Years ago

Skip: Music Choices Late In the Sixers/Tigers game

Over the years I have been vocal about the music at the Sixers game ... I very much dislike it but over the years I have come to understand the need for it. And as much as I dislike the music I think Skip does a decent job - better that any of his predecessors.

I say the following only because I believe that skip looks for constructive critiscm - so with the game in the balance "Hey Baby" by DJ Otzi and "YMCA" by the Village People were 2 very poor choices.

I can't understand the need to play 2 smiley, let's all be involved, family fun, happy clapper songs in such a tense moment. It is my belief that the crowd relaxs with those kind of tracks. Why not play something foreboding, exiting, edgy ... a "Welcome to the Jungle" or something of that ilk ...even the generic moody music that you play at the start of the game would be good.

I understand the need to get the crowd and families invloved ... I noted that during the time when you were played these songs in the late stages of the game that it was mainly the underage kids and the oldies that were clapping along and the "hardcore" fan was sitting in silence understanding the state of the game. A rousing song in this stage could easily set the tone for the true Sixer fan to get behind their team.

I'm just saying is all ...

Topic #21762 | Report this topic

Black Dracula  
Years ago

Realistically it's the families you have to keep happy at games...families generally have less money to spend on entertainment so you have to give them the best experience for their money.

I don't think it's right to contrast "families" and "true Sixer fans"...just because they don't get boozy and vocal doesn't mean they're not fans. Yeah it'd be nice if we had something to make the rowdier young blokes (like myself) arc up and make noise, but I don't think it's really too much of an issue.

Reply #259525 | Report this post

Years ago

I hear ya BD and I agree with you but I'm just saying with regards to the music - the families can have the first 35 minutes to be "super family happy fun time hour" and clap along and be happy happy joy joy ... let the basketball fans have the last 5 minutes.

The music late in the game should create tension and an atmosphere - I'm saying that YMCA and Hey Baby don't do that.

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Black Dracula  
Years ago

Yeah, you're right...but all I'm saying is, the hardcore b-ball fans are going to rock up regardless.

Personally, I really don't like 95% of the music played at games but hey, I tolerate it because I'm a Sixers fan through and through. Families are easier to turn away though since as I've said, it's a lot harder for them (usually) to commit to coming to a whole bunch of games every season.

To me, the last few minutes of a game is the time that you should be doing whatever you can to please the G rated crowd, since that's what they'll remember when they leave the stadium.

What I'd like to see (well, hear) is Welcome to the Jungle used as tipoff music rather than pre game, or something like Enter Sandman...something more hyped up, more ominous.

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Years ago

Question: What is the song that is played when the Sixers players names are called out?

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Camel 31  
Years ago

Was that the 300 violin orchestra..
I'd like that played in the the last few minutes also
Anyways - I'd like it played start and finish and in the middle , I love it... It's the BEST.

Reply #259679 | Report this post

Years ago

Achilles Last Stand by Led Zeppelin - Classic tense moment song.

Reply #259722 | Report this post

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