Years ago


Rumor has it that there will be wholesale changes once BSA take over soon.1. only Div 1 and Div 2 teams will be at district level. 2. several clubs will merge western suburbs and northern suburbs. 3. all other divisions will play social ball. 4. the dome will become an entertainment venue
If this comes about most clubs will have trouble finding money lest open this up for a sensible discussion.

Topic #7835 | Report this topic

Years ago

Where did you hear the rumour? Give a source or it's a waste of time.

I heard a rumour that Manute Bol was the new Sixers import. Oh wait, that was a sweet, sweet dream I had....

Reply #87762 | Report this post

Dr Damage  
Years ago

Given clubs rely on the income of 50 odd teams, this would need to be phased in, surely?

Reply #87765 | Report this post

Years ago

Rumor has it that there will be wholesale changes once BSA take over soon

what were you expecting?

you think they'd keep the system that's got us in the current situation?

Reply #87766 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but is/was there anything in the tender process to say that existing contracts with players and coaches need to be honoured.

For example if the new owners decided they didn't want player X or coach Y, can they sack them or do they have to honour existing contracts?

Does anyone know how long each player and the coaches have been signed for?

Reply #87768 | Report this post

In the Know  
Years ago

I think anyone can be sacked from anywhere, it just costs lots of money if you wish to do it.

Reply #87769 | Report this post

Years ago

87766, what got basketball into this situation was the fact a multimillion $$ sporting business was governed by mums and dads who lacked the know how and/or stakeholdership to run such an organisation.

Junior basketball / clubs have very little to do with the debt of BSA. Alot of those with 2nd agendas see this as an opportunity to bring in quick changes to suit themselves under the guise that local basketball needs RESTRUCTURE.

Managements NUMBER 1 priority needs to be to support the controllers in offloading the 36ers then take a calm, rational, long term, strategic approach to looking at what will be their core business IE Developing grassroots basketball across the state - which from what I have seen does not appear to happening. "Basketball people" stuffed up the 6ers now that is out of our are hands we are gonna stuff up junior/senior district basketball. Bring on SOCCER!!

Reply #87771 | Report this post

Years ago

Barry Richardson wasn't a mum or a dad he was a business man brought in to restructure basketball of South Oz into the current BASA format. He was hired as a general manager he wasn't a 'basketball' person. It was under his direction that basketball owned Apollo and sold it to build the dome.

Many basketball people who have come to work for BASA over the years have come from a professional background.

The notion of mums and dads running it is so misleading and an easy blame.

we are in debt, because of the dome and the reasons are many and varied if dunlap hadn't cut so many players like smyth on a no cut contract, if we didn't pay the coaches and arm and leg, if we hadn't incurred two salary cap breach fines MAYBE we might have had to pay off more than interest only payments on the dome over the past decade.

Higgins, and Sanders, and now Daw are not basketball dads but business men brought in manage a business.

Reply #87776 | Report this post

Years ago

if the cause of the trouble was the Dome why was it still all losing money when the interest payments were halted and while still receiving the 'no-concert' concession?

Reply #87780 | Report this post

Years ago

cause Goitre when you continue to rob peter to pay paul, you eventually become unstuck

Reply #87781 | Report this post

Years ago

87776, I know what you are saying but you miss my point.

Who did the management answer to? Who puts the board in place and holds them accountable? Who were the "shareholders" in BASA?

IMO: The shareholders did not have the skills, time, knowledge, vested financial interest to ask the right questions, hold management accountable and offer strategic support of a multi Million $$, professional sporting organisation. BSA's issues come from this and not the debt of some local clubs to BSA or the structure of local basketball as some people would like us to beleive.

Reply #87783 | Report this post

Years ago

At some point, there have to be links between church, social and district competitions. At the moment, those links are only through players and officials that are involved in more than one competition. There are plenty of district teams moonlighting as social teams around town.

Why is there any problem with having more structured links between the competitions? The main difference now is that most competitions outside of district are based at a particular venue so you don't have "away" games.

Actually, the prospect of a social div 3 competition is quite exciting, although the risk is that div 3 could become a higher standard than div 2!

District clubs may choose to formally run social teams as a development squad for the higher divisions. Don't try to shoot ideas down just because they are different to what we are doing now.

One problem we do have now is the gulf between the have & have nots in terms of performance, number of teams and finance. The competition is a lot more interesting if we can keep the existing clubs going.

Alternatively, we could merge all the clubs so everyone plays for Sturtville. Sounds a bit boring heh?

Reply #87797 | Report this post

Years ago

Goitre, the "no-concert" rule is not a concession, it's a burden. It means the Dome can't be used for concerts and extra revenue can't be made from it.

Reply #87798 | Report this post

Years ago

you missed the point. basa werent paying interest while the loan payments were stalled. they were getting govt grant(s). plus the concession of $250,000 a year (you expect that organisation couldve organised concerts on TOP of struggling with their basketball?). and they were still losing money, and a lot more than was being forecast.

yes if you're paying full rates for the dome, the concession is in issue but in recent years they werent from what i know. they probably had council rates and maintenance and things like that, but not the full cost of leasing the facility or paying off the loan.

Reply #87799 | Report this post

Years ago

they were still probably paying out contracts plus if the sixers and lightning both lose money they were paying them.

plus they were paying for wayville (and pasadena?)

PLus my biggest bug bear the big salaries paid to 'fairy tale' Phil and his intrepid offsider

Reply #87801 | Report this post

Years ago

I think I have missed your point. For mine, more functions at the Dome means more revenue. I took your post to suggest that the "no-concert" rule was in some way reducing the cost of running the Dome.

Reply #87802 | Report this post

Years ago

they were getting a no-concert concession to offset something they had no hope of organising anyway. i dont see it as a big reason they were losing that much money at all.

losses by sixers coincided with some of the worst crowds in history which surprise surprise came at the same time that the club struggled to stay in touch with the fans.

wayville and coaching salaries are issues.

Reply #87803 | Report this post

Years ago


Your level of respect is disturbing if for no other reason that as a fan, you are probably not alone.

The Dome was built on the basis that the then BASA management believed they would be able to supplement the basketball activities at the Dome with other activities.

There were a few activities organised in the first year included a week long circus.

Unfortunately the then government had to protect the Government owned Adelaide Entertainment Centre and forced BASA's hand by not allowing concerts. IMO This decision BY THE THEN STATE GOVERNMENT is the reason the Dome debt has never been able to be pad off. I find it ironic that the government act as saviours of a situation they themselves helped cause.

To suggest the BASA staff would be incapable of hosting concerts or other activities at the Dome is purley insulting of the current management. The people there now are all hard working and capable staff members who do not deserve your attitude due to previous managements.

The current staff IMO could have brought the fanbase back as has been shown by their appointment of Isaac to run the sixers website once again.

Remember the powerbase and current CEO are very different to that of 8 months ago.

Wayville is a small issue and the coaching salaries have already been dealt with so I suggest you remove the chip of your shoulder and look forward instead of blaming the current management for past mistakes.

Reply #87804 | Report this post

Years ago

arrrrgh rumours rumours so bloody many, lets drop this topic until we hear for sure whats happening

Reply #87808 | Report this post

Years ago

current staff would have a far better chance at organising things but past years i'm not so sure of. look at some of the problems with pricing and so on that occured.

you are missing my point to. forget the cost of the dome and concerts. even when the burden of the dome [large loan repayments] were removed and still with the concert concession and sports grant, the whole deal was still losing money. my initial reply was to someone claiming that the dome was the cause of these issues and i dont believe its a fair target..

were there years WITH repayments when everything made a profit? because there were years WITHOUT repayments while keeping the concession where it all made a loss.

i am talking pre-daws.

Reply #87812 | Report this post

Years ago

The point everyone is trying to make is that even with the concert concession and government support this figure is nowhere near the amount that could have been generated had the Dome been open to use for Entertainment purposes as well as basketball.

IMO everyone else is right, you are not.

Reply #87814 | Report this post

Years ago

I think trying to nail down where the organisation lost money is a very, very fruitless exercise unless you have financial statements, board reports, audit reports and so on to look at. What a waste of time

Reply #87817 | Report this post

Years ago

The audit report and recommendations are available Lockstock. This highlights where BSA loose its money. The 36ers and Dome have been a noose around BSAs kneck. 36ers/dome have potential to succeed under private ownership by high networth, networked, talented and knowledgable individuals. EG: Eddy Groves, Mark Cowen and now hopefully the Shahins.

Reply #87819 | Report this post

Years ago

"Barry Richardson wasn't a mum or a dad he was a business man brought in to restructure basketball of South Oz into the current BASA format. He was hired as a general manager he wasn't a 'basketball' person. It was under his direction that basketball owned Apollo and sold it to build the dome."

That last sentence is a very, very interesting one. It seems to contradict some of your points in earlier sentences.

Reply #87823 | Report this post

Years ago

Well based on that then you have a good point #87819

Reply #87825 | Report this post

Years ago

seriously people - what a waste of time the direction of this thread has taken - why does one need to dredge up all the mistakes and errors of the past and try and blame who knows for what ever and how much when the financials of all of this are as murky as the murray. I thought people were over that when the govt. announced they were selling everything off.

Let's look forward to the future and forget the mess of the past - many great things are on the horizon for basketball in SA.

Reply #87831 | Report this post

No Fixed Address  
Years ago

Remember Athol Pk? Freehold, sold for $1,200,000. BASA's share of Wayville $850,000. Concerned people have to ask what happened to all that money! Were too many "jobs" created for former players? Were there too many lunches? The stakeholders in this are current and future players, and they have the right to know what happened. They also have the right to play div 3,4 & 5 for a DISTRICT CLUB, and not be forced to accept a system that may work in Victoria where they have more than 3 times our population!!!

Reply #87835 | Report this post

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