't wear theirs but Judge Guthrie has made his decision. Central might be disorganised but Forestville are unnecessarily stubborn and not playing in the spirit of the game. Ruling in favour of the Centrals plantiff, with the game awarded to Centrals by 6 points which coincidentally, is what happened.

Next ruling? Melbourne Demons v AFL umpires. Stay tuned.

Reply #276745 | Report this post

Years ago

yes, it's a joke that south have to change against western magic in the first place and an even bigger joke that they still couldn't win the game with the 20 points awarded them

Reply #276757 | Report this post

Years ago

wHOSE TO BLAME dfor allowing magic in the comp with obvious clash uniform
same people who cant get 10 teams for under state champs -
marion LC has ganmes every week while watyville / pasdadena have spare courts teams made to travel unneccessarily
bylaws changed to suit but not to assist aka Under 18 forfeits / under 20 forfeits

Reply #276765 | Report this post

Years ago

Have to agree with Moses Guthrie.

Reply #277059 | Report this post

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