Years ago
Boomers - Just a thought
We know that CJ is out, but ANy chance Darnell Mee is nationalised yet? what other nationalised players could Gorj dip to? The good thing is that while the team vs NZ will LARGELY descide the world champs, it may not totally and if anyone underperforms there is a chance that the team could be slightly restructured ahead of the WC's.... in that i mean most likely one of the point guards, and with that is always the chance Mc Donald might get the call up. Gorjian did say LARGELY, so he hasnt ruled out thoes who dont make up the team vs NZ, perhaps CJ finnishes his summer league before then and gorjian sees the real need for a point guard? or Anderson/ saville get better? still a month.... and Gorj didnt rule out restructuring... for that im glad.
heres the players available at the moment
Chris Anstey,
David Barlow,
Andrew Bogut,
Aaron Bruce,
Wade Helliwell,
Nathan Jawai,
Luke Kendall,
Daniel Kickert,
Sam Mackinnon,
Alex Maric,
Steven Markovic,
Patrick Mills,
Brad Newley,
, Russell Hinder,
Glen Saville,
Jason Smith,
Mark Worthington.
theres some great players in there... just need a vet point guard... hopefully gorj sees that.