Bo Hamburger
Years ago
Grandparent? Like to boogie? NJ wants you!
One day I'm going to find a wacky basketball story without finding it on Deadspin first - but today's not that day.
Really, there's not a lot I can add to this, which actually comes from itself, other than some phenomenal direct quotage:
The Nets senior dance team will be comprised of men and women who are at least 60 years of age. Those who audition must have some dancing capability. The senior dancers will perform during at least six games this season and will have their ages on the backs of their uniforms.
Vincent Curatola, who plays Johnny Sack on The Sopranos will be one of the audition judges.
(Quick summary for those with fingers too tired to click through: the New Jersey Nets want a group of old fogies to form a new "Senior Dance Team". I hereby give the SDT the nickname "The Hip Displacements".)