Dr Damage
Years ago

Hindsight RE Promotion Relegation

I have spent a few minutes studying the results of the U/14 Girls Competition.
Whilst not wanting to insight a riot,this years competition would have been a much better one had the following occured.

Sturt and Forrestville, who are top by daylight and percentage in Div 2, field a second team each in Div 1.
The competition is not full as there is no Centals or West.
This brings the comp to ten teams and both would push Eastern and Southern at the bottom of the ladder. These teams only have a competitive game when they play each other.

The Div 2 comp which would be less the top two teams would then be very even and totally competitive each week.

The kids in the promoted teams are being challenged and the Div 2 comp is even and competitive. This seems to make sense in hindsight.
Shouls div 1 comp not be full at the end of summer then why not promote?
This year and next players will move after summer if they cant get a div 1 game, yet they are good enough!
I know this is not the case in many other age groups or with boys, but it would have been the best outcome for all IMO.

Topic #8242 | Report this topic

Years ago

Question for the forum regarding this topic - Why do the age groups go up in multiples of two ? That is u/10, u/12, u/14, u/16 and u/18.

Surely if promotion / relegation is to work fairly across the board wouldn't it be better to have only single multiple increases across the age groups ? ( u/11, u/12, u/13 etc. )

That way teams can stay together for more than 12 months without the necessity to have to restructure sides as kids move on after their second year. Its ok for the clubs with a strong base ( such as your sturt or forrestville ) who can field teams where there is no mixture of 1st and 2nd years but the smaller clubs whose strength means that they have to field mixed teams will not be able to compete on an even level playing field .

Thoughts ??

Reply #92082 | Report this post

Years ago

Thoughts: Go Away!

Reply #92085 | Report this post

Years ago


Our age groups are dictated by competitions across Australia. ie U/14 Natioanls, Classics, natioanls Chapionships. And considering the number of teams in some club, how many clubs would be able to put that menay teams on the floor.

Reply #92090 | Report this post

Years ago


I understand that age groups might be dictated by relevant national comps ( u/14 nationals for clubs and then the state nationals ) but wouldnt these still be able to be held ?

As for your second point, the numbers are allready there aren't they , its just spread over 2 years.

Reply #92091 | Report this post

Sector 7G  
Years ago

Nice way to reduce the standard of ball in this State.

Reply #92092 | Report this post

Sector 7G  
Years ago

Sorry elaboration required - Single year age groups will reduce the standard.
Sturt & Forestville 14s to Div 1 will increase the standard. It will improve those 18ish players now playing Div 1 and give Southern and Eastern a better game (they will probably be beaten rather than thrashed). Improvement all round.

Reply #92094 | Report this post

Years ago

Damage and Sector 7G,

Under Pro/rel what you would probably find is that Sturt and Forestville would have run their team differently. Rather than playing 9 or 10 in div 1 they would have choosen they best 8 and their second best 8. This woul probably have lead to both these teams playing div 1.

Considering the pro/rel model would only have had 8 teams maximum in div 1, Southern, Eastern, Sturt 2 and Forestville 2 would have been playing for the last 2 spots in div 1, the other 2 would have played in div 2 with Sturt 3, Forestville 3, Norwood 2, North 2, South 2, and Centrals.

This would also mean that div 2 would be a better competition.

Reply #92097 | Report this post

Dr Damage  
Years ago

Are you suggesting 8 teams to maintain a higher std ie only 64-70 kids in the graede?

Reply #92104 | Report this post

Years ago

*awaiting the arrival of the blue paintbrush*

Reply #92106 | Report this post

Years ago


Yes. The probelm with putting Forestville 2 and Sturt 2 in div 1, is that the top teams will actually be worse off. Currently they get to play each other more times. Thus play more good games. Adding 2 teams into div 1 that would not be much more competitive then the bottom 2 teams would not really be an improvement. In U/14 girls it would mean that Southern and Eastern would have more close games, but they would still get smacked each other weeks.
If you look through most grades, outside the top 8 teams, the 9th and 10th teams are not that competitive. SO what IMHO is best if is Southern and Eastern have to play Sturt 2 and Forestville 2 for those posititons.

By having the competition at 8 teams comps, you would generally have a competitions which would allow 3 rounds. A 10 team competition only allows for 2 rounds plusa teams playing some teams a couple of extra times. I think this gives fore an uneven competition. If your team had to play both Foresatville and Sturt 3 times whereas sombody else plays Southern and Eastern 3 times, your team is disadvantaged to making the finals. Also, what it would do is make div 2 a much better standards of competition. In most grades you would have the bottom 2 teams from div 1 playing with the top 6 teams in div 2. I feel that this would promote players to stay at their current club rather than moving to div 1 clubs. And I would even suggest that a by-law be intraodued to either limit the numbers of players a club can take into div 1 in any 1 year, or to allow players that move after the summer grading season to only play in an equal of lower grade if they choose to move clubs. ie a kid playing for Southern in U/14 girls that didn't make div 1 cannot move to Forestville or Sturt to play in their 2nd div 1 team, but is allowed to move to either club to play in their div 2 team. This way families can decide to move due to issue's such as clashes in philosophy, but clubs can't use extra div 1 spots to 'recruit;.

Finally, I feel that this model works to force clubs to redefine their resource allocation into juniors. If your club did not have the guarentee to play in div 1 each year they would look at improving their service delivery and standards. And all club would be directly accountabe is to their efforts. And that if a club choses to change their philosophy, pro/rel actually would work in their advantage. If a lower club has a good group of U/10's, this group is more likely to do well in U/12's and wqoukld easily make div 1 even if their U/16's were in div 2.

Reply #92109 | Report this post

Years ago

And there is the blue paint

Reply #92111 | Report this post

Years ago

How would the spots be determined at the start of the grading season?

Is it from that clubs position 2 yrs prior, in the younger age group or can each district nominate a team for each division?

How does regionalisation fit into pro/rel?

Reply #92113 | Report this post

Years ago

Over the grading season there would be 6 team grades. With the top 2 teams moving up a grade and the bottom two teams moving down a grade. At the end of the 3 round grading season teams would be put into 8 team competitions.

The starting positions would be determined by teams finishing posititons from 2 years prior. ie For the U/14's, where they finished 2 years prior in U/12's. Plus each club would have 1 spot in the top 10 and 1 spot in the 2nd 10. Thus each season a club has the chance to move up if they have improved. ie This year in U/14 girls. West are not in div 2. In 2 years time. They would start in 10th spot with Centrals in 9th and Eastern in 8th, etc.

Pro/rel actually fits into regonalisation better than the current format being proposed. Under a 2x 10 team competition, it would mean that realistiaclly, in U/14 girls, the team that is 3rd on the ladder in div 2 would be playing in div 3. Against teams from div 3 only from the southern area. They might therefore play against div 4 teams. This would lead to even larger blowouts, decreased development and more disgruntled players IMHO. Under pro/rel, you would have 3 grades of 8. Meaning that 24 rather than 20 teams would be in the district competition. Plus these would be the top 24 teams on ability, leaving the other teams to play in their local area, ie North/South to start.

Reply #92116 | Report this post

Years ago

more blue paint as we missed a few spots

Reply #92117 | Report this post

Years ago

Blue or not, it seems to make sense. Esp. with the 'rule' forbiding players to change clubs and move up into div 1.

Reply #92124 | Report this post

Dr Damage  
Years ago

You are thinking too short term!!
Sturt will not always carry the top spot.
This is as much about the weaker teams as it is about the better teams.

Blue bagger, the mid range teams have the most to gain, I feel. In the comp we are using as an example, the two promoted teams would be mainly top agers and would beat or compete well vs North, South, Woodville and Nwd.
I dont know that I am keen for clubs to be excluded for the sake of the top two teams.
If your the best you will always have teams below your std . By definition!

Reply #92125 | Report this post

Years ago


The proposal is based on the over development for basketball in SA, both elite and particiaption. In order for this to happen IMHO clubs need the safety net of guarenteed div 1 positions taken away. I would hope that all clubs put more resources into div 1 and therefore we have 8 out of the 10 clubs in div 1 each year.

I agree that the midrange clubs have the most to gain. Especially the top div 2 teams, who would most often get to play against better competition. This is where I think the worst blow outs happen.

I think the 14 girls at the moment is a 2 horse race and probably it will be difficult for pro/rel or any other competition format to make for a more even overall competition in this grade. But in most grades, an 8 team format would work well.

Try not think of it as 2 clubs missing out, but rather as the best 8 teams making it. And then the next 8 best teams making it into a grade where they have a good close games each week.

Agree that if you are top there will always be teams below you. But it is whether or not you are not being challenged at all, that it what matters. BLow outs lower the overall standard of basketball as well as produce players who are disinterested in continuing playing.

Reply #92128 | Report this post

Dr Damage  
Years ago

Agree, does make sense.
I have always said our best / winning state teams come when we have 5/6 teams of equal std.
This is the ideal...48 kids to pick a state team from. In each position you would have 5 real contenders.

Reply #92136 | Report this post

Years ago

Now you only have to convince the rest of your club Dr D!!

Reply #92150 | Report this post

Dr Damage  
Years ago

Working on it, model may have some variatons , but I agee with concept. It would have been a better system this year in the sample comp.
I might look at a different one now and see what effect it would have had ... say u/ 12 boys or u/18 boys.

Reply #92151 | Report this post

hessian bag  
Years ago

the only true even competition is to have each player assessed and placed in a team by an adjudicator - tha way the talent gets spread.

at present the club(s) are the major factor

so if you could imagine 100 kids nominate for district basketball - then they are balanced out into 10 teams

this would be logistically impossible

summer should be the grading for a winter season

until the majority vote can be acheived promotion / relegation is a pipe dream - there are too many desperate than plentiful at present

Reply #92182 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually hessian bag,

that might depend on the change in set up of Metro basketbll. If a governing council of the like is set up to take control of the competition club may have their voting rights taken away. I wuold say that most people here would agree that the decisions made by the clubs,(who will alway make decisions to benefit themsleves) are largely responsoible for basketball becoming stagnant in this state.

We all agree that a large number of clubs are struggling. But the question to ask yourself is how much is the current system to blame? Under pro/rel the Melbourne competition has become larger and increased the number of clubs. AS has basketball in NSW.

Reply #92194 | Report this post

Years ago

Out of curiousity does anyone have a feel for the cost of a junior to play basketball for a year in SA v Vic v NSW: annual fees, match + spectator fees, travel within Adelaide, interstae comps, state cha,ps costs etc. I can't help but think that Pro/Rel will not have any real impact on the size of basketball participation in SA - it is just too expensive for many families particularly if more than one is involved. To me it is becoming an elitist sport.

Reply #92197 | Report this post

Years ago

This is where regonalisation is supposed to help. A lower cost and lower travel competition where training expectations are decreased will decrease the cost and increase numbers.

Reply #92199 | Report this post

"To me it is becoming an elitist sport."

Wish i had a buck for everytime I had heard that over the past 20 yrs.

Reply #92201 | Report this post

Sector 7G  
Years ago

Those that bag the "blue paint" ideas can't come up with a better proposal than "force the lesser players from the strong clubs to play for the weak clubs"
Where they'll get shithouse, coaching programmes, demotivation... and drop out.
Result - LOWER standard of ball in SA. The blue paint proposal will IMPROVE the standard.
THINK - Why are we here?

Reply #92240 | Report this post

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