Years ago

What should they do to the Dome?

Now that Eddie has bought the Dome and I would think has a bit of money to spend what does everyone think needs to be done to the place to improve it?

Personally I think it's top priority would be a new scoreboard.

Topic #8682 | Report this topic

Years ago

I have no idea how much any of these things would cost so therefore do not know how possible they are, however my first three would be :

1) The floor. I don't know much about the technical side of it, but it looks very tired. Possibly not a new floor, but the key especially needs some new art. You spend more time looking at the court than anywhere else so make it look good. Make it look like a professional team plays on it.

2) New scoreboard & PA system, for obvious reasons. I imagine that would be very expensive.

3) Put up the rest of the team photos. Fix up that god awful part of the wall where Davis' jersey hangs and put up something that is worthy of a legend. In fact, find someway of honoring past players who are not going to have their numbers retired. Make a feature out of it.

Reply #97284 | Report this post

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

Clean it.
Despite all my rage, put the rats in a cage where they can be showcased to the audience as half time performers.
New Scoreboard
New Speakers
Toilet Paper
Repaint the court, it looks faded.
Bring the team photos up to date, there is not a picture of Jacob or Oscar at the Dome and they played for 5 years people!!
Get rid of the Quiznos sign( they have been out of business for how long?)
The retired singlets, either they are retired and hang from the rafters or they are not retired and get to run aroud the it out.
Hnag the championship banners in pride of place.
Maybe even a news screen so that everyone can see it hanging from the centre.

Reply #97285 | Report this post

Mix Master Wipe  
Years ago

The stadium looks messy with some old advertising stuck around the place.

I agree the court needs a paint and the team pics should be removed or updated.
The championship banners did look better hanging from the rafters as did the singlets.
A new scoreboard with better electronics but keeps the apperance of the old one would be great.

How about a ATM and more food outlets/choices?

Reply #97296 | Report this post

Years ago

What happened to the rest of the singlets that used to hang at the dome? Can't remember who many of them were, but I think Al Green's used to be there?

Scoreboard fix would be my first action. And a big screen that is actually used when Fox isn't covering the game.

Reply #97300 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, singlet from the rafters. Stretch the championship banners so they don't wrinkle.

Create an honour wall for all past 36ers, and highlight the best ones with a gold frame, or photo or whatever. Run it around the venue so people have another thing to look at.

Add in the last five years worth of team photos.

Build in a trophy cabinet so the fans can see what is hidden away in the club board room.

Fix that weird vent to the right of the scoreboard.

Reply #97304 | Report this post

Years ago

Resurface the floor.
Upgrade the PA system.
" " scoreboard.
Clean it.
From a local competition perspective, make sure the scorebench equipment is working and available every night.

Reply #97308 | Report this post

Years ago

what happens to woodville on aba nights if the dome has something on and is woodville going to stay.

Reply #97320 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree a new scoreboard, incorporating a big screen. Catering needs to be looked at. Whats on offer at the moment with the exception of the gormet (spelling??) hot dogs on the western side is pretty poor fare.

Dont touch the bars. The Pale Ale flows out just fine!

Reply #97356 | Report this post

RuMoR MoNgEr  
Years ago

Put in a child care area ,Super screen and have internet acess from all seats hot and cold running waitreses topless barmaids. GET OVE IT DONT CHANGE A THING IT'S THERE TO WATCH BASKETBALL FROM

Reply #97403 | Report this post

RuMoR MoNgEr  
Years ago


Reply #97404 | Report this post

Years ago

Disinfect the joint, first of all.

Reply #97456 | Report this post

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