Years ago

Green Shirt officials on Div 1 games????

I was out at a stadium on Friday nite and noticed a green shirt official umpiring a Div 1 game. It wasn't a U12's game which I think would be ok, but it was a U14 game.

Are we that short of qualified refs or is it that this guy should be in a grey?? He didn't seem to be doing to bad but it was noticeable that he was out of his depth. And without an experienced partner some situations looked quiet a farce. The game wasn't a close one, but in my opinion I think nothing higher than U12's or low U14 Div games. If the game was a close game I think that he might have been in a little bit of trouble.

I dont know if this happens at other stadiums (hope not) but as people get to read this I guess we will find out. Is the reason we are loosing refs because we are throwing them into the deep end to quickly???

(Please Please Please no ref bashing)

Topic #9552 | Report this topic

Years ago

i was surprised to see a young referee doing my daughters under 18 game at the Dome.

i was surprised since i have only seen him do sat mornings.

To his credit he did a good job.

i thought though that someone must of been watching him incase something did happen.

To my surprise the UIC was no where to be seen

Reply #108699 | Report this post

Years ago

Surprised the UIC was nowhere to be seen at the Dome!

I'm shocked!!!

Reply #108710 | Report this post

The Worm  
Years ago

U10 DIV 1 Boys Grand Final last season had two green shirt umpires. Dont agree at all with that regardless of the age group or division. Like two L plate drivers teaching each other how to drive????Fantastic Policy just bad use I guess. That was at Dome too!

Reply #108723 | Report this post

colonel clink  
Years ago

this is an old clipping from a country newspaper sports page that has humoured many -


General news

Umpires are reminded proper footwear must be worn when umpiring (not thongs, sandals, slip-ons or bare feet). A penalty fine of $20 will apply.

Running or walking across courts while play is in progress is dangerous and forbidden. People lining up to purchase from the canteen must refrain from standing on the court.


wonder about the by - law for umpiring in bathers on hot days

and the reference for umpiring in thongs - i presume the foot sort - not the G string style !!!! WTF

Reply #108724 | Report this post

Years ago

why is an UIC seen at the dome and why isnt anything done about it

these young kids need someone to guide them, not just thrown them on a game and give their money at the end

Reply #108736 | Report this post

Years ago

I had 2 grey shirts umpiring my daughters game last Friday night at Port Adelaide and I wish I had 2 green shirts because they would have been better.

Reply #108751 | Report this post

Years ago

to anon(#108699) you were supposed to have 2 level2 referees on your game, one pulled out. thats life, they made do with what they had. in this case it was a very good choice. im sure he would have done better if the UIC hadnt changed the roster sent out, where he would have been with a level2 ref and not a level 1 referee. but the UIC thought that it'd be better to put 2 level2 refs on the 40 point blow out on the boys game instead.... nice decision that one

To anao(#108710)i agree with you, and it is not just you that is wondering why the UIC at the dome is not being seen. i know of various numbers of times when there has been (i hate to say this since we're not ref bashin, but here it is) shyt reffin, but normally he is sitting up at the top doing his paperwork for his job not as a UIC, but for his other role with BSA, rather then coming down and helping those juniors that he has.

But BSA needs to look at this situation, especially since by the end of the game the UIC was already gone (before play finished) because he thought that his role with city-south was more important. Yeah, we're not good enought to play district so we play shitty-south.
If this is your preference as a UIC then dont be UIC at the dome. Even better, BSA should have cut his money since he wasnt there for the whole program.....

Can somebody from BSA please go on here and tell us if the UIC at the dome got paid the full amount on Sunday (which is more cos its a sunday), even though he left early!

Reply #108769 | Report this post

Years ago

just so you know i thought the young kid on the game did a good job. Just thought someone should of been there just in case

Reply #108780 | Report this post

Years ago

Well the bloke he was with didn't seem that bad.....

Reply #108781 | Report this post

Years ago

(Mod: Anonymous ref bashing = wanker.)

Reply #108851 | Report this post

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