Take Luck
Years ago
Who won their openers tonight?
Just wondering, which ABL teams won there first games and which teams looked strong for the real stuff?
Take Luck
Years ago
Just wondering, which ABL teams won there first games and which teams looked strong for the real stuff?
Years ago
Centrals Men beat Eastern 76 to 60, Centrals had most of the same players as last year with the addition of a couple of young guys but what was interesting was who was on there bench not playing. As most people on this forum have thought Justin Wilkey was sitting near Ricky and his assistant plus another guy I have not seen before and a black dude who had some obvious ball skill. Looks like some new faces up North.
Years ago
Centrals defeated Eastern by 14
Norwood defeated South by 12
Woodville played West and was close in the last quarter, missed the end result.
Silver State Cobra
Years ago
Centrals had many players not there from last year, plus some new guys / injured perhaps? on the bench? I know the topic of player movements has already been discussed at length, but now that the season has started can we confirm what players all over the league have moved? It seemed obvious that Wilkey seems set to resume at the Lions. Eastern were minus four starters, but centrals were also down at least five players - unless there has been a few more changes to their roster. What is going on when last years spooners bench defeat last years championship bench?
Years ago
Does anyone know if the black guy sitting on Centrals bench was the guy who played at Warnambool last season???
Years ago
I think his name is Curtis Small? Does anyone know???
Court Marshall
Years ago
I think you will find it is Bobby Cunningham, although I'm not 100% on that.
Years ago
I hope your kidding!!!It's not Bobby Cunningham mate, he's about 150kg and about 6'7!
If your thinking Bobby Cunningham then it's probably Curtis as though both played together at Warnambool last year.
Women love me
Years ago
Looks like finally Centrals will be on par with other teams in the league - should make for an interesting season - especially since they won last night - apparently (above posts) with these guys on the sideline.
who played well for both teams in the sturt vs southern game?
Your Kidding.
Years ago
Benson played good defence.
Sheppp played pretty well.
(Mod : no, YOU'RE kidding, right?! No more rubbishing refs. My bet is on Sturt having played solid D.)
Southern missed a lot of lay ups.
Ingles did well, as did Luke Hoban.
"Looks like finally Centrals will be on par with other teams in the league"
Dont speak too soon.
They only beat Eastern.... without Jacob, no great feat.
Years ago
Tigers should have beat Sturt missed to many easy shots. Hoban played well and was solid inside but missed a few open shots in the key way. Should improve ran a very young side. None of there Starters played.
Years ago
"They only beat Eastern....... without jacob, no great feat"
Ummm - who won the championship last season? In a bench versus bench clash between the championship team and the team that finished in the bunker, you dont think they mustve improved just a bit to win?
I agree also though - lets wait and see how the preseason pans out.
Mod - no idea
Years ago
Actually I think at one point the foul count in the 2nd half was 13 to 1. I didnt get to read the removed post but I'm sure whoever commented on the umpiring was fairly accurate.
Also dont think that Hoban was very good at all - couldnt make a layup even though he was fed the ball in the right spots. The whole Southern team for that matter missed a lot of easy ones
Years ago
Since when does the fould count have to be the same for both teams? Use your brain and realise it means 1 team fouls more then the other. A ref isn't going to make up fouls just so the foul count is the same.
I wonder is it all possible that a reffree could be a little bit bias on an occasion? Or could that never ever be a conceiveable situation? Now before you answer, or jump up and down ..poo your pants ect. ... put your hand on your heart! and promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. :-)
Seems a bunch of Tiger boys are a little upset. With this kind of attitude is it any wonder no one wants to ref. Who is a player/spectator to judge the standard of refereeing when the ref no doubt has had much more training and experience as a ref then anyone else involved in the game.
Your Kidding.
Years ago
Sturt played good D but it was by no means PERFECT D.
I might ad that the southern team weren't just throwing up 3's all night either. They were attacking the basket and getting absolutely nothing for it.
Years ago
C'mon Anonymous (#9941), I hope your kidding??? This is the problem with umpires. Are you trying to tell me that someone who has played or coached the game longer than a umpire has refereed has no place to comment on the standard of an umpires performance???
Oh mighty umpires, we pray for your forgiveness...
Your Kidding..
Years ago
Use YOUR brain mate, it doesnt need to be an even count, but surely its reasonable to think an ABA team is going to foul at least once in a Qtr. Yet alone a Qtr and a half.
It was an average performance, why cant it be said?
If the coach or players have a bad night its up for scrutiny...
Years ago
If they fouled then perhaps it wasn't called due to there being an advantage etc. It's not as simple as you think.
And what number of fouls would you exactly be happy with for a quarter? Better make sure referees get up to that number or they're obviously not doing their job properly right?
Years ago
I thought it was a fairly rough game on part of Southern and some calls were missed both ends (always going to happen), bu tall in all it was a pretty fair game and Southern werent playing good D, thus getting penalised.
Sturt dorve more to the basket, therefore picking up fouls due to lack of vision, feet and communication on behalf of Southern.
Southern on the other hand did not drive as much and therefore Sturts defensive structure was able to contain the ball outside, where most of Southerns shots were forced, therefore (again) not picking up silly fouls.
But hey, i spose it depends on where ur angle was from where u were sittng doesnt it? :) (for all those offended people- tongue in cheek comment ok)
Years ago
What's this so called advantage rule where you don't call fouls. How do you determine there is an advantage in not calling a foul when that foul call may lead to a player playing differently because he is in foul trouble or it delays free throws later in the quarter.
Hoop Addict
Years ago
??? - read the rule book. Then come back and you should be able to answer your own question.
Advantage/disadvantage interpretations are what seperates great refs from good refs, and good refs from average refs. It's a 'feel' for what's going on on the floor.
Hence, it helps referees to have played the game at some level.
Years ago
Obviously in any sport refs are attacked in their interpretation of the rules and this is made all the worse when grey areas exist. By removing as best we can the grey areas will this not help the plight of the refs. I see advantage rules as being one of those grey areas. It may be an advantage on that play but is it an advantage in the context of the whole game. In addition, two very similar fouls occur and one is let go (due to a perceived advantage) and the other is picked up. Why not eliminate this grey area and if a foull occurs call it.
Mod - no idea
Years ago
Interesting to read everyones comments unfortunately for the Tigers they play most of their games at home where on Tuesday and Wednesday nights they get eaten by the same refs every week.
Its a sad situation where familiarity breeds contempt.
Even more exciting was when that 1 foul was called and the bench said "yay" and was subsequently 'T'ed up. This is the sort of rubbish that is going on due to lack of development and absolutely no system whatsoever for refereeing in SA.
B4 you jump up and down and all over me - I've reffed at a high level for nearly 10 years although not for a while (I wonder why) and was part of the old 6ers ref development squad - where has this gone?? How did it get so bad??
I have no problem with missed calls, judgement errors etc but do with the disgraceful attitude of most of the young referees going around.
Its a 2 way street ...
Years ago
(name removed)
From my point of view your sooking on here (while no different from the way you play the game) is only making you look worse.
What exactly are you trying to achieve or is it your hope of making a few referees look bad?
Think any of them are going to show you ANY respect after the posts you've made on here, and your right there are that many different referees that you'll be getting, so again what exactly is lying and bitching on a public forum going to achieve for you?
(Mod: If people don't reveal their name, don't reveal it for them. I know the vast majority of identities on this forum and respect those who choose to remain anonymous. Please do the same.)
Years ago
Alf (or whatever your name is)
You ****stick how about you reserve my right to privacy as I would yours
- last I checked anonymous posting is allowed on this forum. If your real names Alf then I apologize in advance.
I really could not care less about your views on the way I play - I've worked my arse off to play at the States highest level from being a low div junior / senior player until the age of 25 and I'm proud of that.
Perhaps if the referees of today put in 10% of the work we put in as players they would make some improvements. I dont get paid a cent to play never have but that doesnt stop me working hard 5-6 nights a week to improve.
As a referee I made bad calls but always had the respect of the players and worked hard to improve.
Most of the zebras running round today are a disgrace - total apathy, lack of effort and a terrible attitude. (Apologies to those that do work hard - you know who you are)
PS if you could point out what parts of my previous posts contain lying and bitching I'd be ever so grateful.
(name removed)
Years ago
Maybe realise that as already posted referees will only treat you the way you deserve to be treated. If you constantly make comments during a game (for example) then why would a referee speak nicely to you or show you the level of respect you think you deserve. As already posted it's a two way street. I've seen you play at junior, div 3 senior level, ABA and reserve level. Maybe the solution is simply to shut up during the game, you might be surprised how differently you perceive the referees attitude after that.
By the way most referees in S.A. are FORCED to referee 5-6 times a week sometimes from 6 - 11, so I doubt you work as hard at your game as most referees have to ref.
Raab Himself
Years ago
I guess these most recent posts confirm that there will always be a division in opinions.
For my two cents i feel that both Alf and TommyJR make valid points.
Yes - Referee's are under an increasing burden night in night out. Constant abuse from players is not going to ease this burden.
Yes - The referees are the same or similar at M/vale every week and i strongly believe that familiarity breeds contempt.
Here's an interesting thought(and i'm only talking ABA here, not sure with the lower divisions)...
With the exception of maybe two or three guys, all the players are good blokes off the court.
I am usually the first person to argue a call, something i hate about my game, but further to that, if you watch closely, i will also seek clarification and listen to a ref when they are instructing, eg. keep the hands off.
The problem arises due to the arrogance and contempt towarrds players. Human nature is to have an opinion and to stick to it.
The best referee's, those with the most respect eg, Phil, Tristan to name a couple will tell you why they made that call. The ref's i consider the problem are the ones who say - get on with it, keep your mouth shut or, Shut it or you'll cop a T. This approach is adopted by the better referee's but after careful consideration.
Bottom Line - lets all get the CHIPS OF OUR SHOULDERS and get on with improving our game.
Years ago
why waste so much time talking about the refs,,,, geez talk more about the ball and the players!!!!!!
Years ago
Maybe thats your problem as I'm sure it's difficult to do something well that your FORCED to do.
If you actually read my posts I dont recall that much "lying and bitching" at all just a question as to why there is a problem with refereeing here (as per a couple of other threads)
Are you saying the only problem is with me on this ?? As I'm pretty sure theres a much bigger issue here than that. Or is it that your so inflexible and unwilling to take criticism that you have nothing to do other than attack me personally.
For you to even compare your 6+ games per week that you get paid for against hours of training / fitness etc just shows your true colours. What do you do outside of getting paid to improve your performance?
Obviously not much as you and your profession are in a state of decline - do something about it - I know I'll be putting in the hours of hard work!!!
Raab Himself
Years ago
Its like takin a dump... if you force it, it just get's painful. Think about roaming in fields of wild flowers and let it slide out effortlessly...
After reading all the recent posts on here re:referees I am sure there must be a few people out there queueing up to become one!
Seriously though, for the unenlightened, what is the route required to be a referee at say District Juniors. Any age restrictions?
Years ago
Raab, totally agree, I posted something very similar once before.
Years ago
I did not ref the game on Tuesday I am just trying to get you to see things from the others side.
Btw I've reffed about 25 games this week unlike 6 like you have suggested. There's no way I've wanted to do that many games but is simply because thats the extent of the referee problem in this state atm.
Years ago
I am not disputing anyones points.
I referee about 10-15 games (i have done more) of social (previously district and school) a week.
Though money is always good to have, i certainly do not do it for that fact only as the pay is pittance to my other job.
I referee due to the love of the game, the fact that i enjoy and get fitness from doing it and i believe that people who are playing out there deserve to have referees on their game.
And to add, yes sometimes i have been "FORCED" to do it, due to certain stadia being short of referees and therefore having to ref. An example of this happened on Wednesday at Pasadena where i did not really want to ref as i usually do the door (yes i know i am revealing my identity even more) but was asked by the UIC (a good friend) to referee. I ended up doing 5 games in a row.
I have also helped out the stand in Referee director on occasion at the same stadium.
So yes, sometimes I am forced to do it, not for the money, not for fitness, but for guilt- letting 10-15 people down each timeslot.
To answer contempt, yes sometimes that does happen, but that also happens to players as well. Players getting used to a one referees interpretation and not anothers at two different stadiums is a common occurence. This is where i have mentioned in another post about player (and coach) education.
I was also at the game on Tuesday and saw the T being given. If a coach is continually hounding a ref, how for one (as a ref) are you meant to concentrate and two, do u accept that behaviour as normal everyday person. I for one, wouldnt.
And yes, it is a two-way street. repect is needed both sides.
Years ago
I'm not agreeing on the taking a shit issue but on the communication side needed from refs.
Years ago
I do agree with communication both sides as well Panther. Yet as a referee many times i have provided constant advice eg. 'hands out' or 'jump straight, no pushing' and have mixed repsonses such as 'thanks ref' or 'dont tell me how to play'. I also have had the problem of attempting to answer questions and then having the player nto listening or then further arguing, completely disregarding any attempt for myself to achieve good communication.
I personally see myself as a people person and i like the fact of being able to talk to players (as i expect the same) but when it gets thrown back in your face (especially as a young female) then you do feel disheartened.
But I start each game anew, and maybe players should do that also.
Combined communication is the key.
Years ago
Not sure on Fricker but I heard one of the Norwood girls got her front tooth knocked out during the Norwood v South game. True or Rumour?
Take Luck
Years ago
Dame people. all i wanted to no was who won there openers. i didnt want all the agro
Years ago
That is True Rite. Kate Grivell had half her front tooth knocked out. Theres a plug for wearing a mouthguard.
Norwood men easily accounted for South. It looked like South had close to their full line up except for simon kent. Norwood were still missing a couple of players. Good to get Sappa a win in his first game as head coach...
Bobby Cunningham
Years ago
I wish I were 6-7 but im only 6-4 and 115kg's!
Years ago
Well it shows how pathetic some people are when all they worry about is the ref. Besides all the carryings on about the refs (after all they are the ones that allow us to play!!!) i thought that josh wood was terrible and couldn't hit anything... Joe Ingles played quite well so did Hoban.
For Sturt i thought that Shepperd, Benson and Hackendorf played really well... Benson played a bit of point from what i saw. Sturt looked structured and they all new what was going on when he ran the point. Hackendorf ran the lanes well and really put the defence on the back foot. Shepperd was too quick for the other guards...
And seriously everyone just lay off the refs cause they are the ones that allow the game to go ahead, if they call something they aren,t gonna change it cause you f'in winging at them....
Peace out!!!
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