Years ago

Playing in high temperatures

With the temperature 38 C tomorrow and higher over the weekend, what is the policy for junior basketball? I thought if it was 36 C and above by The Advertiser then no junior games would be played. Can this be confirmed

Topic #9645 | Report this topic

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

It's addressed here.

In a nutshell - games are on for this weekend, but there may be extra timeouts and extended breaks allowed.

Reply #109864 | Report this post

Melvin Corpuscle  
Years ago

I think for city south, the first post was correct ...

Reply #109865 | Report this post

Years ago

What is the duty of care for clubs and basa. Hope no child has problems as it could leave clubs and basa in front of the courts.

Reply #109887 | Report this post

How about we as parents start to ask Basa to pay us for time keeping or scoring.Or maybe at least free entry, you go to see your child play . Pay to get in and then you end up working and not seeing your child play.Thats a great buy!!!!!

Reply #109891 | Report this post

Years ago

But your child's playing right?

Personally, i don't mind playing on a 38 degree day.

But then again, i am a freak when it comes to heat.

Reply #109896 | Report this post

You do get free entry if you score... just return your ticket to the front box and say you scored

Reply #109897 | Report this post

FED UP WITH HAND IN POCKE, my god some people are ignorent. BSA is there for junior basketball. There are no shareholders, and no longer a professional basketball organisation pocketing the money. Those stadiums cost $Millions. BSA is there for basketball. The money goes back into basketball. So OK if you were chairperson for the day; BSA can pay parents to score and you can get in for free but your kids will end playing out on the streets and call thier own fouls. DINGBAT!

Reply #109906 | Report this post

Duty of care means showing a reasonable standard of care in the safety of others. By publishing policies and adjusting the rules BSA are exercising their duty of care.

If coaches are reasonable then they should be safe.

It is HIGHLY unlikely there will be issues. Infact, I would bet my life savings that no one will die from heat on a basketball court tomorrow night.

Reply #109908 | Report this post

Years ago

Where does the money go exactly as you are an expert and if policy on heat is decided by your betting , I hope ur not an administrator.
I keep hearing these stadiums cost millions,how about listing exactly who owns each one (private /schools/BSA) and where junior revenue is channelled.
What makes u think simply because the sixers are no longer recipients of funds from BASA that BSA will do any better with finances?

Reply #109924 | Report this post

HEY ding bat what about sat
and as far as playing in the street when myb kids play football it does not cost me or anybody else to watch them or cost me $180 in reg/fees on top of the weekly cost not all of us are as rich as you

Reply #109928 | Report this post

Years ago

109928, How much do you think an oval costs vs a basketball stadium? How many players in a football team sharing the costs? How many teams can train on an oval? How many football clubs run pokies and a bar and a drinking culture?

Basketball is no comparison to football.

109924, its different for each club ask your club who owns the stadium. If you want to know where the money goes its simple. Go to a club AGM and get a copy of the financials. Beleive it or not if you are a member of a club you own it, the clubs owned BASA. So if the clubs did own BASA and you own the club well.... ????? Is this making any sense????


Reply #109945 | Report this post

Years ago

BASA should cancel them now!! too hot - what if kids arent hydrated enough - whose responsbility is it! you cant MAKE a kid drink = some just wont do it - the coaches will get blamed - they shouldnt be put in this position - if something happens the liability should be BASA's for not making the decision to cancel - I hope this is not about the revenue that will be lost!!!!

Reply #109948 | Report this post

Years ago

eastern lowland gorilla, you do NOT get a refund if you score for your childs game.

That is only in social games. In district you have to pay.

Also it costs more to watch district juniors than it does to watch seniors.

Reply #109953 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

ELG - you're partially correct. I believe that's the case for senior games, but not for juniors.

Reply #109954 | Report this post

Years ago

It is all about revenue!!!!!

Reply #109958 | Report this post

Years ago

Dothesums & 2manydinbats2fewbullets,

Basketball just got rid of it's debt. And the stadiums are profitable. Is far as I know the only stadium which owes money is Wayville. ($600 000)

The revenue out of the BSA competitions will easily account for a couple of employee's. And now without the 36ers there will not be the need for multiple accountants, marketing staff and office workers.

So BSA do not need the money. It is purley a decision to make somebodies life easier. If the games are rescheduled then Paul Arnott has to organise the games again. Simple.

Reply #109963 | Report this post

xmas cheer  
Years ago

Read the policy and I think you will find there are compulsory time outs each quarter where the kids have to take in fluid. Same as the Vic rule. It wont be 38 at 6 to 10 pm - a bit of common sense tells you that but that seems lacking by the clowns posting above.

If you want your entry fee back because you scored - give it away - basketball does not need persons like you.

Reply #109968 | Report this post

Years ago

considering it it going to be 39 tomorrow, the issue is how much the temperature drops in the stadium in the evening, wouldn't think overnight minimum would be too low tonight........

for the older stadium, i suspect a few U12 and U14 games will be called off by 8 and remembering the kids are older it should be ok

Reply #109996 | Report this post

Years ago

Xmas cheer I think we need a bit less of you ...
Never seen in my time associated with Basketball in juniors, extra time for drinks etc but not saying it hasnt happened.
Forstville is a hot box and over 38 should be an automatic cancel.
I dont agree with the 16 and 18 age groups playing either in extreme heat after all it is junior basketball and rules for it should prevent it.
Why do we have to wait for the first tragedy to get it right and have to put up with all the heroic tales of players who are able to cope meaning all the others are weak in comparison.
If stadiums are air cond. and on that is (some dont put on for costs) play by all means but swelter sheds should not be allowed to open.

Reply #110027 | Report this post

Years ago

The U18's are playing tonight as well as Div 1's in other grades - playing in sweat boxes like Morphettvale, Marion and Port Adelaide - some teams have been left with no subs due to School B/B in Geelong. No subs means kids are playing for the whole game - someone at BASA please make a decision NOW

Reply #110032 | Report this post

Years ago

Simple just forfeit if you are concerned.

Reply #110042 | Report this post

Rhythm Willie  
Years ago

Airconditioned courts at Starplex will be empty tomorrow.

Reply #110046 | Report this post

Years ago

concerned is what bsa and clubs should be if any child goes into heat stress on sat.because most sports and schools even workplaces have a heat policy. Which is fair on all , and the games are fair

Reply #110050 | Report this post

Years ago

Be part of the solution not the problem. Its not up to individual teams to forfeit but BSA to have a substantial and proactive policy that stipulates above 38 degrees and no air con-no play.

Reply #110052 | Report this post

Years ago

Dear Mr BASA

Can you please make a decision NOW and cancel games tonight and tomorrow that are not in Air-conditioned stadiums. You can re-schedule these games next year in February - perhaps tonights and tomorrows rounds could be played on a Sunday. It is the sensible thing to do. You also will not find yourself on the receipt of Court action if a player becomes seriously ill or worse!

Thank you in anticipation

Concerned Mother/Father/Team Manager and Coach

Reply #110054 | Report this post

Years ago

A worst case scenario that sees a child perish after all thats been said and precious little done could well see BSA having to defend a foreseebale danger case. I for one do not want to see either.
Please BSA issue clear directives about heat that translate to easy to understand and enforce guidelines. Name a temperature, that in the worst of our stadiums, it is safe to play in and use that temperature as the base line to cut off all play for juniors.

Reply #110056 | Report this post

Years ago

do the sums

i have checked not many clubs own there stadiums

Reply #110059 | Report this post

Cultural Crap  
Years ago

Anon 110027

You idiot - read the rules in vic and you will see what a good heat policy is - to say we need less of xmas cheer shows how much of a melon head you are. Adhere to that policy and you do not have a problem and the kids are protected

Reply #110063 | Report this post

Years ago

110059 = What the......please explain

Reply #110064 | Report this post

Years ago

Cultural Crap - Would you agree that BSA policy is full of ambiguity and does not protect the kids

Reply #110065 | Report this post

Years ago

I wonder how popular BSA will be with the community if someone suffers from heat exhaustion tonight.

Reply #110082 | Report this post

Years ago

110059, correct! That is my point.

Why would clubs want to have basketball all year round? Because they think it develops players.

Its not because of revenue as stated above!

If they werent using the stadiums then someone else would be.

Reply #110096 | Report this post

Years ago

Do the sums,
Playing all year round does more harm than good IMO but we beg to differ.
So whats wrong with the stadiums being used by others and a longer winter played? An awful lot of school stadiums are empty most of the time and I don't see a line up of people wanting to hire them.
Winter and Summer fees are the same, that sounds like revenue raising.
Maybe get rid of some stadiums and centralize where basketball is played.
How many stadia have air conditioning? Why isnt it compulsory?
Instead of selling the dome they should have sold their interests in any other stadiums and consolidated basketball by playing all games at the dome and only in a longer winter season.

Reply #110137 | Report this post

Years ago

#110137. We currently use approx 23 courts on Friday nights and Saturday mornings. Can you please outline your programme for playing all of these at the Dome. (3 courts with centre court scorebench at end of court)
Perhaps we could play 24 hours a day for a few days each week.

Reply #110217 | Report this post

Years ago

Just got back from the TIN SHED at Morphettvale - It was damn hot - but the refs were well instructed by UIC Bill in enforcing time-outs - well done!

Reply #110222 | Report this post

Years ago

Dear sums so why does it cost me for the trainings on top of my club fees. and why cant they break down the fees to show where all of the money goes. Why do the kids have to pay for the aba players because i dont see much money going back into the juniors

Reply #110223 | Report this post

Years ago

if it was that hot then why did he not stop the games.luckly no one passed out. Now that would have been better for the players.again the bsa heat policy at work

Reply #110225 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard a rumour (and it was only a rumour) that before the Lightning were sold at it looked like they would be playing at Wayville this season, Workcover SA was quite interested.

The rumour had it on warmer days they would attend games, monitor the indoor temps and if it was too hot in accordance with Occ Health and Safety laws, they would have cancelled the game.

To be blaming BSA though is not right, most of the people there have only been in the job for a matter of weeks, or very few months.

There is a current policy in place so they said, lets stick to that for now.

Remember, Rome (or the old BASA) wasn't burnt in a day, it cant be fixed in a day either.

Reply #110229 | Report this post

lets get real  
Years ago

Yes when rome burnt many died so should that be what we have to wait for.Its not hard to work out a heat policy all workplace's and most good sport clubs have ones that are not money arrange but for the saftey of the workers or players .And people who can put them into action not just talk about it

Reply #110230 | Report this post

Matt Ryan  
Years ago

"re: Playing in high temperatures (#110032)

"No subs means kids are playing for the whole game"

ANON, And what about the refs who had to ref 3 and 4 games in a row tonight???

They have no subs either!

And if any refs called a time out due to "Hot Weather" tonight (as close to the half way point of a quarter), this was does because as per the directions from BSA "call an extra time out at the 5 minute mark of each quarter (or 4 minute mark), if a
time out hasn't already been called in that quarter"!

Thus, the timeout wasn't for the referees themselves, but rather beacuse teams hadn't called them yet!

Reply #110243 | Report this post

xmas cheer  
Years ago


Westminster last nite was fine - not air cond either. Common sense prevailed. All doors etc opened and refs made sure time outs etc taken. Well done to the gang running the show. The hottest part of the buuilding was the foyer - well done to Leonnie Ware who had to sit there

Reply #110252 | Report this post

Years ago

110243 - I dont think you need to explain that it was for the players but I am sure that the refs appreciated the time outs as well - As far as the heat policy goes - the refs should be the ones to enforce the time-outs if coaches aren't doing so

Reply #110255 | Report this post

Years ago

i know i was calling time outs on friday how could a ref not it was to hot and its for refs and players. if a a time out had been called early on in the quarter we were told to still call 1 at 5 min ( 4min) mark so every 1 could cool down its plody hard work doing 3 to 4 games in a row like that.(i would know as im a ref)

Reply #110429 | Report this post

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