Years ago

Drugs in Junior Basketball, is it monitored?

There have alway been rumours of drugs in basketball circulating from guys taking diet pills to get an edge to harder stuff but with kids today more savvy about drugs and usage than ever before, how's it monititored in junior basketball? Or for that matter in any junior sport?
The general consensus is that only the teenage dropkicks use and our athletes are smarter than that.
There are rumours about a player and steriods this year and my intention is not to further it but to seek clarification of if its possible? At what age would an athlete be picked up for such a thing and at what level of competition?

Topic #9247 | Report this topic

Years ago

From Under 10's social at your local rec centre - even too much Red Cordial before a game, and they can get ejected for inflated blood sugar levels.


Seriously though, I think it's only once they hit Men's comp that they even look at the possibility of a player taking drugs, and I don't think they do much about it even at the ABA level.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Reply #104586 | Report this post

Years ago

Athletes that play state can be tested at any national championship

Reply #104604 | Report this post

Years ago

i know at state we were warned even from the first cut that there would be drug tests done on the final 14 or something but i dont think it ever happened

Reply #104607 | Report this post

Years ago

afaik, sasi holders are subject to drug tests at any time and never, never trust your doctor writing scripts for drugs until you check the ASDA web site and phone them

Reply #104612 | Report this post

Years ago

Have been involved as a player from U 10's to ABL plus SASI plus State and never seen anyone tested (last 9 years). Lots of talk with no action. Maybe no one cares or does not want to care for a reason?

Reply #104617 | Report this post

Years ago

SASI players get tested in physical, do they not?

Reply #104649 | Report this post

Years ago

I have no knowledge of anyone ever using performance enhancing substances in my playing experience in juniors in SA, but I'm sure that there is someone, somewhere using something. There is always one who has to try.

I haven't ever played beyond my district team, so no SASI or State, so I'm not aware of any testing that may or may not occur. I've played with SASI and State players however, and they've never mentioned that any drug tests ever occur or are threatened.

Reply #104655 | Report this post

VC fan  
Years ago

I have woundered this also when you see the size of some players,especially when going interstate for tournaments. Players could be loading up on steriods and getting away with it. I have heard that a few players took No-Doz tablets at a tournament after fatigue started setting in, I know they cause a bit of a stir in the AFL, whould they get in trouble for this if anyone found out? Aparrently its just like taking coffee.....

Reply #104681 | Report this post

Years ago

VC fan caffeine is a know stimulant and has been suggested as a performance enhancing substance in a number of ways. Caffeine is in No-Doz in much higher concentrations than coffee. Caffeine IS a banned substance in large doses, I believe (and could be wrong on exact figure) that if concentrations in the urine exceed 15 micrograms/ml you are above the limit.

Secondly steriods alone will not make you bigger. It has been said that if steroids were not banned, the same people winning events or who are the biggest will still be that way. Don't get me wrong it is a huge advantage, however the work still needs to be done by the athlete. Some players are bigger because they of genetics others just work harder. There is a fair cost difference between roids and no dose too. I am not suggesting that no one uses them either...

Reply #104712 | Report this post

Years ago

What do the cyclists bulk up on cause it aint exercise that builds their shapes anymore than it was weights that created the female chinese swimmers a few years back who bulked so much they appeared deformed?
Have a good look at unusual builds when ur at a girls game next time

Reply #104738 | Report this post

Years ago

anon, I have a feeling cyclists don't "build up" as such, they use drugs to speed up there recovery through long tours and increase the energy available to their muscles in same.
That's as technical as I can make it?

Reply #104747 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey 3

Just because you have no knowledge of any person using 'performance enhancements' doesn't mean it is not happening.

Remember: 'They are not steroids they are supplements!'

Reply #104751 | Report this post

Years ago

Yea Sturty there's always someone who would have to try it. It's unfortunate, but pretty likely that someone would

Reply #104753 | Report this post

Years ago

As far as cyclists go you are probably thinking of Erythropoietin. And no this does not create the "shape" of the athlete, it increases hematocrit mostly (incidentally I think the cut off for cyclists is about 50%?).

Sturty there are many performance enhancing substances out there and no they are not all steroids, if you find the definition of a steroid and look at the mechanism of many enhancers they do not need to be steroids. It depends what you are using them for and what you want to achieve by taking them. So yes "supplements" may be a better term, but still does not make them legal.

And i made the same point sure there will be some that use them, but they are no magic pill, the work still needs to be done by the athlete.

Reply #104823 | Report this post

Years ago

A mother on an opposing team admitted to me she holds off giving her child her ADHD drugs on game day. She didnt want to slow her down she said!

Reply #104849 | Report this post

Years ago


I don't think anyone has every been convicted of not giving medication.

Reply #104856 | Report this post

Years ago

Mum....strange thing about ADHD medication is that it impacts on the patient by slowing (usually the thought processes and to an extent the physical side)but has the reverse effect on non ADHD persons.
Ritalin is a popular with the dance crazies along with easily obtained diet pills which are speed.
Diet pills were prolific in football in the eastern states until the authorities drug stance a decade or more ago.
It is happening here as it is everywhere and it is important to have checks, than let one kid get an edge thru this crap.
And remember it was Warney's mum who gave him his dope so mums can be complicit in it cause the world's full of stage mums.

Reply #104864 | Report this post

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