The Early Bird
Years ago

Why do BSA..........

Not allow two division 1 teams if another club pulls out of a division during the summer season. Certain clubs that vote against two div 1 teams are clubs that dont currently have a team in div 1.

Topic #9546 | Report this topic

Stephen D  
Years ago

It is a sign that BSA is unable to be flexible and make a decision to allow a 2nd Div 1 team, when a Div 1 team pulls out of Div 1.

A dynamic forward thinking organization would have acted already to fill the void by a Div 1 team withdrawing.

BSA has had an opportunity to show that it can act promptly when a situation arises, but has failed.

Doing nothing seems to be the way BSA has chosen to go.

I suppose it is a case of new name, new organisation - but still no backbone.

Nothing changes

Reply #108597 | Report this post

Years ago

They're, their, there!

Reply #108599 | Report this post

Years ago

I'll agree with you on one point Stephen D

"Nothing changes" - Parents thinking they know best.

Reply #108604 | Report this post

Years ago

#108604 obviously doesn't have any kids.

If they did they would realise that parents are much closer to realising what Junior basketball in SA requires than "Do Nothing" BSA are!!!

Obviously nobody from BSA reads this forum as over the years there have been many easily-implemented improvements suggested.

Reply #108614 | Report this post

tony Blair  
Years ago

5067 & Stephen the way I see it is BSA don't run ad hoc into making changes just to suit a hand full of parents who believe they have the answer to all the ills.

BSA is still being restructured. Why should they now or in future make changes to programs to suit parents.

Parents might believe they have the answers. But go talk to the parents who run your club. Talk to the Secretary the President and the others who have day to day dramas moving children from team to team. Moving training from this time slot to that time slot.

If you "think" you have the short term answer. Or you think Paul Arnott is an idiot and I assure you he is not. Why don't you put your proposal to BSA in a document but first it has to go through your club. Because 5067 Early Bird & Stephen D you do not speak for your club. It speaks on your behalf.

Tender your proposal in the proper channels. Rather than get all fired up here where it doesn't do anythng.

5067 when in the past BSA or BASA employees have posted on this forum they have been accused of slacking off and not getting their work done because they are too busy reading Hoops SA. Can they win?

Take it back to your clubs. Submit your proposals and see if they are indeed feasible for ALL of basketball not just the division your child is in.

Cause believe me the world does not revolve around individuals.

Reply #108619 | Report this post

Years ago

Congratulations Paul Arnott on officially moving up from idiot status to power hungry tyrant status.

Reply #108622 | Report this post

Years ago

It amazes me how people on this site always find something new to whinge about. Many of the complaints on here have been noted and dealt with by BSA. For example, everyone was complaining about how slowly results have been put up onto sporting pulse. But over the last couple of months it is rare for the results not to be up before the end of the next working day after the games are played. I haven't heard too many "well dones" on this forum for things that have improved - just new issues to complain about.

Reply #108625 | Report this post

Years ago

#108622# Paul Arnott has done alot of good things since being in place,so one thing dosent go your way you call him an idiot,power hungry get over it and get a life.(w

Reply #108628 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks to all involved in getting the sporting results up on sportingpulse. Not only that, but the scorers for each game. A job very well done

Reply #108636 | Report this post

Second Mouse  
Years ago

Paul Arnott has been recognised for the things he has implemented, ie having complete programs done before the season start and prompt posting of results. Obviously, nicll, you are reading this forum with your eyes closed.

I appreciate they are still going, but how long is this restructure going to take? Once they can keep a Board together for long enough to make an actual decision about something?

The thing is that if parents dont ecourage their kids to play ball becuase they get ticked off with the administration of the sport then they wont pay fees to the Clubs who fund BSA.

So before you go bagging parents' opinions, think about who actually supports this sport? In any other situation, if you dont like what you pay for, you have a whinge/complaint to the right people and get a refund, apology or whatever. Not so in sport - even if you do go through the correct channels.

Lets hope this new BSA get things organised quickly and start listening to the people they are supposed to be representing.

Reply #108643 | Report this post

Stephen D  
Years ago

Credit to BSA for getting the fixtures and the results up promptly.

I do enjoy looking at the week ends results on a Monday afternoon.

Well done for that - BSA

That does not alter my thoughts on Div 1 teams having a bye, when there are Div 2 teams who would fit in perfectly in Div 1.

I am curious as to what else BSA is working on. What do they have in plan that is going to make basketball in South Australia bigger and better.

As a "whinging parent", we who know nothing, for us not much has changed.
We are still forking out lots of money, and travelling all over Adelaide to games and practises and to watch the 36's. I think that does give us a right to "whinge" a little.

I must be on my way to be an "Australian".

Reply #108649 | Report this post

Years ago

When does the restructure begin?
What is the agenda for that restructure and is a vote by member clubs going to occur to get new blood within that restructured body or is it just a paint and paperjob?
IMO there should not, at any time, be byes in Division one and there needs to be flexibility built into administration power to avoid it even if a club has more than one div 1 team.

Reply #108659 | Report this post

Years ago

And considering 'whinging' parents make up most of the coaching panels at all clubs and without them basketball would not exist, BSA need to show more respect to them.

Reply #108660 | Report this post

Melvin Corpuscle  
Years ago

There are at least two clubs that will always vote down putting two teams into div 1 - because both of those clubs were asked to put two teams in div 1 (at different times), and BASA screwed them over. Both would never risk a team by doing that again. and unless there is unanimous agreement, any motion for two div 1s will always be defeated. End of story.

Reply #108673 | Report this post

Tony Blair  
Years ago

how long to you want the restructure to take?

we now have
District Basketball
Country Basketball
Church Basketball
Salvation Army Basketball

and a few others who escape my memory at the moment, working towards a 'better basketball'

Now that type of consulation and communication hasn't happened in the past. To BASA it was only interested in district /senior/national league basketball.

Church with church basketball/country with country. They are now being asked to work together to a 'better basketball'.

I'd rather them take a long time and get the restructure right.

Rather than race thru it due to outside pressure of in this case whingeing parents and get it wrong.

Miracles don't happen overnight but they do happen.

I've been a parent, I've been a player/coach/spec/scorer/umpire. I've seen more than enough roll the eyes stuff ups. But i've also seen all the bloody hard work and unappreciated time and effort it takes to get the competition up and running. It is not a set in concrete process and mistakes do happen.

Human nature makes people complain at the little things and not recognise the over all bigger picture.

Reply #108687 | Report this post

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