Feed up
Years ago
Dealing with Parents from Hell
What is the best way to deal with overly competitive parents that have kids playing in juniour grades?
The type of parents Im talking about are the one's who work over coaches, grab them at every oppertunity to talk up little Johnny or Sally. These types of parents are the one's who are constantly on the phone to the coach talking up their child (and God knows what else), and then make a point to all that they speak with the coach on a regular basis.
The type of parent that openly tells you and others that your own kid shouldnt be playing in the current grade they are in!
I have got to the stage, after seeing these parents constantly work over a string of coaches from years past, that Im not sure what to do. These parents work on the old "plant a seed and watch it grow" routine.
I am confident of my childs ability to beat this "parents" child; however I am not confident that my child can beat the player combined with the "parents from hell" as well. My child and this other child have competed for the same position since under 10's. They have mostly been in the same teams; however this season its not the case and it is killing the "parents from hell" so much that they seem to have taken their "campaign" to a whole new level.
The club or grade is not an issue as this must happen at every club.
Any way to deal with this?
Do you have a story like this? Lets hear it.
Please do not mention specific clubs or players.