Years ago
PA System
I am not sure if it is the PA system or the guys running it, I know it has been said that is the actual system but I have my doubts. I have had a bit of experience doing live sound, I am no expert the biggest thing I have done is a carols events of about 5,000 people so I have some knowledge. Feedback - that high pitched noise, everytime the 2nd court announcer stops talking the mic goes into feedback, to fix this I have observed they simple turn the channel fader down, NO!!! try and use the channel EQ controls to null the problem out, even better get an eq for the whole system. From what I could see the setup was a basic mixer, a computer and a wireless mic receiver, for greater control use a system eq and a compressor on both the court announcer mics.
Everything is so FLAT, why?? because there is no eq, the court announcers sound like they are talking through a sponge, hopefully these issues can be fixed some time soon. I know that the system is old but forget about the music (dont even get me started on the selection of music from wednesday night) its the actual voices that I am talking about. I am not sure if it is the same everywhere, but where I was sitting, near the front of the back section it was bad, in the eastern corner where a friend was sitting was bad, and in the middle of the southern stand where my dad was sitting it was bad.