What The
Years ago

Locked: Punches thrown

Can I ask what are the repercussions for a player who is fouled out of the stadium for throwing punches at another player? Does BASA adjudicate this? who reports this? What are the repercussions for the parent of said child who actively calls for her child to punch the other child. I know legally the parent can be charged for inciting violence but with out taking this legal track what will Basa Do about it.

Topic #8168 | Report this topic

crows by 4  
Years ago

it should be automatically reported.

if a player has been "fouled out" for punching - are we talking disqulaification or unsportsmanlike foul?

if disqual - automatic report - either via head ref advising poulton or one of the umpires from the game reporting.
if unsportsmanlike the same as above

if a player is punching anyone - it should be more than a routine foul

you can complain via your club as well

Reply #91131 | Report this post

Years ago

Where did this happen?

Reply #91138 | Report this post

What The  
Years ago

under tens div 1 West adelaide against Southern yesterday. I believe the ref was the the head ref for west who was in control of the game and handled the situation very well. But I wanted to know what would happen to the boy who threw the punches. A West adelaide boy was definetley fouled, It was not a deliberate foul but the boy went down as he came up he started throwing the punches to the chorus of his mother yelling "hit him" outside of the stadium she celebrated by punching the air and shouting well done I am proud of you. This is the same mother who has been called for a tech foul whilst scoring (at her home ground)and ejected from southern and west games previously as well as another and I use the term loosely gentleman who I beleive was the boys coach at northern rattlers.

Reply #91178 | Report this post

Years ago

are you serious this is a blight on the game
surely what you say must have slight bias ???
if accurate then surely club must show some strength unlike collingwood football club and follow up
be interested in repercussions again i am surely there is another side to the story

Reply #91186 | Report this post

crows by 4  
Years ago

serial offenders - say no more

a few making it tough for the many

as big brother says...

it's time to go......

Reply #91194 | Report this post

Years ago

they should suspend the kid and his mother for a season (and i use the term mother in this instance loosly also). the message obviously is not getting thru to either of them, but it is never gonna change when the poor kid has an utter feral for a role model!

Reply #91195 | Report this post

crows by 4  
Years ago

"(and i use the term mother in this instance loosly also)."


Reply #91197 | Report this post

what the  
Years ago

I will be speaking to the team manager who was not available for Sunday training to comment on Tuesday to see what has happened. Basically I have had enough if their is nothing done about this kind of behaviour then I will be speaking to some other clubs that I have association with and asking them as well as us to fortfeit games against West wehere this child is playing I am sure West and other parents will soon get jack of driving out to grounds to not play.

Reply #91211 | Report this post

Years ago

Why was the kid not reported?

Reply #91213 | Report this post

Years ago

This was in Under 10's!!?? What is going on in the world when this type of thing happens with 8 and 9 year olds!
Sounds to me like that parent should be banned for life if what is being said is true...

Reply #91214 | Report this post

Years ago

I must be going to the wrong under 10s games!

TG, don't panic. In the last two years most of the parents, coaches and players I have seen in the u10s have had the highest standards of sportmanship on display.

Parent training is an issue though, particularly when green shirt umpires are involved.

Reply #91233 | Report this post

Years ago

Please remember that there is never the full story told and that you don't always beleive what is written. The boy who has the ball is the protected player and when he is striked with a fist to the face while in possession of the ball, which then knocks him to the ground and the player had no intention but a closed fist whilst running at the player the reaction whether not justified is a natural response. You will always protect yourself from nasty actions. This Southern Tigers player did not even have any other intention and if he didn't get the player with the fist he would have coat hangered him. The Southern Tigers player was the one who received the foul and this by way was his fifth and he was also rejected from the stadium for his conduct. Also this was their second team player to be fouled out. So please remember when reading only one side that not every one tells the whole story. It is also being a little dramatised, as we are by the way talking about Under 10's not Mens basketball. Also the parent was scoring so how was she being part of the problem, because as they stated the Referee handled the situation well, so if she was being as stated, then don't you think the Referee would have sent her out!!!!!!!!!! Remember behind a tall story is always the dark secret.

Reply #91234 | Report this post

Years ago

"behind a tall story is always the dark secret"

I feel like I've been transported to engrish.com.

Reply #91242 | Report this post

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