91012, its a mystery to me why someone in your position consistently attempts to come on here and publicly shoot down a club(s) when a number of of your arguments are based on a lack on knowledge about what our club is putting in place and where we are headed.
I would suggest you focus on things you do know about. EG: how to improve the overall competition, how to develop our state players or your own players/coaches. You seem to beleive that doing these things involves knocking club(s) without really understanding it and where it is going. Until then, unfortunately, despite time constraints, im forced to defend our club.
Results: These things take time. EG my current team was in Div 2, 2 years ago so I would argue that they have shown improvement. The Under 12 Div 2 Coach you mention is Matthew Atkins (ABL all star player, played for a number of years at ABL level and works in the sporting industry and is qualified in that area). Correct, that does not make him a great coach (you could not compare him to Butler) but its a good starting point for an u12 div 2 coach when you compare to other clubs coaches in the same position and that was my point - We compare well!
Chris C did come to the club as an U16 2nd year and going along with your arguments (and I dont agree with them) does that mean Centrals developed Brendan Mann, Ben Todd, Lachlan (???) and a number of other players that started at our club and our currently playing ABL/Div 1 juniors elsewhere - it doesnt. Maybe you should ask Chris the impact Centrals had on him getting to where he is now. I would also note he has only played about 3 or 4 games in 20s (I asked his coach) this season.
Our club, like others, can improve in a number of areas and I find it interesting reading what you have to say when your points are made correctly. This forum is a great place to debate them but I disagree with "Because the level of coaching means that you will not improve." If you want to disagree with me why would someone in your position choose to publicly make this point or debate it?? It achieves NOTHING and does more harm than good. Perhaps you see our club (and others) as trying to erode the level of competition - which again is not based on facts - take the time to contact the club and ask them about their views on aspects that you beleive need to change in the competition.
Happy to continue debating this but time is limited and I would prefer we just leave it there and agree to disagree on the statement made earlier. Perhaps I could go on the offensive about your club, but thats just not going to happen!