Years ago
Beer on tap, enough is enough!
Ok. So Ive shelled out for my season tickets and already it looks like the season will be a total write off.
Do ya think that Spotless could actually get the taps going so that we can at least have a decent beer.
I asked 2 different bars on Friday nite what is happening with them.
One said (yet again)that the lines just have to be cleaned. WELL BLOODY CLEAN THEM!!!!!(that didnt seem to go down too well with the drone behind the bar)
Another told me that there is too much wastage with the taps and it is only canned beer from now on!!!
If the taps are not fixed by next game I would urge all the Pale ale fans out there to join me by boycotting the bars altogether!!
C'mon Bball/ beer fans; join me and send a message to the idiot that has made this decision that we are not going to take it.
If season ticket holders have to endure the crap out on court, at least give us some quality behind the bar.
You can also bet it wont be to long until a can lands on the court. PALE IN PLASTIC CUPS PLEASE.