Years ago
Talking Hoops Recap!!
Talking Hoops Recap 27/6/06
Hosted By Paul Bell and Liam Flynn
Spoke about the Hudson Maher Foundation Charity dinner, which raised $40,000 for the foundation!!! With around 400 people in attendance, with a maskare theme.
Spoke about the Soccer world cup, and spoke about Soccer V Basketball, pros and cons, They believed that basketball had a bit more action than soccer with it being a high scoring game, and spoke about the AFL with Demetriou coming out and saying that soccer wont be a trouble until they raise the millions of dollars the AFL has, Bell believed he should watch out a bit more as a lot of kids are now starting to start playing soccer now, and basketball also needs to get out into the schools and community to avoid being swept off the landscape, and they spoke about the passion of soccer in many countries around the world. Spoke about soccer refreeing, how they only have 1 ref in soccer vs 3 refs in the nbl.
Spoke about the NBA, Heat won the title in 6 games, and they said it was a great series having 2 new teams, and it being the 3rd time in History a team coming back to win the title being 2 games behind at the start of the series.
Tanya Maher Interview: to speak about the Hudson Maher Charity dinner, said it was a good, fun evening and were very happy to raise some funds for the foundation. Spoke about the maskare theme, and thought it was fantastic and most attendees were masks and followed the theme. Spoke about how well the ball room came up, and thanked video plus for there fantastic support. The event raised around $43,000!! With 380 people attending. The Hudson Maher foundation has helped assist 9 families over the past 2 years, and one of them actually attended the night, and spoke about the importance of the cause as with these kids it is life saving and vital to get the bone marrow transplant.
Spoke about the NBA: Said Dallas would have been disappointed and kicking themselves after winning the first 2, believes Dallas should be back to a similar standard next season, with them having a young team, the Heat are different with a lot of vetrans such as Mourning, but spoke about Wade being the x-factor, him averaging 27pts 5rbs and 6assists during the finals, and about his fantastic foul shooting and his ability to get to the foul. Spoke about Wade not being huge at 6-4, and him not being a show poney which they liked about him.
Caller Godfrey: Spoke about the Soccer v basketball debate. Saying that the beauty of soccer is that you are always right in it, and that soccer being more of a team game than basketball. Bell replied saying it comes down to personal preference, but said he believes basketballs advantages is that everyone plays both ends and is a lot more high scoring. Spoke about Soccer roos game Godfrey believed that the Socceroos did a great job and if they had got to over time they could of even beaten Italy and got through to the next couple of rounds, spoke about the potential advantages for the a-league from the world cup, mentioned guys like Dwight Yorke playing in the A-league. Spoke about the frustration of the players diving for penalties in soccer, and they believe the referees should crack down on this, and coming from a AFL based culture, the diving in soccer is very frustration, they believe that soccer is very highly skilled. Also believe basketball has an advantage with the 7 foot guys and the physical presence and athleticism of the players. Mentioned the upcoming basketball World Champs coming up.
Bell and Flynn spoke about the World Champs, which will be on Foxtel, and they believe it will be interesting to see the very different styles of games that teams will use, as it is played differently all over the world.
Spoke about Pat Riley's coaching, said he couldn't be faulted with how he managed his roster, subs and tactics through out the finals series and mentioned how he aid he thought that was his best title. Spoke about how Shaq gave the credit to Dwayne Wade, by handing the finals MVP trophy to him.
Jeff Van Gronegin, Bullets GM, Interview: Spoke about the signing of C.J. Bruton, said they extatic to have C.J. come in after they let Derek Rucker go, and believe that his leadership and point guard skills will be a great asset, mentioned C.J is still trying out for the Cavs in the NBA, but if C.J. doesn't make the Cavs roster he has committed to the Bullets. Spoke about how Danny Ferry Cavs GM asked JVG's recommendations of some players for the Cavs camp, looking for a back up point guard, so JVG recommended C.J and helped made that happen, before the bullets had approached him, they also bought in Anstey. C.J outplayed every guard at the camp and has been invited to stick around to July and go to the summer league, but mentioned that if the Cavs where to draft a point guard C.J's chances would be pretty much over, as they only want 1 back up point guard. JVG believes its likely They'll get a guy from the draft or NBA free agents to play that role, so believes it's a bit of a long shot for C.J but has done himself no harm, the cavs liked him as a player and a person, but will probably take someone young or with NBA experience. Spoke about the Kings, said the fans and media may have been surprised, but said the organisation released him under no conditions so shouldn't be upset about that. And mentioned the Russia deal from last season and that the kings and C.J made the agreement then that he would serve them 1 more season then would be released to pursue other options such as NBA or Europe. Spoke about how the Bullets were the only club from the NBL talking to C.J, most others probably thought he would go to Europe or didn't have the spot for him. JVG and Joey Wright spoke to him in Cleveland as they were also involved in the camp, and JVG was also surprised of C.Js level of interest and excitement as he and his wife have family history in Brisbane. Spoke about the 2nd import spot, with CJ being signed they are looking for a back up 3/4/5 some one in the Rossell Ellis mould who can come off the bench, are not looking for a guy like Freeman or Burgess, as guys like that wouldn't want to come off the bench. Spoke about the importance of getting the right type of person who can get there head around coming off the bench, using Ellis as a example as he came off the bench or started, and didn't seem fussed about either, and can guard a 3/4/5 despite being undersized at the 5. Spoke about underachieving, JVG believes any team that doesn't win the title doesn't achieve what they want to do, and he said they were not happy, coaches, GM and owners and they decided to make some major changes, and he likens what they tried to do with last years team to what the Miami Heat did this year, having all there veterans, and just said they managed to click at the right time, and said the difference between them and the Heat was they just didn't quite click properly and tried to tinker to get over the top of the Semis and believes that kind of scenario can work but isn't guaranteed to. Spike about Eddie Groves's Impact. JVG said Eddie was the biggest success story, mentioned how frustrated Eddie was during his first few years at the club, with losses, players turn over. He spoke about a time around 3 years ago when Eddie had basically decided he was going to get rid of the Bullets, and spoke to JVG about it, and JVG said that if he wants to do it, they will do it right, with different players and coaches, which will cost him lots of money but its his decision, and then he decided to stick with it, and they have improved since picking up guys like Black and Rucker and Freeman. Asked about Stephen Blacks back, JVG, says they will probably be ongoing for his career, but he said it shouldn't be too much of a limitation for his NBL career but may prevent him doing things such as boomers camps, and believes he will be fine for the NBL.
Bell and Flynn spoke about the bullets how they believe all the players should compliment each other, which should help them being successful. Used the Heat comparison and mentioned the fact that Riley is a 4 time title winner where Wright isint, but said it should be interesting to see how it goes.
Joe Ingles Interview: Spoke about how Ingles was recently asked to fill in for the Boomers camp, whilst they waited for players to arrive, he feels he did ok for his first time. It was his first experience of Goorjian, and felt it was good, and found it more mentally training than physically, and he said it was a good way to see what the NBL was going to be like. Him Stephen Weigh and Andrew Ogilvy were the 3 fill ins from the AIS. Said the AIS team is doing very well, won 8 of the last 11, and doesn't think they are playing the best, but they are winning, have a double header in Melbourne on the weekend, said that due to the nature of the AIS set up with a lot of new faces, it can often take a while for them to click. Said his ankle is going well and he is more confident on it. Spoke about the Dragons, said he will probably over there late July full time. Spoke about the decision to play for the Dragons, said he didn't really ever want to go to college, he did consider it for a little bit, but decided to play NBL, and was speaking to around 7 NBL teams, and decided the Dragons because they looked very professional and had a bright future and isn't too far from home.
Bell and Flynn spoke about the experience Ingles playing for the boomers camp before the NBL, and mentioned the similarities of a 16 year old Jacob Holmes training with the 36ers whilst he was on work experience with the club.
Neil Gliddin, state coaching director interview: speaking about the under 16 champs in Ballarat, said the Girls had 2 tough games that day and are almost guaranteed to make the top 4. Spoke about the boys team, lost to New Zealand, who are a very physical and big team. Said they have 2 tough games and still may make the top 4, and are the best side they have had for a while. He said he was happy with the shooting which they spend a lot of time practising at SASI. Said they didn't know of any college or NBL scouts, or even US high school scouts, which they don't want the kids going to US high schools would rather have the kids in Australia. Said for the boys the standard is good, with good kids in every state but isn't the biggest size wise. Said the Girls have a very big competition size wise, with most teams having at least one big player.
Bell and Flynn spoke about under 16 championships, Bell having played in them and said it's a great experience that you always remember and cherish. And it always helps improve the standard of play when they return to there clubs.
Mike Daws, CEO Basketball SA, Interview: Asked about the restructure of BSA, spoke about the grass roots level re structure, said that they are looking for the positives from all other sports, and Wayne Jackson is chairing a team doing this restructure, and they are looking at a commission, which will involve many key basketball people clubs, country, church, Jackson himself, and they are aiming to streamline it, and not have so many committees to make it work a lot better, and making sure that it includes all stake holders like the church league and country leagues. Believes it wont be as over governed and will be mors streamlined and simplified. Asked about basketball vs soccer, and he thinks it will be similar to the same follow up of the previous Rugby World cup, and thinks its vital to get FTA tv, said Rick Burton are trying very hard, not sure if it will happen. Said that it would be good to have each individual club and state negotiate its own tv deal, said that now with sports like AFL you can have FTA and Pay tv deals going, and in one team cities such as Adelaide and Perth it should be able to be done, and they are looking at make it happen, but at the moment they don't have the flexibility, spoke about the TV deal for World Champs needing petitions for TV to pick it up, believes basketball is a major sport and it can happen in a duel network arrangement. Spoke about the 36ers season tickets, they are very pleased, said the Hoops website, is a good critic of basketball in SA, and said that he said its been a good support from there on there new season ticket package. Spoke about the new Corporate Brochure which has been re-done, for the market, mentioned that one big advantage of basketball is that you are so close to the action as apposed to the Footy. Spoke again about the junior re-structure, and they have used the Basketball Victoria model as a good guide and piece of information, and Daws has also been to alloy of meetings, and believes you find the best bits from all sports and try and make it work for you. And believes they are getting near what they want.
Read out ABL results, (see Hoops website for box scores)
Bell and Flynn spoke about it being a great advantage if each team could negotiate there own tv deal and share tapes ala the NBA.
Great show again, look forward to next week!!!