Years ago

West coast in a thriller

What a game!
west coasts midfield just a bit too good for the hard working crows.
Judd, Kerr, Cousins and Cox all playing superb games.
Do we think they can beat the swans next weekend?

Topic #8692 | Report this topic

The Journo  
Years ago

If the Eagles had kicked straight, it would have been very embarassing for Adelaide indeed!

Reply #97383 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, Now we can stop hearing how great they are and what they were doing with this year's cup! Don't worry Crows supporters, you still have those two premierships. haha

Reply #97386 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree that if the eagles had kicked stright then it would have been embarrassing for the crows.

But that last umpiring decision was woeful. He barely touched around the neck and after wat West coast were getting away with it was very very soft.

Now im not a corws supporter either but i like to see fair game not umpires winning the game for a team!!!

Is this going to happen next week in the biggest game of the year?

Reply #97392 | Report this post

hoops regular  
Years ago

wow yeah bballer, we can sure didilly win it!!! with cousins on the side and judd anythings possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #97398 | Report this post

RuMoR MoNgEr  
Years ago

who cares

Reply #97400 | Report this post

Years ago

New Title for this thread:

'The Umpires win a disgrace'

Martin Ellis, Shaun Ryan and Darren Goldspink cost the crows a total of 4 goals - thats 24 points - they lost by 10.

Ellis, Ryan and Goldspink had a bigger effect on the game than Judd, Cousins and Kerr in my book.

West coast don't deserve to be there next week and therefore i hope the swans aren't as unlucky with the umps as the crows were and are at least given the OPPURTUNITY to beat the Eagles.


Reply #97412 | Report this post

Years ago

if you dont care..why bother posting..?

Reply #97413 | Report this post

Years ago

The Crows players dropped off the pace after half-time and the Eagles' mid-field killed us. I don't think the game was decided by the umpires at all (and I had tipped the Crows and favour them over other teams).

Reply #97419 | Report this post

hoops regular  
Years ago

grow up RuMoR MuNgEr and it's it rumoUr for the record

Reply #97422 | Report this post

Years ago

isaac u obviously know a lot more about basketball than footy, the umps destroyed us, i can point out 4 times that pathetic umpiring decisions costed us goals.

Reply #97425 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

While that last call was questionable, I don't think we can blame the umpires. West Coast just ran over us in the second half.

Bassett had a shocker, Rutten was non-existent, both were beaten on the day, and we only had one ruckman for half the game. On top of that, their midfield clearly beat ours in the second half, so I don't think it's fair to say that the umpiring cost the Crows the game.

Reply #97426 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm an eagles supporter and i have to say i agree with xztitak there, i was embarrassed by the umpiring, i dont know about being better than judd cousins and kerr but the umpiring probably did win us the game. GO THE EAGLES!

Reply #97428 | Report this post

Years ago

24, Rutten kept quentin Lynch to 1 goal, at least he was a lot better than Glass down the other end.

And thank u eagles4flag - its good to see u can admit it but my names xztatik not xztitak

Reply #97432 | Report this post

Years ago

the umpiring decision that stood out most to me was the goal that was "touched" on the line for the Eagles. That could have cost them the clearly went through the line by half a metre or so.

The umpiring was questionable for both sides but i actually thought it favoured the home side with at least 3 frees infront of goal that weerent paid for the rest of the game.

However i dont think it decided the game and as always when there is a close loss, people blame the umps. I just think that West coast were a bit too good and have too much depth for the injured crows. This is 2 years in a row they have been one of the dominant teams and again they fail to deliver at the business end of the season. I do think west coast are the real deal however and there run and carry with the ball is very hard to stop. Looking at their list i believe there is only 2 players over the age of 30 in chick and banfield, which is a worrying thought for other sides with the likes of kerr and judd only young 20s.

I think it was a great game and shouldnt be soured by people whinging about the umpires!

Reply #97434 | Report this post

Years ago

QUOTE: the umpiring decision that stood out most to me was the goal that was "touched" on the line for the Eagles.

Bloody oath! that was the worst upiring ever lol

the last free kick to wc in the centre at the end was pretty soft tho, i must admit that, but hey you win some you loose some... there were calls on plenty of occasions that were crappy.

but with umpires sometimes you win & sometimes you loose thats way the cookie crumbles!

go west coast!

Reply #97437 | Report this post

Dr Bullshit  
Years ago

Cant blame the umpires. Im a crows fan and WC had 10 more scoring shots. They were clearly the better team on teh day and the crows missed roo and hentschel up forward. Ian Perrie was useless which he has been in every finals game ever. Umpiring was disgraceful but Adelaide didn't deserve to win anyway. Go WC in the gf...down with the swans.

Reply #97443 | Report this post

Years ago

I see something suspect with 97428 and 97432...

did the old "deliberatley spell the name wrong and then correct it so noone suspects it" trick... oldest trick in the book.

Pity you forgot to change your name back lol.

Same IP Isaac?

Didn't see the game so can't comment otherwise.

Reply #97444 | Report this post

Years ago

massive port supporter.. love to see crows get over west coast but god those midfeilders are nuts. cousins work rate, kerr's handballing out of tackles spot on! just left hand bounce wtf.. those guys are the best 3 in the afl...

Reply #97447 | Report this post

Years ago

judds left hand bounce*

Reply #97448 | Report this post

Years ago

The only umpiring error that really had an effect on the game was the pathetic centre bounce attempt in the fourth quarter when the Eagles were down by 1 point. Instead of bouncing the ball straight up (or something close to it), it was bounced at right angles directly to Ben Cousins, who gave a quick pass to Lynch for the go ahead goal. West Coast was surging at that point, but up until then, everything had been contested. It spurred West Coast greatly.

That bounce should have been recalled, just as the dud boundary throw in was two weeks ago. Not recalling it was a mistake that should cost that umpire greatly, as it definitely cost the Crows.

A suggestion for a new rule for AFL umpires: if you can't bounce the ball straight, then you lose the right to blow your whistle at all in AFL games.

All that said, West Coast deserved to win. They have beaten the Crows in three straight this year. Adelaide was fucked by luck, particularly with Biglands going down yesterday, but that isn't the Eagles fault.

Reply #97467 | Report this post

Years ago

I am a west coast supporter and happy we went through... BUT... I think we had 3 extra players on the field and was embarrssed about the umpiring. It is disappointing when a game of such a high standard has a below performance of umpiring.

Reply #97481 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

Yeah ITA, definately agree with you there...

Reply #97484 | Report this post

damn ITA u got me - i almost had u how could i forget to change my name.

seriously though, that 'touched on the line' decision was definately wrong and cost wce a goal(forgot about that one) so now the umps only costed the crows 3 goals.

Ian Perrie WAS shit and can now consider himself trade bait along with mcgregor.

Another thing i'd like to point out was that the goal that started the eagles 3rd qtr run was from a pathetic free kick and then a pathetic 50m penalty - without that goal they might never have put together that goal spree.

Reply #97599 | Report this post

Years ago

Sucked in crows, you choked worse than Port did, have a nice mad monday!!!!

Reply #97614 | Report this post

Years ago

I am a football fan as well and I understand the rules of the Football game.

The umpiring was bad, but the trouble was it was worse for the Crows - as the umpires continually missed giving key decisions in their forward 50.

Three times Burton got scragged - enough to call three free-kicks in each situation. All in the forward Fifty. Three times there were tackles laid on the West Coast Eagle backs where the players went to ground without disposing of the ball correctly. Towards the end of the 4th Quarter there was also a terrible missed free kick in the Crows back fifty that could have resulted in a goal for the Eagles if it wasn't for Johncock picking up the ball and holding his nerve.
I have reviewed the umpiring on the second replay of the game I saw on Fox Footy and think - If I was a West Coast supporter, I too would be embarresed to have won the game based on the umpires.

Having said that, Judd, Kerr, Cousins and Cox were outstanding and if West Coast kicked the simple goals, the umpiring may not have been such a factor.

I just hope the AFL gets the appointments right for the Grand Final, as I believe the umpiring in Sydney was relatively good (few mistakes and not very noticeable).

I believe it is harsh to say Rutten and Bassett played poorly, I thought they both held their spots well. Johncock a clear standout in the back six. Scott Stevens looked as though he should have been named as the emergency. I know it is difficult to defend a player when the ball is allowed to be delivered without pressure - but Scott Stevens wouldn't have even stopped a ball delivered to Hunter or Hansen even if it was a wobbly kick with how far he was constantly lagging behind. Matthew Clarke played the game of his life and unfortunately was not rewarded.

The crows have a lot to look forward to with players such as Porplyzia and Van Berlo set to play huge roles in the midfield in years to come.

Anyway you look at it - you would have to say two of the best sides in the competition have made the Grand Final.

Reply #97620 | Report this post

Years ago

Also must mention the Free Kick against Porplyzia on the Members side wing for a push in the back, when he actually grabbed the gurnsey and pulled the kicker backwards!! Hilarious!!

Oh and the 50m penalty for the Crow player standing the mark for running through the player with the ball and the person on the mark!! Hilarious!!!

Oh and the 50m penalty rule ignored when a free kick given to the crows on the member side wing and after the whistle went a WCE player handballed to another... that player turned back to hear the umpire's whistle for the 3rd time and then ran off with three large strides and pumped it long to the goal square!! Hilarious.

Oh and the Bounce in the last quarter as the Crows were mounting their attack at the scoreboard - that bounced awckwardly out to the wing and in favour of the WCE centreline - and as most players stopped thinking it would be called back the umpire just waived play on and watched a delivery into the WCE forward 50. Hilarious!!

The umpiring was absolutely terrible
- the worst I have seen since the debarcle at Aurora stadiam earlier this year.

Reply #97621 | Report this post

Years ago

It's always the referees fault.

Reply #97624 | Report this post

Years ago

(#97614) I would not normally reply to something like this, as I know you want Crows supporters to reply to your response. The only reason I am responding is that I would like to know who you got to write this for you as you can't have written this highly intelligent response on your own. Mad Mondays are good fun for footy clubs, as port would have had fun on theirs a few weeks ago.

Reply #97626 | Report this post

RuMoR MoNgEr  
Years ago

I only replyed "who cares " because this is a basketball site or am I wrong here too? oh well I cant always be right Im not from sturt

Reply #97628 | Report this post

Years ago

On behalf of an Adelaide non-Crows supporter I'd like to thank the West Coast Eagles players and fans for not putting me through Crows madness this next week.
My life will be much more pleasant without the raving and ranting around the city streets.
Thankyou, and
eat a d$#@ Crows!!!

Reply #97639 | Report this post

Years ago

and thankyou Lockstock for supporting one of the most underachieving teams in the history of our great sport.. Richmond are shit!

Reply #97641 | Report this post

Years ago

hahaha tou che

Reply #97655 | Report this post

Years ago

Damn those refs choking the cows..
how could they get away with that?

Reply #97661 | Report this post

Years ago

to all port fans out there we didnt choke, at least we MADE the prelim, u guys bombed out in the semis every year, oh and if u wana talk about this year just look at the facts - crows finished 3rd (would've been 1st if it wasn't for the umps) and port finished 12th, or was it 13th. My point is just that port suck and will finish even lower next year, while the crows will come in either top or 2nd once again. I hope u guys draft well or your in for a tough 4 years power fans aaaaaaahahahahahahaha... excellent.

Reply #97787 | Report this post

Years ago

xztatik - "would've been 1st if it wasn't for the umps"

You have to be joking. The Crows just lost the plot in the 3rd quarter and blew it themselves. Edwards was in a panic everytime he had the ball in the 2nd half.
Cousins, Judd and Cox just controled it all and the eagles would have won by 30 if they had kicked straighter. You can shove that Umps fault rubbish where it belongs. They Choked!

Reply #97792 | Report this post

Years ago

I looked up the word and it said common thing that happens to port. Crows were underdogs for this game and did well to get as close as they did. All you port supporters don't try and give the Crows the chocker tag it well and truly belongs to you.

Reply #97833 | Report this post

Years ago

3 prelim losses in 5 years???
choke choke choke.

Reply #97834 | Report this post

Years ago

xztatik, the Crows have blown their chance this year. Their midfield was lucky to hold up fairly injury free over the last two years, until the end of this season. Goodwin, the Roo and Mcleod are past their prime, and Scott Thompson is not a quality midfielder. He goes missing in big games and gives away stupid frees. Who else do you have? Mattner can tackle, but is the worst decision maker ever. There is no one else.

Who do you have up forward? Perrie, Welsh? Hentschell was looking good, but it will be 2 years before he gets back to form, if ever.

The backline is solid, but you have to kick goals to win games.

Reply #97836 | Report this post

Years ago

nice post thedoctor you're pretty spot on there

Reply #97848 | Report this post

Years ago

Draft well? Have you looked at the juniors coming through? Danyle Pearce rising star? xztatik, you are a knob. Typical of crows people hiding behind their teams failures by throwing insults. Yes Port did choke for two years but 2004 was a great year. When was your last Grand Final victory? And before you go on how you did it back to back, just remember it will be a long time before you even win a GF again. Too old, too slow. Go the eagles this week!! hahaha

Reply #97855 | Report this post

Years ago

Still have back to back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Reply #98090 | Report this post

Years ago

Funny you guys go and rub in the back to back but it doesn't even compare to brisbanes three peat. Dust of those videos of those back to back games because thats all you will have. Haha 3 prelim finals 3 failures. Worse than Port. haha. Go the Eagles!

Reply #98093 | Report this post

Years ago

actually they have lost 4 prelims - that makes 6 they have been involved in ...... but you can enjoy your 3 especially the 2 you lost when you were raging favourites ... and please if you are getting into the Crows about living in the past please do not mention the 'great Port tradition' in the next breath.

Reply #98101 | Report this post

Years ago

Great port tradition is producing winging supporters. They failed yet again this year. Look up failures and chokers in the dictionary (if you can read) and they both say port fits the bill.Go Eagles.

Reply #98261 | Report this post

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