Years ago
Mavs Men Slaughter Eagles!!!
In short Mavs men won 100+ to 60 odd.
Mavs were fast, very fast, hard, slick , calculating, unrelenting, pumped-up, enthusiastic and sharp shooting. They seemed to miss very few shots even from 3pt range. They played to not only win, but to preen the eagles for dinner. The wings weren't clipped, they were ripped asunder!!
Eagles seemed to be suffering jet lag, or their water was doped and could not hit the side of the barn all night. Would have been the worst shooting by the eagles all this year.
Mavs also won the blood contest, sending 2 eagles off for head wounds bleeding. Next weeks Mavs opponent had better watch out, fortunes are rapidly on the rise.
Interesting to see Phil Smyth, Steve Breheny and Scott Ninnis at the game!!! Almost had a bloody heart attack with Phil there, thought he got lost going to his lounge room chair!! The Mavs guys sure got the impressions tonight!!