from the stats room
Years ago
Junior results
These are the current results of the junior season. Taking each teams current position on the ladder and averaging them for each club. You will need to conisder that this is pure data and therefore has some anomolies. For example West Adelaide Girls program has grades where they do not have a div 1 team, but their div 2 team is doing well, whichmay incrase their average position. Some clubs have 2 teams in high grades which may decrease their average position
Sturt 27 teams w/average pos. 3.29th
North 27 teams w/average pos. 5.14th
Norwood 33 teams w/average pos. 5.39th
Southern 27 teams w/average pos. 6.22th
Forestville 27 teams w/average pos. 6.36th
West 22 teams w/average pos. 6.81th
South 27 teams w/average pos. 7.44th
Eastern 9 teams w/average pos. 8.00th
Woodville 17 teams w/average pos. 8.47th
Centrals 10 teams w/avergae pos. 8.50th
North 17 teams w/average pos. 4.05th
Sturt 21 teams w/average pos. 4.09th
West 14 teams w/average pos. 5.00th
Norwood 21 teams w/average pos. 5.09th
Forestville 22 teams w/average pos. 5.09th
Southern 18 team w/average pos. 6.55th
South 15 team w/average pos. 6.73th
Centrals 7 team w/average pos. 6.85th
Eastern 5 team w/average pos. 7.00th
Woodville 12 team w/average pos. 8.16th
Sturt 48 teams w/average pos. 3.64th
North 44 teams w/average pos. 4.72th
Norwoood 54 teams w/average pos. 5.27th
Forestville 47 teams w/average pos. 5.76th
West 36 teams w/average pos. 6.11th
Southern 45 teams w/average pos. 6.35th
South 42 teams w/average pos. 7.19th
Eastern 13 teams w/average pos. 7.64th
Centrals 17 teams w/average pos. 7.82th
Woodivlle 29 teams w/average pos. 8.34th
Form this data I would say that Southern is on the improve, but their girls program is holding them back. Perhpas why they are advertising.
I would rank Woodville above Centrals and Eastern. Looks like they put their teams in Div 1 whereas Eastern and Centrals do not.
Norwood are getting the most kids. But that does not necessarily result in winning teams.
Forestville talk a good game about how well they do, but the stats say that they are middle of the range.
Norths girls are still strong, but their boys are not as good as years past.
Sturt are clearly ahead overall, but their girls are not top, nor that much in front of other clubs.
South look to be decreasing in numbers, and are slipping in results as well.
Overall the girls comp is closer than the boys.
Thought's anyone!