tony Blair
Years ago
Forum appreciation day
Just a general note of thanks to Isaac specifically for hosting this wonderful forum but also to all of his unseen moderators, you do a mighty job.
So often we are all blinkered in our appoach to our posts. We believe we have the right of speech (which we do in moderation) sometimes we are fair and accurate in our posts sometimes tired and tempermental or downright hostile depending on topic, time of day, and state of mind.
Personally I try not to post something until I've taken my fingers from the keyboard for a few minutes. Sometimes I type a rely and hit close instead of send.
Basically my message in this is we should all appreciate what we have.
I read where Isaac is accused of favourism all over the place.
Isaac must be a parent/coach/player/junior player/referee/scoretable/statistian/evaluator/floor wiper and dancing girl because he is accused of favouring each one at some stage or other.
At some stage he must favour
sturt/west/woodville/forestville/southern/south/north/eastern/centrals in no particular order
then he must had said teams equally as much. if he locks topics he is accused of bias if he doesn't lock topics he is accused of bias.
Keep up the good work Isaac and all of your various helpers.