Years ago
Anfernee Hardaway
Tonight on talking hoops, when talking to Scott Ninnis about the dragons sencond import spot, Hardaways name got mentioned, im not sure how seriously it was or if he is a real posibility, but what do people think of getting old mid to late 30's ex nba stars like penny out here??? I think aslong as they come with the right attitude to play hard and contribute to the team, i reckon it would be awesome for the league, as the nbl has far less games than the nba so his body would handle it easier, and if he played hard being a 6'7 sg, who could prob play the 1,2,3,4 spots at times in the nbl he would hav mvp potential. What do people think of having guys like penny come out to Australia,i reckon it would be awesome!! it prob wont happen from what ninnis was saying, but yea a guy like price may have played with some of these guysm,did he play with penny?? so who knows who he could get here.
For those interested i do intend on doing a recap of the talking hoops show again, hopefully ill hav it finished tonight!!