Years ago
Latest on FIBA Worlds Broadcast
Hello everyone,
It seems a lot of people want to know the latest re: television coverage of the world championships.
It is highly likely that a select number of games will be shown on pay television. That is somewhat of a relief for everyone I am sure.
And while those of us with pay television could relax at this stage, I am personally not happy that the pinnacle of a sport 600,000 people play in this country is not shown on free to air television. Nor that an event featuring 20 different countries with migrant communities in Australia (numbering over 3.3 mill) is not being shown by our publicly funded multicultural broadcaster.
[email protected]
phone: (free call) 1800 500 727
[email protected]
The good news is that FIBA is going to re open lines of communication with a free to air tv station. I cannot name which one but I am sure that you, the people who have been doing the emailing, can guess.
However, this is still a long way from our desired result. Please keep providing other people with the details and ask them to make their feelings known. We need more emails and phone calls.
Apart from contacting sporting and cultural organisations, I have emailed every person I know, presenting the case for an SBS broadcast, and asking them to send the two emails if they agree. If people here did the same thing, I am sure it would make a huge difference.
Keep up the good work, everyone who has made the effort, both from Hoops SA and elsewhere, has made an impact - keep it up.
Apart from this, there is a trip to Japan for the worlds to be won at - follow the 'FWB Tv show' links on the homepage.
There is also good news about internet coverage of the tournament coming, I will keep you up to date. (keep emailing and calling!)
Paul Kennedy