Years ago
Green Shirt officials on Div 1 games????
I was out at a stadium on Friday nite and noticed a green shirt official umpiring a Div 1 game. It wasn't a U12's game which I think would be ok, but it was a U14 game.
Are we that short of qualified refs or is it that this guy should be in a grey?? He didn't seem to be doing to bad but it was noticeable that he was out of his depth. And without an experienced partner some situations looked quiet a farce. The game wasn't a close one, but in my opinion I think nothing higher than U12's or low U14 Div games. If the game was a close game I think that he might have been in a little bit of trouble.
I dont know if this happens at other stadiums (hope not) but as people get to read this I guess we will find out. Is the reason we are loosing refs because we are throwing them into the deep end to quickly???
(Please Please Please no ref bashing)