Years ago
Funny Hemmerling, Groves buy Sixers, Dome
Stay tuned.
Years ago
Stay tuned.
Years ago
Mal Hemmerling is the early word. From The Advertiser:
ADELAIDE City Council's CEO Mal Hemmerling is the new owner of the Adelaide 36ers, according to unconfirmed reports.It's possible that the Dome was sold separately.
It is believed Mr Hemmerling is part of a business consortium that has bought the team.
Government sources told AdelaideNow a Government announcement about the basketball club's future ownership would be made at noon today.
Mr Hemmerling was not immediately available for comment.
Years ago
The Distinctive Homes Dome has been bought by Brisbane-based businessman Eddy Groves, owner of the Brisbane Bullets' NBL franchise and the nationally franchised ABC Learning Centres.
The third Basketball Association of SA "sale item", the women's Adelaide Lightning , was purchased by the Whyalla-based Marino family.
so from what i can tell thats 2 NBL board members that have bought parts of this, isnt that a conflict?
Years ago
In terms of the 36ers, I hope that the apparent conflict of interest was well managed?
and this comes after Angela Marino signs with Perth Lynx?
Eddy Groves will charge the Sixers a fortune and make them go bankrupt. Good way to kill a competitor
this is crap. Not getting the dome at the same time is bad in my opinion and to me this seems sus that a government dude get the nod ahead of what i think look like much better people and proposals. The only positive is that if that new entertainment centre thing on north terrace gets up, that could be a good place to play if it was build with ball in mind.
Mal Hemmerling isnt a government dude, get your facts right 89740
Years ago
Hemmerling and Groves combined to buy the Dome and team for $3.95m+GST.
Link Engineering in Whyalla bought the Lightning for $113,000+GST.
Just received the press release now.
Yep - http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0,22606,19905098-5006301,00.html
yes, all as above is confirmed on the advertiser website and the news website
I personally think this is a good outcome, and kept very quiet - which is strange considering nothing is usally quiet around basketball.
I think question remains what is the state of the $11M, it says that the money from the sale will part repay BASA's debt, so who pays the rest.
Eddie and Co.?
Mal and Co.?
so angela marino does come from "the marion family"?! hmmm yeah you would think that she would be like well I own the team now, I should play in it!
Years ago
Full press release on www.adelaide36ers.com - sorry about the forum struggling - it can't cope with all the attention!
Years ago
It was quiet because it looks like a dodgy deal has been done! this is not the result we wanted or were after. Bruce Carter you stink!
So are the WNBL team going to be known as the Adelaide Engineers?
this stinks more than kevin foley's breath after a long tp funded lunch .
Years ago
Whoever says that 'these people are better' and 'this deal stinks' must have access to the thousands and thousands of (confidential) pages of documents that were available to Mr Carter and the government for all these weeks gone by. Uneducated, uncorroborated, speculative and stupid things to say
Joe M
Years ago
# 89758
Why? What is so bad with Mal Hammerling or do you have a vested interest with Mr Ron Bassett and Mr Paul Bell from MVP sports?
What the objective to find the best out come for the Adelaide 36ers? In my eyes this is the best outcome as Mr Mal Hammerling is a long time supporter of the club and the sport of basketball in South Australia (30 odd years)
Hemmerling in charge has to be a positive.
A wealth of basketball knowledge he used to be a District ref back in the days of Apollo, his then wife played for Norwood.
Great business acumen, and he has headed up some great sporting events.
I applaud the appointment. Good on the Marino family for buying the Lightning.
Not only is Groves and Hemmerling on the NBL board, but so is Bruce carter.
Sounds like backroom deals to me!
a guy with masses of corporate experience that will be of use to the club, plus a guy with tonnes of cash to back him up - how isn't this the deal we wanted?
Vanilla Ice
Years ago
Will Chris Lucas loose some sleep over the next few days? Maybe he should have had a good look at Marino...
Best of luck to the Marino Family I hope they can develop the Women's Program into a money making juggernaught and start paying the players the $$$ they deserve
The Groves thing doesn't sit easy with me. Not sure what this means for the long term future of the Dome as a basketball venue?
Years ago
Just a bit off topic but I was wondering about this bit that was taken from the news item on the website.
"Money raised from the sales would be used to reduce that debt, with the remainder of the debt to be written off, Mr Foley said."
So if the debt is writen off what happens to the clubs who owe money.
Coming from a club that does owe money I personally think that the debt that is owed still needs to be paid back.
Sounds like MVP sports are sooking to me!! Unfortunately MVP can't compete with the big boys.
someone posted this in the "second team" topic:
"And from what I understand was paid for the 36ers and the Dome, depending on who that is, will struggle to spend anymore money on the team."
bet theyre feeling silly now!!
Vanilla Ice
Years ago
If you have a problem, YO I'll solve it
Check out my hook while the DJ revolves it
with groves on board, maybe the jumbotron at the dome is a possibility. maybe we can host the blitz eventually?
and to those worried about groves controlling our club's venue, what happens if mal moves the team to the ent cent? i think we're safe.
At least Eddy should be able to afford to stock the dome with dunny paper
Years ago
Quote: Best of luck to the Marino Family I hope they can develop the Women's Program into a money making juggernaught and start paying the players the $$$ they deserve
Hasn't happened so far so why would it change?
So much negativity from a group of people who "feed" off the generosity of the public purse for a basket case (pardon the pun) sport! All of a sudden its the new owners who "have to do eveything"
Look at the positives. Someone bought the damn things!
In the Know
Years ago
I think we are not seeing this from a business perspective. Eddie buys the dome and renames it the ABC centre. He then gets more National coverage on the TV and in the general community further enhancing his already massive empire. He owns it out right and gets money out of it through leasing to the 6ers and others. What is bad about that? He has got to where he has because he is a smart man. Maybe with him being so invloved in Basketball there are opportunities for free to air? If it does fall over I am sure he could wear the cost.
Hemmerling is a great choice as well as he has the many years of business experience, has a record of doing things well, and obviouly has great finiancial backing. The governemnt wouldn't take a risk on this.
To the Marinos, I think this is the best thing that could have happened for Women's basketball in this state. There is a genuine love of the sport by these people, and to be honest a lot of the other parties were not interested anyway. I guess Lucas would be a tad concerned considering he wasn't interested in signing Angela this year. We will wait to see on this issue.
I think all the choices that have been made are great and lets hope BSA can get their house in order so that Basketball in this State can finially move forward.
Like the other poster said it just sits weird that an owner of our opposition now owns our home facility. Also does anyone know much about mal $$$ wise, is he the sort of person to spend the cash to build up the entertainment factor? i guess no one really knows but if anyone has some insight into his business background that would be cool.
Mal Hemmerling was appointed CEO of the Adelaide City Council in late September 2003, taking up the position in November 2003. His appointment follows a distinguished career as an international management consultant through his own company Hemmerling International Marketing Pty Ltd, with expertise in strategic marketing, business assessment and turn-around and acquisitions. Senior corporate roles have included Managing Director, Trade Wind Communications Ltd, a publicly listed electronic communications and messaging company, and Chief Executive, Bob Jane Corporation and Bob Jane T-Marts.
As the Chief Executive of the Australian Formula One Grand Prix and Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games, Mal is one of South Australia's favourite sons, delivering successful world-class sporting events to global audiences. In the role of Executive Director of the Adelaide Grand Prix, the event was voted many times as the best organised Grand Prix in the world by the drivers and the best televised Grand Prix over its 11 year history.
Other positions held include Chief Executive of Australian Event Management, the Adelaide Entertainment Centre and Director of the Cabinet Office, Premier's Department.
A member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Mal is Chairman of the National Basketball League and Director of Avatar Industries Limited Pty Ltd.
Mal's qualifications include a PhD from Adelaide University, Bachelor of Science (Hons) and Diploma in Teaching (Secondary).
With all due respect; compare Mals cv with those running MVP sports. The people at MVP sports might be heavyweights like Mal in yrs to come but they are still young upstarts trying to make their way in the world of business. Good guys though, good for them to have a go and great for basketball!
With all due respect; compare Mals cv with those running MVP sports. The people at MVP sports might be heavyweights like Mal in yrs to come but they are still young upstarts trying to make their way in the world of business. Good guys though, good for them to have a go and great for basketball!
what rock have you been living under the past decades or so?
or are you just out of nappies
Mal Hemmerling headed up the Adelaide Grand Prix, got it here in adelaide and kept it great for 10 years.
He was CEO of the Sydney Olympic Committee - he was head hunted for the position he now holds with the ACC
Not only does he have financial credibility he has sporting credibility and he HAS a basketball background.
All I can say its a Win Win Win all way round and the best thing that has happened to basketball in this state for a long time.
With the debt it has been my understanding that BASA has the debt. the clubs will have to pay back the BASA debt they owe but they all start afresh with BSA.
so they are not in debt with BSA but they will need to slowly pay off the BASA debt.
good times ahead glad i renewed my season tickets
i guess the key thing is what happens to the outstanind 7 million that BSA owes the State Government????
Joe M
Years ago
Would Eddie (the good Eddie) Groves look at selling his shares in Brisvagus (Brisbane) and taking a larger interesting in the Adelaide 36ers with Mal Hammerling now he has a vested interest in the DHD?
For him to buy the DHD there must be some sort of sustainable competitive advantage in it for him?
Why would he buy the dome and still have a majority ownership interest in the Brisbane bullet, something is very fishy.
Years ago
It's already been either implied or directly stated that the remainder of BASA's debt to the government will be written off.
Thanks to whoever posted Mal's history - good for those who don't know much about him.
smyth watcher
Years ago
It makes sense now. Guess who was waiting out the front of the Adelaide City Council Building at around 8.50 AM, in King William St this morning? Phil Smyth.
Marc Howard
Years ago
The NBL's statement on today's announcement by the SA government can be found on nbl.com.au at the following url:
Years ago
You know you've made it as a basketball forum when Marc Howard makes his first post! I'm going to retire while at this pinnacle! ;)
We might get decent food at the dome now. My kid eats better at her ABC centre than everyone does at the Dome on game night!
It will be an interesting Navy Seals audition tonight.
Congrats to the Marino family - hope the first thing they do is reverse the head coach and assistant coach around for the good of women's basketball in SA
Laura G
Years ago
I to need to say congrats to the marino family, i believe that they will better women's basketball in south australia, well done and good luck
Years ago
At least it dosnt look like we will be playing at the ent ctr. The Powerhouse looks like it will host a few more matches yet.
Great for the 6ers.
Eddy Groves buys it to turn it into a child care centre. But what they really need is a retirement village to look after LANARD COPELAND!!!
I think it's time you negative chronies realise that basketball people don't make money... business people make money. Having people involved on the board is a good thing. Having someone who has been apart of such a successful olympic games like Sydney could only be good for bringing in the corporate dollar. Move forward and stop thinking about your vested interests. The matter is settled, support your team and stop your whinging.
89801 - that is so old, there is no way you are getting a basketball for that
Driblernd gorilla
Years ago
Money, business cred. and passion! It looks great. Only two questions. What happens to club debts? ( This apparently varies between $0 and $86000. No level playing field here!) Will Woodville still be able to use the Dome, or will they become homeless again?
no they should be called the Adelaide riggers (rough and tough) i will challange anyone which will come close to them! well done to the Marinos, i know them personally and they will bring SA basketball to the height they deserve!
Years ago
What debt are we talking about when we say the tax payers have to foot a $7m bill. The government throws away so much of the tax payers money to unemployed bums who have no intention of doing a decent day's work. All I can say as someone who has been a constant tax payer for many years and have never relied on the government for any payouts whatsover, I am happy my share of the $7m has gone into developing children in the sport of basketball in the last 20 years or so. 20 years and thousands of children who have benefitted in somethig that is healthy, educational and fun is a small price to pay. Its money well spent, not a debt.
Dr Damage
Years ago
The debt is from the original capital outlay of the dome anyway.
Thew ent centre deal was half the problem and that was the gov decision.
I see it as their debt not SA Basketball.
What a fresh breath of air that actually some people are interested in women's basketball, well done to the marino family, i hope we all rally with the marinos, and help them.
Years ago
I would like to knwo when the state government got into unemployment welfare. Last time I checked, that was a Federal Government task.
Not having a go at any of the other bidders, but Mal Hemmerling as an owner of the 6ers was probably one of the best decisions that could be made. As Chairman of the NBL Board (a position he is stepping down from to avoid a conflict of interest), he has his finger on the pulse of basketball. As a storied business man, he has the business acumen to run the team quite well.
TO an earlier post claiming a "fix it" job because Bruce Carter, Mal Hemmerling and Eddie Groves are/were all on the NBL Board, every club must have a representative. As Adelaide did not have a current board, Carter had to be the rep. Groves is obviously the Brisbane rep, and Hemmerling appointed as chairman. Big deal. At least they know NBL basketball, unlike some of the other bidders, who would have not known the first thing about running a national league club.
if you no the marinos personally then i find it hard to except your comments!! Angela is great but i dae say you should give it a while before you make that as will i
at least now mr marino might be able to freely offer financial incentives to play for his club, instead of offering juniors the same to play for his local whyalla club. poach away vince. Good luck and congrats. hopefully we might be able to host some games in whyalla in the future.
Years ago
Yogee, don't you thinks its the same tax payers that have had to foot the bill for the debt as the ones contributing to welfare? Yogee, are you a South Australian taxpayer or an Australian taxpay? Sounds quite silly when you put it that way.
Double Clutch
Years ago
Can we not get into a discussion on the merits of welfare?
How about a fairer comparison? Over $20 million for the Adelaide oval recently and no channel was reporting about taxpayers being robbed on that deal.
How many people go to a state cricket game? A few hundred?
Years ago
I like the sounds of this...
While Groves' partnership with Hemmerling will ensure NBL basketball continues unabated at its purpose-built stadium, it is in desperate need of a facelift.
Hemmerling said he could not speak for Groves. "But I don't think Eddy will be too worried about the costs involved," he said.
Years ago
Maybe Mal is expecting Eddy to get the rats to work for him for free!
Even they wouldn't eat the food there though....
Years ago
Eddie is a smart man and would not have bought the dome unless there was a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Lightening have lost a lot of players is this due to lack of payment or the coach?
Reality Bites
Years ago
I'm more than happy with Mal Hemmerling being involved with the Sixers, but am curious as to where he is getting his money from.
Bottom line is he has an excellent reputation in business and sporting circles, and knows basketball backwards.
More concerned about Eddy - not the fact that he owns the Bullets and is buying the Dome, but that he has a much different reputation in business than Big Mal. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Dome hosting all sorts of events soon!
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