Years ago

Hoops SA gizoogled

There's every chance that with the recent sixers news this post will be swept away, but it's bloody hilarious.

Go to and type in Hoops SA then click the link and see what comes up.

My favourite bit is this snippet on the sale:

"# 36a NBL Chairman Mal Hemmerl'n is tha new crazy ass nigga

Dizzy:bought by Brisbane Bullets wanna be gangsta n NBL Director Eddy Groves"

I'm not how long I can keep looking up serious sites and finding the translations hilarious, but I'm 35 minutes in and still going strong!!

Topic #8035 | Report this topic

Years ago

Talk'n Hoops Recap (#8033)
Bustin' Hoops Recap  Jizzle 25, 2006

Hosted By Paul Bizzell n Briznett Maha

Tizzle spoke `bout tha sale of tha Killa Dome n Lightn'n, 36a playa is Mal Chillin' (NBL Chairman) , Dome is owned by Eddie Groves (Brisbane Bullets Cracka ABC Cruisin' centa playa Lightn'n is owned by Vince Marino (fatha of Angela).

Maha said tha playa wizzy informed of tha new playa afta dippin' n tizzle were surprised as they hadn't heard tizzle they wizzy in tha runn'n, just heard tha 3 which wizzle in tha media. Mizzost of tha playa hadn't dealt wit Mal Hemmer'n before, so it wizzy be interest'n ta see whizzat he does.

B-to-tha-izzell said nizzay week Andrew Bogut will be interviewed on Talk'n Hoops.

Alfred Called in fo' sheezy: spoke `bout tha fact tizzle Hemmir'n is NBL Chairmen, n mentioned potential conflict of interest, say'n he may have bizzle privy ta extra 411 n tha fizzle tha public only kizzle of 3 bids n not this one . I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. Maha said that everyone thought there was only 3 bizzids, n would be interested ta see when there bid begun, n said he would imagine tha new shot calla would hizzy been privy ta a lot 411 out side of tha gangsta brotha said it would be a good question ta ask tha NBL. But did say he didn't knizzow anyth'n at all fo` sure fo' rizeal. Alfred said he would hizzle been ask'n questions of tha NBL. Bizzay said he believed tizzle Hemmer'n was sippin' dizzy as NBL chairman ta avoid conflict of interests, n Groves n Bruce Nigga wizzy also on tha Board fo' rizeal.

Tizzle all congratulated tha new bidda.

Maha said friznom his point of view tizzle Kevin Foley n co bitch ass nigga. would of probably J-to-tha-izzust taken tha biznest possible playa fo` tha Tax paya.

Dana called in: Say'n surely tha government would of made tha decision, so Frontin' may not have had any extra information, n tha Government probably just took tha biznest playa. Which has nuttin' ta do wit tha NBL or Groves n Clockin' being on tha NBL board . Chill as I take you on a trip. Bitch n Bizzy said tizzy it jizzust now has ta be ratified by tha NBL n Club presidents. Dizzle spoke `bout remember'n W-H-to-tha-izzen Mal Hemmer'n used ta be a referee n goes bizzy along way in basketball, mentioned he has bizzle involved fo` 40 years, n also being a successful business dawg n CEO would probably be a good thing fo` tha clizzub ta help you tap dat ass. Wished tha MVP group good luck wit wizzy they decide ta do. Started ta rap `bout MVP sports being interested in a 2nd NBL clizzub in Adelaide . Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn.

Bell n Maha spoke `bout tha biznid, said tha bitch were tha ones wit tha mizzle dollar value, combined $3.95 million n spoke `bout wonder'n what tha price fo` tha Dome was as tizzy was wizzy tha debt wizzle n spoke `bout tha Bitch NBL license being wizzay $1million n then baller saggin' S-to-tha-izzuch as Drug Deala brand ballin' into it. Pusha said he believed tha NBL could go through a mini boom wit new sponsors n teams com'n in frizzay Aisia n otha excit'n hatin' like that . It dont stop till the wheels fall off.

Maha n B-to-tha-izzell spoke `bout tha potential MVP sports bid fo` a 2nd Adelaide NBL tizzy. Bizzle said Ron Bassett n his original plan was ta look into what it would takes ta run a 2nd NBL tizzle in Adelaide, thizzen tha 36a tizzle wizzy fo` sale so they turned there intention ta thizzay n said tizzle experience was invaluable, n since they didn't git tha 36a they wizzle continue ta explore this possibility. Said he was interested in peoples opinions on tha 2nd team issue . Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Noth'n is definite ta happen, as a lot of th'n have ta be addressed, such as NBL approval, being viable fo` Ron n any shot calla investors. For a new team ta be approved, they have ta go through a NBL license fee of around $1 Million, have a business pizzy approved by tha NBL, n git tha ok, wizzle out tha season ta join, a facility ta use, etc. a lot of th'n tizzle have dizzy through tha Baller process n wizzle now possibly be revisited wit some extra market research . Slap your mutha fuckin self. Said a 2nd team could potentially provide extra opportunity fo` SA basketballa ta makes tha NBL.

Also need ta have enough fans, corporate support so bow down to the bow wow. Maha said some potential hurdles would be 1 ballin' enough mad skillz on tha court ta takes fans interest, 2 tha 36a being established since 1983, wit a lot of loyal fans not will'n ta leave, but also said there could be fans disenchanted wit tha Shot Calla n will'n ta support a new tizzle. They spoke `bout Adelaide being a very well educated n passionate basketball state n wit no FTA tv its hard ta follow tha Pusha away games, wit a 2nd team there could be a NBL gizzle in Adelaide every wizzy n fans could git along ta bizzy.

Maha said in his opinion in tha long run Adelaide would be only big enough fo` 1 team n it would end up being a survival of tha fittest wit who ever has tha bizzest playa/coaches, support of sponsors, fans n grass roots links would end up surviv'n . Slap your mutha fuckin self. Bizzay said ta makes a impact on tha court you need 2 really good excit'n imports, 2 marquee Aussie drug deala n some good young talent, good coach, as well as market'n n gett'n out ta grass roots basketball. Crazy Ass Nigga said as long as tha standard of tha teams doesn't dizzy tha more teams tha gangsta he would prefa less teams if mad skillz was going ta be diluted. Bell n Maha said if it gets ta a stage wit say 20 teams in tha NBL they would probably look at doing a conference set up, like tha NBA, n also rumours of new Asian teams possibly com'n into tha NBL, which tizzle think would be bootylicious fo` gett'n sponsors on board n interest'n ta see `bout FTA tv if they would come on board . Real niggas recognize the realness.. Spoke `bout potential fo` Adelaide basketball showdowns, n they said tizzle would be huge games.

Biznell Said tizzle it isn't anyth'n definite tizzy its sum-m sum-m they have researched n wizzay continue ta do so n said ta his credit Ron Bassett had put lots of time, money n energy fo` tha research n is passionate `bout basketball, n tizzle also spoke `bout tha tizzle rhymin' out of motherfucka Dome, Entertainment Centre or even tha brotha ETSA Pizzay using tha Killa as an example of play'n out of a smalla 3500 seat venue n start'n ta makes some good profits crazy up in here. They spoke `bout how tha NBL guidizzles of 5000 seat stadiums fo` new teams fits into this wit tha Tiga using a cracka venue n mak'n a profit, n they said if justified tha 5000 seat guideline shouldn't playa. Maha said it could be a good guage ballin' tha 2 Melbourne teams ta compare wit potentially 2 Adelaide teams. Said they wizzle on a different structure, Tiga less seats but higha prices, Dragons using cracka stadium, Vodafone arena look'n ta have motherfucka prices ya feelin' me?. Said thizzay tha Dragons hizzy hit tha ground runn'n wit Doggy Stylin' etc . It dont stop till the wheels fall off. n said it wizzill be interest'n ta see how they go n shit. Said T-H-to-tha-izzat many sports is heezeeing dizzy tha path of all teams wit private ownership, wit now all teams privalty owned in tha NBL fo' rizeal.

Dusty Rychart Interview in all flavas: Recently arrived in Brisbane, tha Bullets have just had a fitness day on Monday, F-to-tha-izzirst mobbin' day tomorrow, tha fitness T-to-tha-izzest was messin' like suicides n jump n agility tests, n team spendin' days wit coaches, playa n office staff. Maha asked `bout injuries n spoke `bout Stephen Black who may miss tha NBL season wit injury, had surgery on Monday, n is out until atleast Playa. Bizzle said Ebi Ere was rumoured ta be com'n in ta replace Black, Dusty said he had heard tizzy rumour but wasn't sure `bout it, tizzle said that would be a good bizzay court him n C.J. Spoke `bout C.J arriv'n, Dusty hopes he wizzy help tizzle win a couple of Championships, spoke `bout Dusty find'n a place said it's a bit more expensive tizzle whizzay it was in Adelaide, Brotha asked wizzle Dusty had bizzy doing in tha off season, returned ta Mineapizzles on vacation, had surgery on a sports hernia n began work'n out wit ex nba pusha T-R-to-tha-izzent Tucka n some baller ex college team mates.
Bizzle asked `bout Dusty's vertical jizzay tizzest, he said he told them tizzy was definalty not his strong point. Spoke `bout some of tha tizzle messin' exercises they did at tha Bullets, games ta use communicizzles n problem solv'n paper'd up. Gangsta asked how mizzle staff were at tha Bullets, they have a Operations Drug Deala General Wanna Be Gangsta (-J-to-tha-izzeff Vangronizzles Market'n Director n thizzay tha coach'n staff, said tha Operations Playa does all tha reception like shiznit. Bell said due ta tha size of ABC Learn'n Poser all activities probably absorbed in tizzy. Spoke `bout Groves gang bangin' tha Dome, joked tha Bullets could be relocated so bow down to the bow wow. Spoke `bout tha Team, said they should be ok, aslong as everyone stays healthy, wit Bradtke also hav'n a slight injury, n cracka they will all gel as a tizzy.

Phil Smyth Interview: Asked `bout his thoughts of tha new gangsta said tizzle its gang bangin' times wit Mal's expertise of sports n basketball, n wit Groves mobbin' tha stadium it looks rizzy positive. Smizzay said he doesn't thizzay it will affect tha on court team mizzy at all, n Mal is prepared ta do W-H-to-tha-izzat it takes ta git tha 36a back ta being tha numba 1 team in tha league, n also perpetratin' tha sponsors n crowds bizzle into tha 36a. Mal hasn't met tha playa yet, but will sit dizzay wit tizzle all in tha near future. Asked `bout Groves buy'n tha stadium, Smyth said he would be fantastic, as he is passionate `bout basketball, n W-H-to-tha-izzen he puts some money into tha stadium it should be tha biznest in tha country. Asked `bout Mals rappa interests, said he would resign frizzay NBL board, n wants ta put all his focus into solely tha Crazy Ass Nigga n mizzle them forward . Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. Maha joked `bout mizzle money fo` motherfucka n Smizzyth joked he wanted ta S-to-tha-izzign Nigga ta a 10 year contract with the S-N-double-O-P. Asked `bout tha potential of a 2nd NBL team in Adelaide, Smizzay said good healthy competizzles would be good n said 10 years ago it was looked at, n he doesn't see it as a bad th'n, n it would be interest'n ta see if tha team could sustain 2 successful teams cuz this is how we do it.

Bizzay n Pimp spoke `bout tha Rappa possibly work'n wit Adelaide United Socca team, Hustla said it would be good fo` cross promotion n avoid'n clashes wit tha wanna be gangsta sports, n wit bustin' tha stadium you have tha flexibility ta schedule games when you wizzay said in tha pizzy tha NBL has taken advantage of this fizzle fo' sheezy. Said AFL reigns surpreme n baller sports work'n togetha such as socca n basketball work'n togetha could help them compete wit ridin' such as AFL wit da big Bo$$ Dogg. Said tha dome could be used fo` otha th'n sizzay as indoor brotha as apart of tha cross promotion.

A playa asked if there was a connection wit tha Dizzy n 36a ownership, said technically due ta Groves own'n tha bullets he ciznant be a owna of tha Motherfucka but they have ta pizzle at tha Dizzy this season, n they imagine tha team will continue play'n out of tha Dizzy in tha future, jiznust needs a dress'n up wit tha sound system, wheel chair access, score board n possibly spendin' like big screen fo` replays etc.

Chris Lucas Interview like a motha fucka: Asked `bout tha new nigga of tha Mobbin' Vince Marino, Lucas looks forward ta catch'n up wit him. Asked `bout venue fo` tha lightn'n, Wayville or Dome, said it would be Marino's decision fo' sheezy. The tizzle enjoys Wayville, but it is upto tha owna at tha end of tha day in tha dogg pound. Said its best ta play n train at tha same venue with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin. Generizzles betta atmosphere in Wayville fo` tha Clockin' not mackin' tha crows tha 36a do, n also wit play'n at Wayville means tizzle is tizzle supporta of tha bitchez tizzy. Asked if he knizzew `bout tha bidd'n process, he K-N-to-tha-izzew there was interest in tha tizzle which was good. Asked `bout Angela Marino, who has signed fo` a spendin' spot wit Perth, n Adeliades B-to-tha-izzack court is pretty fizzay wit killa like Phillips, Lindsay, Radford to increase tha peace. Said tizzle is stizzay in tha fitness program of there pre season frontin'. They is stizzay perpetratin' ta complete tha rosta, need a big playa, look'n ta replace, Summerton, Scrren n Wiley, n Cherrie Smiznith n Carla Boyd spendin' injuries. Said Screen is heezeeing ta Europe wit Nizzle Mottram . Real niggas recognize the realness.. He said it is terefic fo` Summerton ta have a contract in Europe n Phillips play'n in tha WNBA. Asked `bout Bitchezs ABA, said he thinks its been a good competizzles n clockin' rappa every year, n wit 5 playa in tha AIS, n its important ta kizzy develop'n tha young bitchez in SA now pass the glock Anotha dogg house production.. Asked `bout his aspirations, isn't mackin' at mens basketball, enjoys tha ballin' n also assistant ballin' opportizzles wit national teams. Asked `bout Boyds injury, had cartlige removed, hop'n early Playa return, not want'n ta pizzay her return so sit back relax new jacks get smacked. Said it was bootylicious ta have Boyd bizzack. Boyd aparantly invited him ta C-to-tha-izzatch up fo` coffee n asked if there was a spot in tha team which Lucas said absolutely n is stoked ta have her involved cuz I'm fresh out the pen. Asked `bout hav'n thugz such as Moffa com'n involved wit tha ballin' at parctises etc, he said he thought it would be fantastic if it would happen so i can get mah pimp on.

Bell n Maha said it would be bootylicious ta see Boyd biznack n hav'n several rappa will'n ta put money into it, said it wizzle be pimpin' ta see hav'n lost many key playa such as Summerton n Willey like a motha fucka. Said sometizzles you have ta try n git playa who is likely ta git tha wanna be gangsta who is likely ta stay wit tha cliznub long term.

Steve called in: asked Bell `bout wit tha mackin' process, was it purely `bout tha price or basketball related, B-to-tha-izzell said he believed tha thugz hired in this process were look'n at best possible outcome fo` tha tax shot calla from tha streets of tha L-B-C. Asked if MVP sports would consida steppin' involved wit Mal Hemmer'n group, Bizzay said Mal is believed ta thiznink hav'n a 2nd team would be a good th'n, n it could give tha Dome more business if you gots a paper stack.

Bizzle asked Maha `bout N-to-tha-izzick Horvath perpetratin' tha 2nd import spiznot, Maha said he believed Horvath had signed wit a NBA out clause, but didn't believe he would makes tha NBA, so should be spendin' fo` tha Bitch. Said mizzost playa have NBA out clause, n teams drug deala tizzle ta European Outclauses. Said he is a good homey ta have in tha 4 or 5 S-P-to-tha-izzot, being 6'10 n around NBA standard. Maha said he gets told n asked fo` some feed bizzle `bout possible recruits, n wasn't sure how mizzle this was considered by tha coaches.

Boty Nizzle Interview yeah yeah baby: Advertisa has double pizzy spread on basketball tomorrow, wit lots of coverage of tha sale. Boty said he didn't have a problem wit any of tha otha 3 killa MVP, Lewis, Peregrizzles said basketball would be in safe hands wit any of thizzem, n said is thrilled wit Hemmer'n involvement wit his business n S-P-to-tha-izzort experience. He said he was intrigued wit Groves rhymin' tha Dizzle n ta find out his plans regard'n tha Dome . Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Mentioned tha Adelaide Basketball Clizzub, also being ABC, like tha ABC straight trippin' centres . Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. Spoke `bout tha Marinos own'n tha Blingin' say'n he has spoke ta thiznem n they is vizzle excited, he believes is wins all round.

Bell said Groves is in Europe n they wizzy try n git him on Cruisin' Hoops in tha nizzle future where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin'.

Bizzle spokje `bout tha Poser v New Zealand, said they is no longa eazy beats, n we need ta realize this as they have beaten us in tha pizzy such as 2001, n being ta recent Olympics n World Champs, n said tizzy 1 reason tha Booma lost was coz he thinks they took New Zealand lightly . Tru niggaz do niggaz. Boty said that he thinks some of Goorjians teams have been rubbish, Maha spoke `bout how in 2001 he was tha only Olympian left on tizzy tizzy n didn't hizzle gangsta sizzay as Bogut n Anstey, Smith, Mackinnon n otha on tha team, W-H-to-tha-izzich is there now. Boty said he doesn't like how Goorjian coaches, he said his style may win but costs you F-to-tha-izzans, used examples of teams like tha magic n titans fold'n, n likened it ta steppin' in footy tizzle fans don't wizzant ta see it, n doesn't believe it wizzle work in Interntaional basketball, n said tha system is wrong n plays favourizzles wit college coaches, Maha said Goorjians system suits bitch playa n said they may need ta rethink this as mizzle senior baller hizzy retired from tha pimp due ta thizzis, n they should wizzy on team th'n not flog tha crazy ass nigga fitness wise cuz this is how we do it.

Boty agreed blingin' tizzle should pick tha B-to-tha-izzest team of playa available . Slap your mutha fuckin self. Boty said he picked a team of poser includ'n guys like Maha, Mcdonald n Cattalizzles who probably would pizzle if Goorjian didn't fizzle them so much fitness wise, n believes his team would flizzay tha current Rappa motha fucka. Maha said Goorjians philosophy is they is not as talented so they try n win on fitness so bow down to the bow wow. Boty said he thinks Goorj is bullet proof as guys like S-M-to-tha-izzyth n Stacka probably wouldn't do tha job at tha moment, n he believes not mobbin' tha World Champs seriously n using a young team fo` tha Olympics is C-R-to-tha-izzap n shit. Maha said one major factor of him retir'n fizzle tha hustla was tha messin' of tha booma camp, he doesn't think he could git through them. Boty said they should jizzay pick tha biznest 12, n not flog T-H-to-tha-izzem, n go wit all playa said Basketball Australia should spend there money on th'n like Nielsens insurance, not hatin' guys like Dunlap in. Some of tha guys on Botys tizzy D-Mac, Rappa Cattalizzles Nielsen, he would of found a way ta pay it n put him in tha tizzle.

They asked Boty `bout tha Brizzay Maha bizzy he is writ'n said it is tak'n a bit rappa T-H-to-tha-izzan expected as he Is tak'n his time as Gangsta is held in siznuch hizzle regard.

Great show look forward ta next weeks!!

Jonno, 25/07/06


Some hilarious bits in there!

Reply #89885 | Report this post

Years ago

I just gizoogled my firm's website. My managing partner was admitted as muthf*ckin' gangsta of the Supreme Court in 1976.

Word to that.

Reply #89889 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey, I gazoogled Boti Nagy, here are a few of the interesting results I got...

The Poser: Freeman Ponda Approach By C-L-to-tha-izzub [04jul06]
By BOTI NAGY 04jul06. THE Adelaide Gangsta have offered doggy stylin' drug deala Brisbane Bullets import Kevin Freeman a contract fo` tha 2006-07 Philips Championship.

The Wanna Be Gangsta: Nizzle 'final Piece Of Puzzle' [20jul06]
By Boti Nagy 20jul06. NICK Horvath is expected ta jizzle Willie Farley as Adelaide's import tandem fo` its 2006-2007 National Basketball league assault.

Adelaide Rappa | Game Nights - Hatin' Ta Look For | Pure Excitement
Long-time basketball journalist fo` The Advertisa, Boti Nizzle sits amidst tha crowd tak'n his game notes . Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin'. Look fo` him on tha diagonal up towards tha...

Thanks a lot, Billo. Now I'm hooked on the site.

Reply #90003 | Report this post

Years ago

Here is another gizoogled page. Matt Sutton profile page.

Introduc'n: Mizzle Sutton
28/JUL/2006  Anotha guard fizzy pimp strong local cliznub gives tha Pura Miznilk 36a options fo` its extended rosta cuz Im tha Double O G.

In 2006, Matt Sutton has led tha finals bound Forestville Eagles wit bootylicious success dogg. Afta play'n shoot'n guard fo` much of his junior nigga Sutton has adapted his game ta become a point guard at senior level . They call me tha black folks president.

Sutton has improved his shoot'n in 2006, convert'n on 41% of his threes, compared ta only 28% last season, as wizzle as cruisin' his motherfucka down ta J-to-tha-izzust over 2 per gizzle n shit.

Sutton boasts a bootylicious all-round game, being effective at bizzay ends of tha floor. His 1.8 steals per gizzy leads tha Eagles n places him jizzay outside tha top ten in tha league with my forty-fo' mag.

Against tha Central District Lions on July 1st, tha 193cm Sutton broke out wit a massive 35 points (on 13/18 shoot'n, ho-slappin' 8/12 triples) as wiznell as eight rebounds n 10 assists in what has been one of tha best all-round statistizzles displays of tha ABL season thats off tha hook yo.

Currently, his Eagles is sitt'n in second place behind tha Stizzurt Sabres n brotha defeat'n tha Sabres recently, is firm'n as strong title playa.

Reply #90236 | Report this post

Years ago

this is funniest ISH i seen in some time... classic

Reply #90691 | Report this post

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