Orlando Smith
Years ago
DONT CHANGE CLUBS ... Green grass stains
I have been doing some more reading of the forum, I think the concept of an open forum available to everyone is a great effort.
I want to start a discussion about changing clubs. I have now been at a couple of clubs and the problems seem to be similar at all of them.
I believe every club has the following problems
*-Coaches not good enough
*-Unreasonable parents pushing their own adgenda
*-Players playing in (perceived) wrong divisions
*-Division 1/2 getting all the benefit where lower divisions get lost in the shuffle
*-all the work done by a small percentage of volunteers
As I said these seem to be common problems. If you leave a club for any of these reasons you are going to be in for a shock as it will happen at your new club as well (it may take a while to see it as you will be out of the loop for the first little while).
I say wake up and work towards making your club better and dont be so quick to jump ship. I am not saying that leaving a club is never the right move otherwise I wouldn't have been a member of multiple clubs, but leave for the right reasons.
Now on that what would people consider to be the right reasons to leave a club and why?