Years ago

Why can't they print seat numbers on renewal form?

....can't they print on the renewal form your seat numbers from last season?

Do they even know?

I threw my tickets away at the end of last season in disgust, how am I supposed to remember my seat numbers!!

(Mod: Adjusted title, because it's a bit more descriptive than "Why....?")

Topic #7681 | Report this topic

Years ago

I would think that it's a cost issue getting colour brochures done with a variable printed component. As for "do they even know?", I'd ring/email them and ask. I don't know!

Reply #86252 | Report this post

Years ago

If not the glossy renewal form, surely they could include your ticket number details in the accompanying letter. They managed to get your address details on the label!

Most small businesses even have the capability to do a mail merge with MS Office.

What is the cost of having someone answering phone calls for ticket number enquiries?

Reply #86254 | Report this post

Years ago

Here's an idea, take it up with the Sixers directly rather than posting on a website not affiliated with the Sixers??

Isaac is not part of the Sixers, don't make it seem like he's responsible and accountable!

You went to every home game and sat in same seat every time, how hard is it to remember your seat number?

And since you "threw my tickets away at the end of last season in disgust", why would you even want to renew?

Reply #86257 | Report this post

Years ago

Here's an idea, take it up with the Sixers directly rather than posting on a website not affiliated with the Sixers??

>> You could apply that logic to 80% of the posts here .

Isaac is not part of the Sixers, don't make it seem like he's responsible and accountable!

>> It was an open question not directed at Isaac, he chose to answer it.

You went to every home game and sat in same seat every time, how hard is it to remember your seat number?

>> I don't need to know the numbers to know where they are located.

And since you "threw my tickets away at the end of last season in disgust", why would you even want to renew?

>> Were you happy with the way last season ended?

Reply #86263 | Report this post

Years ago

Surely you can find bigger issues to talk about than asking the club to cater to select individuals because they don't know there ticket number. Call up the 36ers and I'm sure they can tell you. I think your clasping at straws for things to complain about!

Reply #86266 | Report this post

Years ago

seems to me your not a true supporter then just a bandwagon supporter

its not hard to remember your seat no. and why should the club waste more money on printing and postage to satisfy one inept person

Reply #86267 | Report this post

Years ago

If there was an accompanying letter created through a mail merge, then missing out the past season's seat numbers could well be an oversight. I wouldn't jump on someone because they think having the seat numbers on the letter would've been useful, because I agree with them.

Reply #86268 | Report this post

Years ago

The club will survive only when it starts acting like a professional organisation rather than a social club.

These 'straws' highlight inefficient back office business processes.

But hey, its about basketball, not business - right.

btw, I've been on the bandwagon since 1985.

Reply #86269 | Report this post

Years ago

perfectly reasonable request and perfectly logical response to questioning. To those who have chosen to attack this seems you! lack bigger issues to whine about

Reply #86271 | Report this post

Years ago

Get a life "me". I think the club has made a concerted effort to appeal to it's fans again under new management but find it disappointing when supposed "die-hard" supporters cannot even acknowledge that, and nit pick at the smallest of issues.

Reply #86272 | Report this post

T.O. Slammer  
Years ago

I tried to phone the club 3 times today to get an additional ticket for next season. There's nobody in the office - all you get is a recorded message.Have they sacked all the office staff? Or are they saving money?

Reply #86339 | Report this post

Years ago

Not only "renewals" got the brochures re season tickets. I wasn't a season ticket holder last year, but either through details obtained from Venuetix from my ticket purchases or from my enquiries re Level 1 coaching courses, BSA have mailed me the same letter and brochure a lot of you are holding in your hands, even though I never enquired about season tickets.

Reply #86343 | Report this post

Years ago

Have you considered that if the Dome is sold, another venue may have to be used and the seating allocations and numbers will not be the same.

Reply #86354 | Report this post

Years ago

It was not my intention to upset people with my initial post.

I cannot believe I am the only one that disposed of last seasons' tickets without memorising the seat numbers.

Sure, this is a small issue, but it could be easily fixed (at little or NO COST) and would facilitate the renewal process for the both fans and administrative staff.

Thomo, thanks for the personal attack (re inept). You are quick to diss bandwagon supporters yet fail to realise they are the key to the survival of Adelaide basketball. I'm sure club management would prefer the Dome be filled with 8000 bandwagon supporters rather than 3000 'true' supporters.

And to 'supporter' - WTF?

Reply #86355 | Report this post

Years ago

well stop nit picking on such a trivial thing sometimes i feel people are just looking for the smallest thing to bitch and whinge about and further there own agendas

how bout we start backing and encouraging the club rather the whine like a bunch of kittens in a pot.

Reply #86360 | Report this post

Years ago

Thomo, don't be so harsh. ag has shown interest in renewing his/her season ticket. This should be encouraged. He/she may not have been totally satisfied with last season but the team is a lot different this season and its good that he/she wants to give it another go.

ag, the club keeps a file of all of the last year's renewals. They would be able to advise you. They would have to keep records like that as they could not verify the seat information on this year's renewals. Giving seat information with the renewal forms is not necessary as most people would know their's but as for peopple like you, it can be checked.

Reply #86364 | Report this post

Years ago

This is not nitpicking this is an expectation of a "professional" club.

The 36ers will always get my blind, irrational, unflinching support, every time the team stands on the court.

I have never left a game before the end, i always held a hope that we could come back...(yes even from that disaster last year).

But...we should expect a complete effort from our players..and the same from our management..a simple thing has been blow out of proportion by people like thomo and anon (#86272) over reacting, check with other sports, clubs, organisations..not to damn hard to manage this.

Reply #86526 | Report this post

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