Years ago
umpire in charge at marion 25/8/06
that man was NOT what the game needs. i dont know his name, but in the game i played in, Under 20's, div 2, he was an absolute joke. the junior refs were doing better than that bloke. how on earth are the junior refs meant to take that man seriously when giving them instructions, when they would feel they are doing a better job than him!? i dont think he actually realised it was a Under 20's game - he started off calling some of the weakest, softest fouls i have ever seen in 13 years of basketball - under 20's - men - grown men - they can take a little slap, bump, in fact, most of his calls, there was no contact. as the game progressed, he then opted to make 'no-calls' until the final siren. way to be consistent mate...not, and way to make the players enjoy the game...not, and way to make the supporters enjoy the game...not. thats just what the sport needs. i am well aware all umpires make mistakes - he was an experienced umpire, the umpire in charge, and yes, its understandable if he was to make 2 or 3 or 4 bad calls, or no-calls during a game, but not 30 or 40 or 50 like what was the case in tonights game. all players were getting amazingly frustrated with the lack of consistency from him, fortunately, they didnt start taking thier frustration out on the opposition. surely the umpire in charge at each venue should be of high quality! and who knows, maybe this guy just had a shocking night, but boy, it was almost beyond a joke how poor he was.