Years ago

National Emo Kid Beatdown Day (6/6/06)

Next Tuesday, 6/6/06, is NATIONAL EMO KID BEATDOWN DAY!

Sounds like a great day to me, might become one of my favourite "holidays".

So dust off the old brass knuckles for a day of fun!

Topic #7485 | Report this topic

Years ago

i had no idea about this day, i am extremely impressed

Reply #84178 | Report this post

Years ago

Emos are sad and want to be beaten up. Why dont we all just be happy, that will be worse for them.

Reply #84186 | Report this post

Years ago

you people are all sad (funny since we are talking about emos)
leave them be, why should they be treated any different anyone else??

Reply #84189 | Report this post

Years ago

Pardon my ignorance....but what the hell is an emo?

Reply #84196 | Report this post

Years ago

Sadly, the kids these days who are classed as "emo" aren't even the ones who are "emo".

These kids generally listen to music by:
My Chemical Romance,
Funeral For a Friend
etc., who are all Post-Hardcore bands, or:
who are most accurately classed as Punk Revival.

Proper emo is:
Jimmy Eat World,
Dashboard Confessional,
Sunny Day Real Estate,
At the Drive-In
etc., all of whom don't do the all-black clothes look and the black coloured hair that generally comes with the "emo" tag these days. So not only do the haters not know what "emo" is, it seems like neither do the people who are part of it as well.

Sorry to cast such a general net over people who like these bands. I'm not a part of any incarnation/perception of the "emo" scene, yet I enjoy all these bands, and I have some understanding of the subtle differences between the styles, yet I am no expert, that's just what I can gather.

Reply #84197 | Report this post

Years ago

Emo = emotional

Depressed, suicidual subculture.
A group of white, mostly middle-class well-off kids who find imperfections in there life and create a ridiculous, depressing melodrama around each one. They often take anti-depressants, even though the majority don't need them. They need to wake up and deal with life like everyone else instead of wallowing in their imaginary quagmire of torment.

Reply #84199 | Report this post

Years ago


So this guy isnt an emo???

Reply #84207 | Report this post

M Dizzle  
Years ago

I wish my grass was emo...then it would cut itself!

Reply #84208 | Report this post

Years ago

Ahh ok....thanks for the education....

They were just known as "weird" when I was at school :o)

Reply #84210 | Report this post

Years ago

Ahh good ol emo jokes, they're old, I'm amazed you got a ball for it. Bit harsh to have a 'beatdown day' though, but anyway I also found this elsewhere on the net.

Reply #84239 | Report this post

Years ago

my understanding is the musik they listen to obviously but appearance and personality as goes.
Punks.dress in black with all the dog colour crap wtx pretty sik hair cuts bit of colour generally out to have a good time and get pissed head banging
emos listen to a more depressing form of punk that pretty much backs up there own illconceded idea taht life sucks and these kids normally have slashs all over the wrist when they've treid to be hard and cut there wrist and tehn realised wtf and goth well lots of black clothes once agan makeup there pretti much a bit of punk and emo but more hell bent on worshiping the devil and marylin manson etc listen to sum harsh sounded shit.

punks i have no prob with emos and goths bunch of fagnuts i wanna die etc just grab a gun and do it already lol. but im in full support of beatdown on emos day lol and slap sum emos

Reply #84303 | Report this post

Years ago

hey nebody i need help ive got a itch on my wrist neone got a knife so i can scratch it out??

Reply #84304 | Report this post

Years ago

wahhhhhh i need to find a dark corner and cut myself with. wahhhhhhh

Reply #84325 | Report this post

Years ago

hi i'm emo my best friend is my shiny new razor blade mac 3

Reply #84326 | Report this post

how many emo's does it take to change a light bulb...?

none... they'd rather sit in the dark and cry...

terrible joke... i know lol

Reply #84432 | Report this post

Years ago

True goth music is nothing like Marilyn Manson

Reply #84440 | Report this post

Years ago

So does anyone know of anything actually happening yesterday? Like any beatdowns etc?

Reply #84678 | Report this post

Years ago

I smiled at am Emo yesterday, but he didn't cry or anything?

Reply #84685 | Report this post

Years ago

anon (#84239)

i've seen some emos who have those hair styles.

What is with emos? There is a kid who tried said he was an emo but clearly wasn't. He said he worships the devil. he is 13, doesn't have black hair or wear anything black, no glasses and never depressed or un happy. This is clearly a kid who is trying to be what he has seen others be.

Reply #84690 | Report this post

Years ago

emo backwards = ome, which is in the following sentence:
sOMEone please kick the shit out of this person!

Reply #87251 | Report this post

Years ago

HA!!!!!!! ITS 2007 BABY AND IM EMO AND YOU MISSED ME!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAH *sticks out tongue* WOOOOOOOOOOOO * starts crying* LIFE SUKS!!!!

Reply #127514 | Report this post

Years ago

this is dumb

Reply #128710 | Report this post

Reply #130515 | Report this post

Years ago

yes i have 2 agrreee ... but "emo" is just a type of fashion/music. people that claim they are emo and cut thair wrist would be called wanna be emos. but emo people just waer diffrent clothing and have diffrent hair style sooo we should just beat the Scud out of those depressed

Reply #132105 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah... I'm emo I wear black & tight pants... eyeliner and so what... people always way they wanna kill us cuz r music sux but who cares? they say on this sign thing that we're "destroying the music community" and that we need to just "be ourselves" bull... yeah, when we scream, we scream loud.... it's like pouring out some of the pain in a way... also what cutting does.

Reply #133298 | Report this post

Years ago

fxck all this u guys hav no idea what emo is.
all you know is the stereotype of it.
britney spears is emo for godsakes ..
emo is emotional.
or emotive..which means emotional.
pop singers are emo.
You guys should treat emos equally.
and anyway..
whats with all the fxcking labelling diickheads

Reply #135894 | Report this post

Years ago

apparently im emo, i wear black skinny jeans, converse, black hair, i have a side fringe, i scream loudly, i cry, i slit my wrists, i like the dark, i dont talk very much, im anorexic, and guess who made me this way? people who thought i was weird because my parents were divorced and i was 10 when they split up and i didnt understand why they shouted at each other and why my dad hit my mum and i got scared and by the time i reached 13 i was depressed. That is why im now called emo. all you emo haters, have you ever thought that maybe some of us have a story to tell? that we have a reason why we are so depressed? that we have rough lives? and you think you have a right to go and make things worse for us? a right to stereotype us? a right to put us in wikipedia as a 'sub-culture'? we're not a sub-culture, we're not aliens, we're humans, just like everyone else. on beat up emokid day i had the crap kicked out of me. i got laughed at and sworn at, i got beaten up. i went onto the roof of a hotel and i would've jumped but my boyfriend stopped me. thats right, my boyfriend. we are human, we do have feelings, we can feel love. dont stereotype us. any of us, not just me. we all have our reasons for wearing black and crying, and slitting and whatever else. dont make bad jokes about us or liken us to grass. just treat us like humans or leave us alone. if you cant think of anything nice to say then keep your fingers off the keyboard.

Reply #137280 | Report this post

Years ago

blahh.. this sux
Soz yeah ill start,,
ye,, im emo
and to continue on this fkn subject, i got beatn up
so was it fun fr u guys?
did it make u feel anything better?
i just wonder
what makes you ("emo-hater") better then all the rest or emos?
what would u do
if uve got sum probs and then a kid comes by and starts beating u?
btw i hate goths
they hit me too >.<
and !!
who says they arent suicidal?
sorry, im just pissed off as u can see.

Reply #137281 | Report this post

Years ago

boo &$*#ing hoo......

Reply #137282 | Report this post

Years ago

Press release: emo kids are emotional? NO WAY!

Why talk about a "right to stereotype us" after saying: "i wear black skinny jeans, converse, black hair, i have a side fringe, i scream loudly, i cry, i slit my wrists, i like the dark, i dont talk very much, im anorexic, and guess who made me this way?"

You made yourself that way. Cheer up.

Reply #137293 | Report this post

Years ago

easy fix lets have a "buy an emo a t-shirt day" but it has to be a DONT WORRY BE HAPPY SHIRT or a LIFE BE IN IT SHIRT in bright yellow

Reply #137300 | Report this post

Years ago

Instead of beating them up, what if we all grab a can of bright coloured paint and simply throw it on them to brighten up their lives?????

Reply #137307 | Report this post

Years ago

Not happy that the government has spent considerable amounts of our tax payer dollars to raise the profile of mental health issues.

It hasn't worked, quite clearly the message has not reached the morons in the basketball world yet.

At least half of the people above you have beaten up with your words are probably seeking help for their low selfesteem and depression, so what are you going to do to improve the person you are?

Reply #137312 | Report this post

rotate on this  
Years ago

some of the worst un PC jokes i could reel off.

A gang of goths = teamo EMO .
Bogan goth on the radio = lEMO
goth who survived cancer = chEMO
goth who sleeps , very occasionally = drEMO

any one elso got any ?

Reply #137314 | Report this post

Years ago

Emo's in general don't have mental health issues. They are f&*ed up because they want to be f&*#ed up and get around with their bottom lip dragging on the ground seeking attention.

I deal with people on a daily basis that want to cut themselves and hurt themselves (and other people), and I'll tell you right now you can tell which ones are doing it for attention and which ones are doing it for real (and yes, I do provide help for both parties).

What they need to do is grow up and realise the world is not out to get them and that everyone has problems and issues in their lives which the majority of people deal with.

Reply #137320 | Report this post

Years ago

"(#137312 | Grrr!)

Not happy that the government has spent considerable amounts of our tax payer dollars to raise the profile of mental health issues "

I could happily argue that point as I have an older brother who suffers (or rather deals with this on a daily basis for the last 40 years) from Bi-polar and know exactly what its like to live with someone with mental health problems. Not enough is done to make people aware of these situations.

Yes there are people who use it as an excuse but please do not put others in this category it is an extremely serious issue and unless you live with someone that has to deal with it daily comments like that do not help.

Reply #137324 | Report this post

Years ago

Why are we confusing people who have legitimate health issues with teenagers in a moody phase that involves black, stripes and whiney music? (My black phase at least involved some better music, though I dare say my parents would disagree.)

Reply #137327 | Report this post

Years ago

My black phase consisted of Metallica and GnR.

Reply #137331 | Report this post

Years ago

Skip, you forgot the ripple sole shoes.

Reply #137335 | Report this post

Years ago

For me: Pantera, Ministry, Sepultura, etc and I still listen to all of them regularly.

Love how all the ads on this page are emo-related!

Reply #137336 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure helps the body piercing industry. All those guys got the ear to ear grin happening.

It's a little weird that EMO's want to congregate at all given their creed.

I'd like to see Elmo follow them aroung and endulge them with music by the Wiggles. Whoops better make that High 5 (given that one of the W's has recently taken a turn for the worse - more cutting i suppose).

I wonder if Richmond Football Club are EMO? The Pigs?

Would EMO's feel better if they ate dark chocolate?

Reply #137340 | Report this post

Years ago

Emokid911 - Bloody hell mate - we were all depressed when we were teens - it is part of growing up.
One day you are depressed and then one day the world does not look so bleak.

If it remains bleak go see a doctor - there maybe something wrong.

We all have a sad story to tell - I had my parents divorce, my mother die, my dad remarry and divorce again, my dad go into rehab for alcoholism all by the time I was 12. Shit happpens - life is about taking the knocks and getting up again and carrying on - not crying and bitching coz you will find yourself in a true dark and lonely place.

I'm telling you life gets better.

It is ok to be sad and depressed but you (emo's) look like such losers - it is hard not to hate you - at least goths are doing it as a big "fuck you" to the world - you have to respect that - what am I respoecting about someone who wollows in self pity, cries all the time and cut themselves. If that is what you want to do fine but do it in silence - we don;t need to know about it.

Why can't you be depressed in a red or blue shirt. You are the ones that created the sub culture - you all look the f'n same.

All grundge kids were depressed too but I guess at least our music rocked.

I'm sorry that people beat you up - those people are small minded and you are probably better than that.

Just be yourself champ - think outside the square. Grey skies will clear up.

Reply #137341 | Report this post

Years ago

(#137324 | Grrr!) Concerned.
Suggest you read fully in context the post #7312 as it totally agrees with the seriousness of the issue, the post does not bag it at all.

Reply #137350 | Report this post

Years ago

"(#137327 | Grrr!)
Why are we confusing people who have legitimate health issues with teenagers in a moody phase that involves black, stripes and whiney music?"

Because of the nature of some of these posts in reference to people trying to harm themselves as being losers/butt of jokes etc., many of the posts are not along the lines of horrible moody teenagers who listen to crap music and wear weird clothes (in the opinion of the olds in their world), aka the 'moody phase' but heading into areas that are serious.

Reply #137351 | Report this post

Years ago

I woke up this morning and found out I was Emo - I was pretty CUT up about it.

Reply #137357 | Report this post

Years ago

One person has mentioned specifically cutting themself, almost like they're proud of it (e.g., "the other emos were doing it, so I tried it"). So they like the dark - great, so do I. And they cry - we all do. Oh, and have a fringe of some sort - as do others. They're creating an identity for themself, not dealing with a serious health issue.

Be thankful we don't have a Spurs-Pistons Finals series - that'd put a few people over the edge.

Reply #137362 | Report this post

VC fan  
Years ago

haha yea true Isaac.

emokid911, I am so sick of people like you, get over yourself, most peoples parents break up these days, mine did, and guess what, it means that they would be happier apart from each other HAPPIER, but I guess you should go jump off ha hotel cause thats so terrible. and don't say youre not a sub-culture, if you werent, why to you all feel the need to wear black and colour your hair black, why dont you try wearing a different colour for once, I know why, cause then people wont think youre emo and then other people wont want to hang with you and be sad with you about all the bad things in your life, im not usually a mean person but I think this whole thing is the stupidest kind of immaturity i have ever seen, grow up and deal with your problems instead of making more of them!

Reply #137372 | Report this post

Years ago

To change would taken an original thought and an Emo has never had an original thought enter into their minds unless it another disaster to cry about.

It ain't gonna happen, it's easier to be sad, listen to shit music and have the world trying to feel sorry for them then actually get on with life and trying to solve their problems.

Reply #137379 | Report this post

Years ago

SVD good post...

Reply #137414 | Report this post

why does this concern you all so much. Who cares what other people do

Reply #137432 | Report this post

Years ago

Now that's just plain sad. Interaction, variation and consideration add spice to life -
I'm enjoying this thread, one year and one day from initiation!

Reply #137447 | Report this post

Years ago

Every person who is attacking and dissing these kids and "emos" in general should be ashamed.

If they are seriously suffering, then we (society) should be trying to help.

If they are merely fitting into a subculture, then we should not be hassling them....have any of you got a 36ers shirt, a pair of Nikes, a crows sticker, do you wear knee hi socks, wrist bands half way up your arm?

Give these kids a break.

Reply #137481 | Report this post

Years ago

So, we're not allowed to joke about Port fans too?

I don't think these examples are seriously suffering, they're just going through a whinging phase - everyone does.

Reply #137487 | Report this post

Years ago

No, just jokes about cows supporters thanks Isaac..

Reply #137488 | Report this post

Dr Bullshit  
Years ago

How do you get an emo out of a tree?
Cut the rope.

Reply #137493 | Report this post

Dr Bullshit  
Years ago

Lets start a countdown so i dont miss next years emo bashing fun! 364 days remaining!

Reply #137494 | Report this post

Dr Bullshit  
Years ago

Plus these people arent suffering they just dress up in all black like all the others in their group....all in an attempt to be different. Make sense of that...theyre just a bunch of dumbasses that like attention grabbing.

Reply #137495 | Report this post

Years ago

According to an "how to dress emo" thingy, i partly dress emo. Yes i wear reebok shoes (recently bought some) i wear jeans (i honestly don't see how thats emo!!) and my hair is very scruffy and pretty long, i wake up in the morning and straighten it only with my hand.

Someone asked me if i was emo the other day, i'm the opposite, i'm never depressed, i don't spend any time at all on my hair, i wouldn't touch emo bands with a barge pole, i don't have a myspace and even though i suck at most things, i don't think life sucks. Emo is not just what you wear, at the time i was wearing jeans (average, not skinny jeans and not baggy, normal) a black t shirt, reebok shoes and normal hair.. stereotypes..

Reply #137584 | Report this post

Years ago

GH, sounds like you're safe.

Reply #137597 | Report this post

Years ago

GH you suck at being emo but if you dwell too much on how much you suck, the the odds that you could be emo increase.

Now 364 days till the emo boots in next year(leap year!) but a whack load of time until we can all have a big downer over the date 6.6.6.

Maybe we do look like an emo 4 a day then? I'll need all that time and divine intervention to grow a fringe.

Reply #137645 | Report this post

Years ago

"364 days till the next emo bashing!!! What fun???!!!" some people are just sad and obviously have nothing better to do with their time! i don't blame these "emos" for being in the state of mind they're in. i mean there are some pretty messed up things that happen in the world. either listen to them and steer them in the right direction to help them or just leave them the hell alone! i'll probably get a load of people saying "shut up, you're an emo yourself, you don't know what the hell you're talking about". here's news. i don't care. and no i'm not an emo, i'm one of the most positive people you'll ever meet, i rather don't like the idea of living my life in misery. i've said my bit.

Reply #148845 | Report this post

Years ago

whoever posted this thread is ignorant. I agree with the poster who clearly stated the identification of real emo and what people classify as 'emo' today. I am personally part of the latter, but don't call myself emo. I just like dark clothes and appearance etc. and all those bands. Whoever you are (topic starter) I would personally like to drink your blood. don't underestimate us.

Reply #164267 | Report this post

Years ago

[1-] There really isn't such a thing as "National Emo Beatdown Day". Honestly? If anything, people were more concerned with the whole, ":| Sixth day, six month, sixth year?! Six-six-six! OH MY GOD, THE DEVIL!" thing than beating up kids.
[2-] 'Emo', 'Punk', 'Goth', etc to me are all just genres of music. And music is different from one person to the next. Like, my favorite bands range from AFI and My Chemical Romance to the Beatles and the Who. Can you really 'classify' me now? I also enjoy Dance Clue Massacre, Children of Bodem and Ray Charles from time to time. Do I fit your file folder now? What about YOUR music tastes? Do they help the world understand who YOU are, or just their opinions of your MUSIC? What if you met someone who looked like an 'emo' or 'whatever', but had this whole happy demeanor about them? And then you asked what they listened to and they said, "Oh, I really love jazz!" What then?
[3-] I actually do agree with the whole, "If you vocally complain about your life and are always 'depressed', you're asking to get beaten up" vibe this thread has going on. However, I don't think that you should decide to beat someone up just because you don't like the way they live their life. I'm sure they don't like the way YOU live YOURS. If you don't like someone or a certain 'group' of people, then fine - make jokes. I'll admit some 'emo' jokes or 'prep' jokes or whatnot I hear, I laugh at. I admit that I do 'classify' people from time to time, but to go out of your way and beat kids up? I thought you were 'teaching them a lesson' about screaming for attention? What is a bloody nose doing for you? "Hey man, did you hear John beat up Kenny the other day?" Looks like we all need a little more attention than we thought we did.

Reply #169306 | Report this post

rotate on this  
Years ago

emo = can't let it go .

Reply #169327 | Report this post

Years ago

national emo kid beatdown day?
are you fucking serious
do you guys have lives?
or is that all you do..
go round bashing kids who look different to everyone else
let them be..
let them live their fuckign lives.
who cares what we all look like and do
why the fuck do you care so much?

Reply #177251 | Report this post

Years ago

Do you realize that you fit the steryotype of a chav?

You're seeking attention by being the "stronger" man who can knock the shit out of the weaker wimpy guy.

Pathetic loser. Go take on someone bigger then yourself, win, and then look for praise.

Picking on someone smaller then you does NOT make you seem manly, it makes you look like a pussy for seeking out the smallest guy in the bunch to take out.

The emo sterytype is a stupid one, but how in the Hell can you single someone out for being a sterytypical emo when you yourself are a sterytypical chav? (chav-meathead-jock-scum who thinks he's etter then you because he can beat up someone half his size.) You know what, I COULD TAKE SOMEENE HALF MY FUCKING SIZE!

Do something to be proud of, then beat your chest.

Fucking primate.

Reply #188673 | Report this post

Years ago

Do you realize that you fit the steryotype of a chav?

You're seeking attention by being the "stronger" man who can knock the shit out of the weaker wimpy guy.

Pathetic loser. Go take on someone bigger then yourself, win, and then look for praise.

Picking on someone smaller then you does NOT make you seem manly, it makes you look like a pussy for seeking out the smallest guy in the bunch to take out.

The emo sterytype is a stupid one, but how in the Hell can you single someone out for being a sterytypical emo when you yourself are a sterytypical chav? (chav-meathead-jock-scum who thinks he's etter then you because he can beat up someone half his size.) You know what, I COULD TAKE SOMEENE HALF MY FUCKING SIZE!

Do something to be proud of, then beat your chest.

Fucking primate.

Reply #188674 | Report this post

Years ago

i survived the beat up emo day.

Reply #189178 | Report this post

Years ago

I happen to like all of the emocore/heavy metal/screamo bands, and black is my favorite color; yes, I also do have the scene haircut...but you people who actually look up this shit and taunt emo kids and or scene kids, it's not right. I think they all have lives at being themselves, while the rest of you try so hard to prove everything about them wrong. That makes me so sick. I think you all need to stop researching, and start learning the right way...who knows, if you're actually nice to them, they might like you.
BTW - labels suck ass anyways. I bet half of you are in a label.
-- NOTE: this is all just my opinion, so I expect none of you to take it seriously, or you can be some loser that actually will take this seriously. Just a thought. XD

Reply #190228 | Report this post

Years ago

BTW - I agree with comment #188673.
Go you. lol

Reply #190229 | Report this post

Years ago


:L :L :L

im glad you made a national day for us <3 now we will be reconised even more since we are "attention seeking" kids.

Is this what you do for a living ?
i bet your some fat ass that spends his time on the internet thinking of emo kids 24/7 and the ways you can sabitage us ?
Thats sad, now now dear whose the one that needs counciling ? stop thinking about us and live your own fucking life. Let us be let us fucking dress the way we want, because at the end of the day, we will always have better hair and style than you.

suck my dooooodle & take an erection tablet & go get pleasure with a sex doll mmk?

Reply #194471 | Report this post

Years ago

i totally agree with the comment above
just adding something.
At the end of the day, emo's are still going to be exsisting and tbh theres more and more emo kids now then ever and if you think some pussy little
"beat an emo kid day" is gonna scare emo kids?

My my.
to emo kids,
dont get offended by this, be who you want to be
dress what you like
listen to what you want
Do what you feel is right.

Reply #194472 | Report this post

Years ago

The Pope is here in Australia to save them!!

Reply #194473 | Report this post

Years ago

3 people beat me and a mate cuz we looked emo.
we hang out with the "emo" crowd and we've all decided to get our own back :]
they know the guys names. [David & Seamus]
and if they are reading this i want them to know that by this time next week they'll be dead.

you have to realise something people.
emo's are starting to spread everywhere.
pretty soon we'll outnumber any stereotype.
wait and see.

Reply #194880 | Report this post

Years ago

Emo/scene kids shouldnt be treated like this! They are a human to. You all think that they are monsters because they are different! Well just look in the mirror! Your no better than they are! Emo/scene kids are the nicest, most caring people you will ever meet. It is bull shit what people do to make them feal better about them selves! Grow a pair and man up. And stop being someone low life. And someone that doesnt care. You will go to hell for the shit you do! Rember what I have said and reconsider the stuip national beatdown day!

Reply #264037 | Report this post

Years ago

Emo/scene kids shouldnt be treated like this! They are a human to. You all think that they are monsters because they are different! Well just look in the mirror! Your no better than they are! Emo/scene kids are the nicest, most caring people you will ever meet. It is bull shit what people do to make them feal better about them selves! Grow a pair and man up. And stop being someone low life. And someone that doesnt care. You will go to hell for the shit you do! Rember what I have said and reconsider the stuip national beatdown day!

Reply #264038 | Report this post

Years ago

Have a cry #038

Reply #264051 | Report this post

Way to go Anon, you've just managed to drag this post back into the spotlight on Hoops by posting! THE POST BEFORE YOURS WAS IN JULY 2008!!! LMAO!

You deserve a beating!

To be fair though, if I had hair i'd be Emo too, cos i gotta go back to work in two weeks! :(

Reply #264052 | Report this post

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