Years ago
Sportal Fantasy League
I havn't had a good ol' whinge for a while, but the Sportal Fantasy League is really getting on my nerves.
Check the league this morn to see how i went, still in lockout. No worries, i'll check again after work (don't want to piss off the boss) so i jump on now and there is 2mins to go till lockout!
I could manage half a sub before being locked out. Fair enough games are about to start, but they really need to hustle and get them 'unlocked' as soon after a round as possible.
Only some lucky people get to cruise the net all day checking when it opens, while the rest of us struggle to get any subs, let alone trades done between rounds.
Phew, glad that's off my chest.
Anyone else in the same board, or am i the only poor dud in this situation?