Years ago
Radio discussion of BASA asset sale
A couple of radio stations have mentioned the asset sale this morning. ABC 891 talked to Kevin Foley about whether the sale was transparent enough.
5AA generally talked through the result with Foley.
5AN, as well as 5AA, raised the debt that had been wiped. Foley explained that this was a better situation than under the Liberal government where the $250k p.a. grant was being paid and no repayments made. Foley was satisfied with the process and said that it was above board and handled appropriately. Mentioned that there were around 50 expressions of interest.
Interestingly, on 5AN, Foley said that the Dome was under private ownership and the owner could hold other events there. On 5AA, he stated that the Dome could be used within the regulations and laws that prevail.
Many of you will have seen the news pieces last night about the sale. At least one seemed to lead with the theme that Hemmerling would be "saving" the 36ers (odd, in my opinion given that there was reasonable interest from a few parties), while another was very upbeat saying that Hemmerling hoped to return the 36ers to being the hottest ticket in town.
The club will be officially announcing something this afternoon