Years ago

Dean Brogan in Altercation at Airport

Today's paper reports a story on an altercation at Adeladie Airport yesterday which left a Crows "fan" with a broken nose after being punched by Dean Brogan. I say "fan" meaning, is this the sort of character we would like to depict as a fan?

I don't know how acurate the reporting is but it occurred as a result of Dale calling Dean a Dickhead. I am very surprised to see the reaction from Dean as you would expect that a professional sports person would be well trained in dealing with this sort of behaviour and no doubt should be penalised for it. However, my first reaction in reading the first paragragh was that this Dale character is some sort of a lout and trouble maker. He is the sort of person that takes away your civil liberties by his choice and not that of the victim. Civil liberties such as being able to walk down the street at night without fear of attack. The liberty of being able to enjoy your belongings without fear of vandalism. The liberty of feeling safe in your own home. The liberty of feeling safe driving your car without the danger of hoons.

If Dale expects any compensation whatsoever for his injury, I would be disgusted. Its like deliberately damaging something for the purpose of claiming insurance. An example should be set here that you cannot interfere in someone else's space. People do have a right to be in a public place without unprovoked insult.

In my eyes Dale is a loser and not the sort of fan the Crows or any other sporting club needs. There was nothing wrong with him saying to Dean "good luck tomorrow". Supporting a sporting club does not mean you wish malicious damage on the opposition. Just my opinion.

Topic #7489 | Report this topic

Years ago

Couldn't agree more EC.

How would most people feel if they were hoping on a plain and some guy just starts having a go at you even through you have done nothing wrong and don't even know him.

Maybe Dale should have people calling him D*%khead whenever he walks around and see how that makes him feel.

What is worse is the the media and people present want to say that just because you are an athlete, people should be allowed to have a go at you.

What happens if Dean has a family member with a serious illness. Or is having other life issues. Are people allowed to attack him when he might be feeling already down. How would Dale feel if somebody came up to him after his "girlfriend" has dumped him and called him a dickhead. Not that I am saying that any of these things have happened or hopefully would. But people like Dan need to show some common decency.

I say good on Dean for giving him one. Guys like Dale need to be put back in their place and shown that taunting somebody is not acceptable. I for one hope that Dean does not have any chrages laid.

Reply #84213 | Report this post

Years ago

It sounded to me that he was called more than just a dickhead, people have to remember that just because someone is a professional athlete they are not perfect. Sure they are supposed to be role-models to the community but if someone is deliberatly insulting you then at some point you are going to crack. It is just unfortunate that there are people out there that set out to cause this to happen.

Reply #84215 | Report this post

Years ago

And we all know (as demonstrated earlier this week) that the paper is never wrong, and they always have all the facts before putting a report in, and that they are ALWAYS objective in their reporting ...
Having said this, if someone is going to behave like a knob, tell them they are a knob and walk off - as mumma always says - violence don't solve nothing.
having said that - if you're going to be a knob, be a knob around someone a little less punch-happy ...

Reply #84221 | Report this post

Blue Collar  
Years ago

You can't always believe what you read in the paper. Let's wait until the dust settles on this one before passing judgement. Most of us have probably been called a di#$%#ad millions of times without lashing out which makes me think there must be more to this story.

Reply #84222 | Report this post

Years ago

correct me if im wrong but doesn't having a go at someone have almost as serious conciquences as hitting someone or giving someone the finger (if you are a professional sportsperson)

Reply #84223 | Report this post

Years ago

Guy calling Brogan a dickhead was really one himself. After saying that though Brogan was twice the size and I don't like the fact he was able to board the plane without the matter being sorted out by the police. He committed asault and if it was the other way round you can bet the guy would not have been able to leave. The price for being an elite athlete is one that come at a cost. I hope Brogan does not get into too much trouble but a visit to the anger management class could be in order.

Reply #84224 | Report this post

blood nose  
Years ago

No matter what is said to a person, you can not go around hitting people.

Just a question, if the complaint had been made about Dean before the plane left the airport, should he be allowed to leave the state because he has just comitted a crime.. I'm not sure what would normally happen in this situation.

Reply #84225 | Report this post

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

Brogan will be getting a lift home from the airport in a blue car that is for sure.

Reply #84230 | Report this post

Years ago

The crows guy looks and sounds like an absolute looser. Unfortunately a minor altercation has turned into a major incident. Dale, who seems like he is a bottle short of a six pack, should have either taken the hit and moved on rather than making such a scene out of something so minor OR hit dean back. Im not for violence in fact im dead against it its just I think there is also such a thing a verbal violence!

Reply #84234 | Report this post

Years ago

Brogan shouldnt have punched him no matter what this 'Dale' had said. Brogan will find himself been made an example of by his club, the afl and most of all the media.

Reply #84235 | Report this post

Years ago

I find it hilarious how the news report it. Dean Brogan has punched a teenager after he said "You're playing for the wrong team". Because I'm sure a simple comment like that would've fired anyone up haha.

Reply #84236 | Report this post

Years ago

This is the prime reason I love the Sunday Mail.

Guy taunts footballer, footballer retaliates, poor guy.

The moral of this story should be, don't challenge a fit, built sportsman and expect to win!

Could you imagine the headline if this tool had given Brogan a broken nose?

You can always depend on the Mail to help inter-Club relations in Adelaide.

Reply #84246 | Report this post

Years ago

Its all about respect. Dean Brogan is sportsman earning 100s of 1000s a year and he should have not have to put up with disrespectful, poor, looser punks giving him shit. Its all player hating - Dont hate the players hate the game.

Reply #84248 | Report this post

Years ago

they said on the radio the kid called up a bunch of radio stations offering them a scoop on the story. Sound like he is after $$$ now. Dean should not have to deal with that shit but he cant just hit everyone that gives him crap.

Reply #84249 | Report this post

Years ago

No reason to detain or arrest him for a smack in the nose. It's not like identifying the offender can't be done at later date, the chance of the offence being recommitted or escalating is/was remote.

Let the lad go and do his job and get him in for a chat on Monday morning.

If Dale has mouth-off in a public place or where members of the public heard and observed his actions, then maybe a chat with him in relation to offensive behaviour.

Reply #84251 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard this on This Sporting Life this afternoon and found it hilarious. Dickhead Brogan indeed!

Reply #84252 | Report this post

Years ago

Also, what makes Dean Brogan a better person just because he earns more money? Does that mean he shouldn't have to ever deal with anyone in his life who earns less money than him? That's getting way too full of his own importance if he acts that way

Reply #84253 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree 3

The supporter should not have said anything but these elite sports people think they are pretty precious.

With clowns like cornes and KG setting these sports people up as so called gods what else do we expect. Brogan forgets that they are supposed to be setting an example for our young people. Dean Laidley did it last week. It is about time they realised that this goes with the territory and is unfortunately par for the course.

We should just explain to our kids that both acts were wrong and that this re-inforces that 2 wrongful acts do not make it right.

Both need to grow up and show some respect

Reply #84262 | Report this post

Years ago

Cantona all over again.

Reply #84267 | Report this post

Years ago

bring on the fly kick

Reply #84270 | Report this post

Years ago

he should of snapped his neck. i am a crows fan and i say good on ya brogan!

Reply #84281 | Report this post

I told yas we don't want to play this basketball crap!! Go Dean.

AFL 1 Others 0

Reply #84284 | Report this post

Years ago

Whilst Dean punching this knob in the nose isn't the greatest public relations tool in the world, I saiy good on him.

For so long people (as even shown in this thread) think as soon as you are good enough to be chosen to be at the top level of your chosen sports profession, you are suddenly meant to have no feelings, and be able to turn a blind eye to any taunt or insult thrown your way.

I don't see how playing a sport at a professional level means that you are meant to switch these feelings off. Someone commented ion Brogan being paid in the $100,00+ range. I somehow doubt he would be earning that much, but even if he was, what does it have to do with it?

I dont hear kids saying "I want to be an AFL footballer so I can be a role model to other kids" fact I think I could say with some surety most current AFL players when offered their first contract the first thought would have been "great, I get to be a role model to everyone else"...more than likely these "role model" cliches get dragged out by the veterans or top name players, as part of the company line.

This knob that Brogan hit, and his equally knobish brother in law (quite conveniently decked out in Crows gear on the news tonight) sound like they are out to get the most they can...that they havent pressed charges yet, till they speak to Power management...I read into it...unless they pay the right amount of hush money, we will take it further.

Reply #84291 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed that you don't need to be suddenly immune to criticism if you're an elite athlete, but surely you don't need to punch everyone who calls you a dickhead or criticises you. If everyone did that, we'd probably all be punching each other at some time in our lives. You can just tell them to f**k off, or simply ignore it. Unless they're physically attacking you, there's no need to get violent about it. I know there's "heat of the moment" reactions to things that happen, but it just seems like he went a bit overboard

Reply #84297 | Report this post

Years ago

They're both complete idiots. Brogan shouldn't have stooped to Dale's level. Dale deserves to be completely ignored by the media, and Brogan deserves to be let off with a warning.

Reply #84299 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac I don't believe you said that. Let off with a warning. What crap. If Dale had hit Brogan you would be calling for his head. Get real.

Reply #84305 | Report this post

Years ago

Depends on provocation as a defense. If Brogan walked up to Dale and hit him for no reason, then IMO it's a completely different story. I'm making the assumption that this wasn't simply a case of: 1. "You're playing for the wrong team." 2. *punch*.

What are they going to do? Locked up for two years for assault?

Don't get me wrong - I'm not one for violence, but I tend to think that a little bit of street justice and karma might've played out here. Once you subtract what Dale deserved from what Brogan enacted, I think the public shame, maybe a fine from the club and little more would be appropriate for Brogan.

In what sense do we want to encourage loutish behaviour, even if it is only verbal? Take away the broken nose and what penalty would there have been for Dale?

Reply #84306 | Report this post

Years ago

What you just posted is fine and I agree but it was different from your other post. Letting him off with a warning would not be right. I most certainly agree cell time would be a joke. Fine or payment to a charity or some such thing would be fine. I don't think Dale should get paid off though. Medical bills yes but he does not deserve to make money out of it. Sorry for expressing myself in the manner I did before.

Reply #84307 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldn't even say that Dale deserves to be paid medical bills. He threw himself in the lions den, he needs to accept the consequences. I would not expect to walk down the street calling people dickheads and not get punched. Don't forget who the instigator is here. That's not saying that Dean is justified in what he did, but you know that if you put yourself in a dangerous situation, there's a good chance you will get hurt.

Reply #84311 | Report this post

Years ago

You cant just go around hiting people when they have a go at you - its as simple as that. The old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" rings true in this case. Surely Brogan could be the bigger man and just have walked away and just ignored the Crows supporter for the stupid wanker than he clearly is! I mean seriously if being called a dickhead is the worst thing that Dean has to put up with in his time as a profssional footballer he has had it very very lucky!

Imagine if referees punched everyone in the nose that called them a dickhead ;)

Reply #84314 | Report this post

Years ago

Let of with a warning! hahahahahaha

Reply #84321 | Report this post

Years ago

you dont know what kind of stress brogan could of been in that day.. for all you know he could if been having the worst day of his life. That prick deserves what he got and i hope it hurt. maybe he has learnt his lesson now.

Reply #84331 | Report this post

Years ago

you dont know what kind of stress brogan could of been in that day.. for all you know he could if been having the worst day of his life. That prick deserves what he got and i hope it hurt. maybe he has learnt his lesson now.

Reply #84332 | Report this post

Years ago

If Brogans going to go around hitting anyone who calls him a dickhead, he may aswell give up football and take up boxing, cos there won't be much time for anything else

Reply #84339 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

If anyone saw the interview with Dale, apparently he goes to the airport all the time to greet visiting teams. Just a matter of time....

Reply #84343 | Report this post

Years ago

These guys are elite, highly paid athletes that deserve respect. I am sorry but thats not how you treat leaders in our society. What do you think would happen if someone ran up to John Howard and yelled dick head in his face. You would have 3 or 4 feds jumping you and smashing your face in.

THis absolute looser, dreg to society "Dale" needs to learn some respect and I classify all those that support this kind of behaviour as been in the same boat.

Reply #84344 | Report this post

Years ago

So if a spectator at a game calls out to a player on the field and calls him a dickhead, can he jump the fence and punch him? They would get a years suspension from the game. What is the difference here?

Reply #84351 | Report this post

Years ago

Leaders in our society?.. the guy plays footy for gods sake... footy players are overpaid and overvalued IMHO.

Having said that.. 'dale' is a tool, but probably didn't deserve a physical reaction to an oral action, be it from a footy player, or 'joe bloggs' down the pub... if dale had tried to touch, push or physically harrass Dean.. then thats another matter entirely.


Reply #84352 | Report this post

Years ago

Dale was wrong.

Brogan was even more wrong.

Problem is, if Dale gets a cent out of the incident both AFL clubs will need to organise boarding without the players going through the terminal. I think the Crows would be just as conerned as Port over the incident.

Best result would be for Stephen Trigg to quietly meet with Dale & explain Dale may never get to see a team arriving at or leaving the airport again if this incident goes to court.

Ex-basketballers might be getting a lot more respect now!

Reply #84358 | Report this post

Dr Bullshit  
Years ago

That little shit deserved what he got. Aparently he said it, and then Brogan said "come over here and say that" so he came right into Brogan's face and said it again and thats when he smacked him. Im a crows fan (not that that matters) but that shit deserved it. And now hes tryna make himself out to be a complete and utter victim.

Reply #84359 | Report this post

Dr Bullshit  
Years ago

And by the way, for all those stooges that say he should've just walked off...its pretty hard to walk off when someone is following you and continually abusing you. That is aparently what happend, according to witnesses, if it hadn't been an AFL footballer everyone would be like yeh that guy was askin for trouble. Just because he is a sportsman doesnt mean he isnt human.

Reply #84361 | Report this post

Years ago

Dr BS - you are an idiot.

Get your facts right before slandering someone.

Dale (allegedly) said some cuss words
Dean (allegedly) went after dale and asked to repeat it
Dale (allegedly) said "You want to tell you you're a d!ckhead again" (or something to that effect)
Dean (allegedly) clocked him.

Take some reading lessons before professing to be an expert mate.

as for the incident, they were both in the wrong, dean more so for using violence to solve a verbal dispute.

A simple "so which team do you play for then, sunshine?" would've been more than sufficient to put the smart-arse back in his place.

Reply #84365 | Report this post

Years ago

I think he should have bitten his tongue but in saying that what dickhead hangs around airport terminals to harass other football teams players. I think Crows fans would be highly embarrassed with the incident. I think the way the Sunday Mail highlighted it on the front page are doing nothing but stirring the pot and lets face it, Crows and Port fans don't need anymore stuff like this to make them hate each other as it is.

Reply #84380 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm a crows fan and I am hardly embarassed!

Reply #84382 | Report this post

Years ago

Rueben, surely by your own argument, Dr Bullshit is (allegedly) an idiot?

And they were both (allegedly) in the wrong?

You accuse someone of slandering by slandering them in return.

You are (allegedly) a hypocrite.

Reply #84384 | Report this post

Years ago

port should give Dean a medal. At least one of their players is not soft.

Reply #84385 | Report this post

Years ago

If I was a Crows fan I'd be embarrassed to see that guy with all his family in their Crows gear, I wouldnt want to have fans like that.

Yet I am a Bombers I am just Embarrassed. :-)

Reply #84386 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice try at a cheap laugh phizzer, but i'm not going to put Isaac at any risk, no matter how remote, by making claims on an incident which still could end up in court.

As for DR BS, if he wants to sue me for slander (if that's what calling someone an idiot is), his post will no doubt be my star defence witness.

as for your post, perhaps it could show that (alledged) idiots frequent this forum.

Reply #84390 | Report this post

Years ago

Well, if you want to keep returning to this forum to deal with people far below your obvious high intellectual capacity, feel free.

I don't have a problem with you correcting someone on the matter of slander, but personal abuse directed at an individual is not nice.

Lighten up dude, tone down the aggression and be nice ;)

Reply #84392 | Report this post

Years ago

Well spoken phizzmaster , lighten up , tone down the agression and be nice ; i think there is something in that for everyone and if we all heed this glorious advice there would be less airport violence , that we can be sure of . What wonderful sentiment i am surely going home a happy and content man

Reply #84394 | Report this post

Years ago

As for people saying that you can't go around punching someone everytime they insult you, I would like to know how many other times Dean has been in this situation where he found it necessary to punch someone. My guess is that Dale copped it this time for all the times that high profile people have had to put up with this sort of insult. I don't know what frame of mind Dean was in on this particular day, but my guess is that he just got sick and tired of this sort of behaviour and found it difficult to let it one more time. If its true that Dale frequents the airport, it could be that his behaviour was well known to Dean and the rest of the Port team. Dean may have chosen to accept the consequences of his action to atleast make an example of the behaviour that will not be tolerated. If it didn't happen, this idiot may have continued to behave in this without any consequence for his behaviour. Once again, I don't condone violence but I have a good feeling that this Dale character will think twice from now on before calling someone a dickhead. My sympathy goes to Dean who now has to face charges over his actions even though his actions had purpose.

Someone said to me today that the Crows should be looking this guy up to see if he is a season ticket holder and if so, cancel his membership. Surely they would be embarrased by such a "fan".

Reply #84420 | Report this post

Years ago

As a point of interest the word 'dickhead' has been used 13 times so far this thread (14 if you include this post).

Yes, I'm having a quiet day at work.

Reply #84428 | Report this post

In the Know  
Years ago

He wasn't a member.

Reply #84429 | Report this post

Years ago

Off course not, he spent all his money on outfitting his whole family in Crows gear. He had no money left to buy a ticket to the games, haha.

Reply #84441 | Report this post

Years ago

Saw someone elsewhere make a fair point. Would Dale go up to a guy twice his size at the pub and call him a "dickhead", then when challenged, call him a "dickhead" (that one's for you Billo) again?

Probably not. I'd say he was taking advantage of the fact that Brogan would cop a lot of negative publicity (and more) if he retaliated.

Reply #84481 | Report this post

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