Years ago

Eligiblity for SASI

Can someone in the know please explain - how kids get into the SASI traiings squads - hear so much about it on Hoops - but I am in the dark as to how this works. EG When are the kids chosen, what age groups, how many from each Club, who chooses etc etc etc

Topic #9728 | Report this topic

Years ago

U14 TI camps, U16 State Trials, U14 Sapsasa, Club finals and games.

Reply #111062 | Report this post

Years ago

SASI selection occurs at the U14 TI Camp. The coaches select a group of players as a suggestion to Neil Gliddon. Attitude, performance and physical testing results are all taken into consideration.

U14 Sapsasa has no bearing at all, nor do finals.

From there, players are assesed at the end of each year regarding there improvment as too whether they are offered a further scholarship the following year.

At the U16 TI camp if a non-scholarship holder perfoms well they may be offered a scholarship into the program. This again is assesed by the coaches, with attitude and perfomance taken into consideration.

Each year again until players graduate after u18s players are assesed regarding their development and offered a further scholarship each year if they are deemed deserving.

Reply #111065 | Report this post

Years ago

#111065 - thanks for info - you seem to be in the know - but still I am "in the dark" as to how many kids from each club can be put into SASI squad, eg if one club had 5 that were good enough and another team had no-one - do the 5 get spots and the other club miss out.How many do they select in total for these squads? and when is next U14 T1 camp? for the next influx of SASI sholarships?

Reply #111148 | Report this post

Years ago

What club a player plays at is irrelevant. If they are good enough they are in no matter where they play. There is no set total either, some years are better and more players are selected in these years. For example a few years ago only 6 Under 18 2nd year boys were selected whereas most years 10+ are selected.

Reply #111161 | Report this post

Years ago

Mushroom, all good questions.

1/ Which club players are involved at is not taken into account when decisions are made as to who are invited. (even though some individuals complain that the selection process is bioased)

If one club had 9 players capable they would all be invited and yes if a club has nobody up to standard then they have no representation. Remember this is an underpining program to the AIS and not a program built to develop playres for each club.

2/ The total is determined by SASI. Generally there are 25 Full Scholarsips offered now, whereas before anybody who was in the U18 squad (usually around 24 boys and 24 girls) were considered all scholarship holders.

In the U16 age groups you have between 10 - 20 players in both boys and girls as well as top age and bottom age.

The total number in any age group usually depends upon the number of players that are capable of performing a tthe required level. this changes year to year depending on the age group.

3/ U14 Ti Camps are always held in the second week of the April school holidays.

Feel free to ask any more questions

Reply #111162 | Report this post

Years ago

#111162 - thanks for putting me "in the light" :)

Reply #111180 | Report this post

Years ago

Does anyone come out to normal games to scout out any new players for SASI or anything of that nature.

Reply #113001 | Report this post

Years ago

that would be to hard for neil or any sasi coach that means they have to work

Reply #113060 | Report this post

Years ago

So no one can recommend any players and come out to watch 1 of their games or send other people to go out and tell them what they think?

Reply #113070 | Report this post

Years ago

What is SASI cause there are players in there who dont play state and that do and how many players can be chosen for each under

Reply #113071 | Report this post

Years ago

(#113071) - Read the response from 111162 may answer your question about how many for "each under" - if that was what your question was? - - must be some valid reason for not all of them playing State - not developed enough, needs more experience, more skills...perhaps...

...and that is what SASI is for - I am sure for kids with potential to develop skills and gain experience - not every one of these kids would be ready at the same time to play state, but I am sure the bigger picture is for the long term development of these kids.

Reply #113080 | Report this post

Years ago

k thanks but i would still think it would be better if people came out to games to watch aswell if only for a little bit as players with potential but clubs without enough spaces wont be able to do anything

Reply #113101 | Report this post

Years ago

Dont worry, I have seen little santa and his little elves out watching a number of games over the years and they do talk. Just give all you got and practice if you want it and talk to your club coach too. Then make sure you also make the TI camps... effort=reward.

Reply #113112 | Report this post

Years ago

Ok, cheers:)

Reply #113379 | Report this post

Years ago

Would you be able to name any clubs or age groups that they were looking at?

Reply #113380 | Report this post

Years ago

The people you want to be aware of you, will be aware of you if you're knocking on the door of selection to either SASI or the Nationals so trust your own coach and club to have your best interests at heart.
Most of the SASI coaches are district coaches first and foremost so they see all the kids in their respective age groups.
A SASI coach is usually a respected DIV 1 club coach with the time to commit to the SASI program.
Naturally these coaches talk to each other about players which is both good and bad because perceptions play a large partin selections.
But, remember if you are good enough, practice hard and keep at it, you will get your chance. Work on your weaknesses, have a friend or parents do your stats and lift in the areas you need to. Good luck and believe in yourself.

Reply #113383 | Report this post

Years ago

what age group do you start in?

Reply #113410 | Report this post

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