Years ago

How the 36ers can turn around their season..

1. Reduce Copeland's court time, say a MAXIMUM of 15 minutes a game - give more court time to Ng and Hill (when he returns)

2. Reduce Nash's court time - give more time to Mastrovich

3. Give Horvath the ball!!! He should be taking a MINIMUM of 20 shots a game!

4. Phil Smyth to call time outs when they are required!

Other suggestions?

Topic #9333 | Report this topic

Years ago

sack phil now, i know of a couple of coaches that would come in mid way and this would ensure a change in vibe in the group and they may actually savour something this year.

Reply #105700 | Report this post

Years ago

Replace Ng's minutes with Suttons! We dont need another scorer we need someone that can play solid defense!!

Tell cooper his not allowed to shoot from outside!

Give wheeler more minutes!

Move the ball in offense. Not this one pass and then go one on one and then end up Settling for a 3 with a defender in their face.

Reply #105701 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont think they can turn around their season - the signs were there the first home game, and have been pretty much evident ever since.

After watching the first few home games this season, I drastically reduced my expectations. This current team will not be be going anywhere in the business end of the season IMO.

I pretty much just go to games and enjoy the bits I can these days. Expectation doesnt really come into it. If they win its a bonus.

They are stuck with this team for this season - but I'll be pissed if it isnt a different looking lineup come next season.

Reply #105703 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd be very surprised if Hill returns this season. The bone pierced the skin and if Im correct, was his shooting hand. Will most likely be in plaster for at least 8 weeks.

Reply #105705 | Report this post

Years ago

Dissapointing if that was his last playing moment as a Sixer..

Reply #105706 | Report this post

John wooden  
Years ago

I agree with King James.
Up Suttons minutes, he has a physical presence both on D, and in transition.
Move the ball, and give it to our 3 post players closer to the ring. Why is Cooper playing 23 feet from the ring anyways?
And on defence, for the 2nd week in a row, a power forward has detroyed us in the last quarter, whatever strategy we have to defend those guys needs to improve.

Reply #105708 | Report this post

Harvard 1500  
Years ago

The only way we are turning our season around, short of dumping 50% of the playing group, is changing our game style. We gotta move, run and look to attack sides constantly.

Our guards, Sutts excused, need to play something more than token defence and penetrate opposition key ways. Lets remind the guys at 1 & 2 that a driving lay up can score you points as well and that assist is not a dirty word (at this stage let me say thankyou Brett for tonights 10, but consistently)

Our small forwards need to be bought into the offence occasionally, obviously this will be foreign territory for Nash but we got Mastro lets see what he's got. It seems that our 3 is a last option every time down the floor and that allows other teams the easy double down. We got to make teams guard us 1 through 5.

Someone needs to realise that Horvath can flat out play but does his best work WHEN HE'S GOT THE F*#KING BALL. Lets take advantage of that fact and create decent half court sets from working the ball inside out not just swinging the perimeter. Effective use of the high/low posts will make life easier for for our spot up shooters and slashing type players.

As we are now we are not going to beat those top teams in a series. If we were all to be honest i think we would all realise that this team can NOT win it this year.

Reply #105709 | Report this post

Matt Ryan  
Years ago

Other suggestions: score more points than the opposition!

Reply #105711 | Report this post

Years ago

6ers are Losers being led by a guy that cannot coach - sorry develop talent. He has assembled a team of HASBEENS. About time he and his side kick tonto got out of their little comfort zone and made some hard decisions regarding these so called stars that continually let the state down.

We laugh over here at the guy and await what his next great excuse will be.

Last nights result clearly sends a message - wonder what tommorrows excuse will be and then next wednesdays.

Chicken pox, travel, groin strain, headache, lack of talent - no desire, big heads, selfish, too old - too slow etc etc etc, er overpaid.

Just do us a favour - keep him and the captain there and do not let them move over here.

Reply #105738 | Report this post

Years ago

victorian agree with your coachs comments but to bring maher into it in the end, just lost all cred to your post

Reply #105743 | Report this post

Years ago

Thomo - not personal - Brett has been a sensational player, but age and wear and tear catch up with the best. He would be a magnificent bench player - 6th man with his experience etc. What I meant was the sixers or any team for that matter can no longer afford to build a team around him. He is similar to Rob Rose. His best has gone.

This league waits for no one - this is what is the unfortunate part of professional sport. If the 6ers had a team with the dedication and talent of 10 Brett Mahers we would not be on this post. They would be in the top 2

I think my thoughts are like most people who love the game - Its about time Smyth gave the kids a go and see what raw talent and enthusiasm will do.

A vibrant and competitive 36ers is vital component of the league. It just is not going to happen as it is.

Reply #105749 | Report this post

Years ago

ya cocky victorian wanker stay at home dick bag. all this coming from a victorian who's melbourne tigers team which only 2 years ago thought hang on the gaze company is to old, when they could of beat sydney down a few years back but hung on to the elder statesman out of RESPECT yes something you Victorians dont have.

Reply #105751 | Report this post

Years ago

Victorian, your comments are unintelligent, provocative and sounding like a broken record.

Here are a couple of facts, you are a very sad individual if you need to log onto an SA basketball forum to whinge about the way the game is here. You lived here 30 years ago!? Get over it, no one on this site is part of the administration changes to the game here.

Fact 2, the new Victorian franchise is ruled and run by non-Victorians, what a great D it was to get Mark Price in there, what's going on over there with that kind of decision making, I guess cellar dwellers is gonna have to be the way it is for the Victorian franchise (note this is only your second club from Vic that is doing poorly even though your population is 10 times greater then SA)

Fact 3, you have obviously ignored some of the great players out of SA, thus meaning it can't be all bad over here, Say high to Luke Schensher if you get over to Sacramento Kings by any chance, but you definately can say hi to Jacob Holmes and Ingles, a couple of good SA boys there. I can remember when Bradtke won Melbourne all those titles all those years ago, another SA boy (even if he was a tool, must have been the time he spent in Victoria)

Here is a parting comment, if you can't say anything intelligent then you are wasting everyones time including your own, also as you log on for the umpting time to Hoop SA to have a go at SA basketball, maybe you should worry about your own backyard first. You say 10 club teams are better then anyone of SA's club teams, yet, where's the talent, hey? Going by this logic, you should have no less then 10 successful NBL teams, I guess it's hard to think when we are getting 30 minutes ahead of ourselves...

Reply #105752 | Report this post

Years ago

Boy BT , Victorian hit a nerve hey !!!!

Once again the inferiority complex coming out of SA again. Come on guys get your act together so b'ball can prosper.

Why do you guyz always get personal and hide behind anons all the time ?

The reason we come on this site is to keep up to date with what is happening around the traps. We go on Oz hoops as well and a couple of other sites.

We love basketball and even though we no longer live in SA we care about the stuff ups that continually seem to be ruining the game over there.

As victorian said and maybe he is right - go to SA and not only go back 30 mins on the clock but 30 years in time.

Get over it and look outside your square

Reply #105757 | Report this post

Years ago

How can one possibly have an inferiority complex when you guys come here and attack SA basketball all the time???

Go back, read some of "Victorian"s posts and you will see he is repeating himself about what he thinks about SA basketball, which is not much. Yes, we all know how he feels, he doesn't have to repeat it over and over again.

I do look outside the square, more so than you realise. By all means, come here, write intelligent posts and constructive critisism. It does make our game great, you are right.

As for hitting a nerve, I'm over reading "Victorian"s hate for the way SA runs it basketball, you can only say it so many times before it gets annoying.

As for hiding behind Anons, I do not, I am here ready to talk constructively and freely about basketball, anyone who knows me will know that I only talk when it is important to say and relevant as well as having only respected opinions.

References to Victorias population and club teams were used only in response to "Victorian"s past comments on these topics.

I'm out like a Brad Hill compound fracture.

Reply #105763 | Report this post

Years ago

Victorian has got the thing right except for his reference to our skipper. The first thing that has to happen is to sack Smyth, that's pretty obvious. And when are people going to keep making excuses for Nash. If he is not considered to be a scorer, then take a look at his efforts this year on defence. Give me strength!
How on earth could Smyth leave Copeland on for as long as he did - the guy was ice cold and looked like it from the start of the game. Was it not that obvious?

Reply #105774 | Report this post

Years ago

A Victorian with logic AND commonsense. I'm not sure I can cope with that.

Reply #105799 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

Here's my 2 cents worth:

- Copeland should only be an off the bench scorer, none of this 30 mins on court crap. Bring him in mid-way through the 1st. If he's feeling it, then great, keep him on. If not, then only use him to give the starters a break.

It sucks that he gets so much time, even when he isn't scoring the ball.

- Hill NEEDED more mins. There were times when our offence was stagnant, and Hill was exactly what we needed - someone to take it hard to the hole, either score, get fouled or draw the D and find someone. But I guess that point is useless now...

- As has been said the whole season, GET HORVATH THE F**KING BALL. He can't be stopped by anyone in this league, yet we only use him early on, then after that, barely.

- Don't have Nash on so much. Now, I've liked Mark since he arrived, but honestly, the guy has just flat out lost it on offence, and for those people who say he's a great lockdown defender, who has he stopped?

In fact, players that he defends usually have some of their best scoring nights of the season against him.

- Smyth. He needs to get off his arse and start coaching the team. I'm sick of this whole 'let them play it out' BS. For years, when we have been losing leads, he doesn't call time-out's, and we end up 10 points down. Call a god damn time-out Phil, please.

Reply #105972 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

Crap, after all that, I just realised that what I said was just an extended version of the first post....

Reply #105974 | Report this post

Years ago

Please ignore the Victorian trolls where possible and keep this on track.

Reply #105999 | Report this post

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