Years ago

Are Referees Accountable

How can you get such a onesided foul count 36 - 9, this team of 9 players had 3 players left in the final quarter at Div 1 level? Are referees acountable?

Topic #7627 | Report this topic

Years ago

maybe your team are just thugs?

Reply #85610 | Report this post

Years ago

maybe you should be concerned that your players are not accountable for the fouls they have commited,

rather then blame the ref for the foul count

Reply #85611 | Report this post

Years ago

Are referees acountable?

no the coach is

Reply #85617 | Report this post

Years ago

refs answer to their evaluator, don't they?

Reply #85619 | Report this post

out with the old,  
Years ago

No ref's arent accountable. They are allowed to swear at coaches and parents at State champs and get away with it.

The system has come along way from where it was 2 years ago but becasue of the shortage of qualified referee (Mod: Removed.)

Reply #85628 | Report this post

Years ago

If refs are calling fouls for something, say they are calling basically anything reaching, then you have to adjust and can't expect the ref to change, refs are not accountable

Reply #85642 | Report this post

Years ago

the coach should seek an explanation

home refs do make a difference as well - not so for any bad reasons - BUT - if you play with the same refs - you know what to expect and what buttons to push and what they will pick up

maybe the team with 36 fouls can't keep their hands out!

Reply #85673 | Report this post

Interested Party  
Years ago

May be the guy Out with the old shold pick up a whistle. But you have to have basic knowledge of basketball. Also if Parents shot their ****** Mouths. Maybe parents should be banned they come to games for the wrong reasons. They are not there to abusive the refs. Lastly one of the refs is one the top in this two of the refs are one of the top in this State. The other has just come to this State.

Interested Party

Interested Party

Reply #85681 | Report this post

Years ago

"Lastly one of the refs is one the top in this two of the refs are one of the top in this State"

Is that bit of crap meant to mean anything as it doesnt make sense

(Mod: Gotta admit, it was pretty hilarious!)

Reply #85682 | Report this post

out with the old,  
Years ago

(Mod: Removed.), TOP of what???? Social basketball.
They couldn't control a u10's game.

(Mod: Removed.)

Ref's should be made accountable for their decisions. (not by abusing them) If a referee wants to make it to the TOP LEVEL then they have to understand that they will, and are accountable for the way they referee the game. Just like players and coaches are.

Hence the trouble Southern have been having. Making coaches accountable.

How is it any diffent for a referee. (Senior or Div 1 wise) NOT JNRS......

Reply #85700 | Report this post

Dr Damage  
Years ago

I reckon that there is an improvement in the refs in the last 2-3 months.
The extra games and state champs plus classics would have helped.
I expected to see more SA refs in Melb though, its so good for their development and confidence.
Is there a qualifying criteria for them as well?
If not, our best should be expected to attend.

Reply #85732 | Report this post

interested too  
Years ago

Dr Damage, only people on the NRDP (National Referees Development Panel) are invited to attend the 16s & 18s Classics. And Basketball Australia pays for them to go. I'm not actually sure of the status of this panel in SA at the moment, but it helped all the current top guys get where they are today. However you can only be in NRDP for three years, so people move on...

Reply #85755 | Report this post

Dr Damage  
Years ago

What about the lower aged classics, that is a better entry level for our refs with some promise?

In The Know?

I didnt see many of our people at MSAC.

I remember Phil Haines being at classics for a long time before being promoted.

Reply #85768 | Report this post

Years ago

to the senior (well older by age) ref, who sat at her daughters game in her refs uniform recently and yelled abuse at two junior refs.ur behaviour was disgracful,what a fine example u set to the club you are connected to......shame shame shame

Reply #85784 | Report this post

Years ago

Back to the point about the game... i happened to be at the game and saw exactly what kind of fouls this team was committing.... things like intercepting the ball, cleanly rejecting the players... you know, the usual stuff thats really really bad

Reply #85813 | Report this post

Years ago

Intercepting the ball? That involves hands in. Rejecting cleanly? more hands in. If the refs are having a bad day judging what is and what isn't a hands foul I think you should adjust earlier.

You are averaging 9 fouls a quarter and you are still trying to block shots and strip the ball out. hmmm I think you just answered it for everyone.

Reply #85983 | Report this post

jus a quick question... i seem to remember that the hand was considered part of the ball yes? n i think that was changed to, when you are shooting, any part of your arm, inc. hand, etc constitutes a foul... correct? but when dribbling, hand is still considered part of ball? i dunno... its been explained soooo many different ways to me by different refs...

Reply #86049 | Report this post

Years ago

Hand is only part of the ball if hand is touching the ball. It's to stop some guys from wrapping their HUGE hands around the ball making it impossible to steal cleanly without making contact with skin.

Hence, hand is only part of the ball when that part of the hand is touching the ball. So if you're shooting and ball is on finger tips and defense hits back of your hand, it's a foul. Clear as mud?

Reply #86052 | Report this post

Years ago

How can you touch the part of the hand which is touching the ball when it is in contact with the ball?? Palm v back of hand?

Reply #86057 | Report this post

Years ago

E.g. - if you grab a rebound, and wrap your arms around it, and someone hacks on your fore-arms (that are wrapped around the ball), this should be a no-call?

Reply #86071 | Report this post

Years ago

No, because fore-arms are not hands. Rule refers to hand being part of the ball, not fore-arm.

Reply #86073 | Report this post

Years ago

Hands are part of the ball when in contact with the ball. When there is a doubt to whether the hand is on the ball or whether the wrist or the hand was struck, it is regarded as a foul. When in doubt, keep your hands out!

Reply #86106 | Report this post

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