Years ago
Melbourne Classic Contenders/Pretenders
Time to turn our attention east!
Can we get the top teams in Melbourne at present, and possible NSW entries.
U/12 Werribee,Knox,Bulleen,Sturt
u/14 Nunawading, Mckinnon,Sturt,Dandenong
u/16 Nunawading,Sandringham,Geelong,Sturt
u/18 Nunawading,Darebin,Dandenong,Sturt,Keilor
u/12 Bulleen,Nunawading,Dand,Kilsyth,North
u/14 Sturt,Bulleen,Nunawading,Forestville
U/16 Eltham, Nunawading,North,???
U/18 Dandenong,Nunawading,Kilsyth,Nwd
What is likely to be there from other states.
Is our only real winner the Sturt u/14 girls??