Hangin Round
Years ago

Umps report

Just like players and teams over the past few months, the refs performances have been up and down. It has been a while now since fees were increased and insurance cut, with the extra revenue supposedly going to improve the standard. This is not to bag refs, because you have to respect them for the effort they put in, but has this extra money really gone to assist the refs and how has it been used, or was it simply used to try and fill financial holes at BASA? Can anybody enlighten please? Perhaps a ref could advise if they have experienced any change.

Topic #7268 | Report this topic

Years ago

I actually thought the refs over the state champs weekend were excellent. We played at Pasadena, Morphett Vale and Marion. Everyone makes mistakes and sometimes there is subjectivity in umpiring as we experience in every game, but nothing can makeup for good communication by umpires and willingness to accept feedback from players/coaches and give it as well.

Unfortunately refs at other venues could learn from these guys.

Reply #81669 | Report this post

Years ago

I am not a ref but have noticed that since the Anti Harrassment policy has come in their seems to be far less abuse and complaints (in general).

My only concern is that without (acceptable) complaints by coaches etc the more junior umpires think that they are making correct calls when they are not. I'm not sure if much is being done in the way of feedback and evaluation but it is a critical part of referee development. I know it is hard to have people watching all the time but maybe it could be as simple as pairing senior umps with younger ones (I know this is done to some degree - big problem is the lack of experienced umpires) to give them ongoing feedback throughout the game and afterwards, or even an evaluation form to be filled in by coaches (these would need to be screened by someone first). This sort of feedback allows umpires to reflect on their performances after a game and continually improve.

Reply #81671 | Report this post

Years ago


Umpires in charge at the moment are not providing shadowing or immediate feed back to young refs.80% of there time should be spent on this.
They spend far too much time on their asses watching.

Its just like coaching!
They need feedback at the time and correction at the time.
This is not happening , dont be suprised that there is no improvement!!
I watched the sapsasa last week and the junior umps were in no way given direction during the day.
If there was a day for education of officiala that was it!!
Lip service only.IMO

Reply #81677 | Report this post

Years ago

That's because they have to umpire games themselves. The UIC at Pasadena had to do 4 straight on Sunday. He was exhausted. Why were numbers of refs (and quality refs) down this year and hence the standard when the Champs were spread over 2 weekends?

Reply #81680 | Report this post

Years ago

One reff at Morphet Vale in a late game had a huge ego problem. On a real power trip. His offsider was great but also embaressed by his partner. Give the power trip a rest and just umpire the same for both teams.

Reply #81686 | Report this post

On the outer  
Years ago

In a perfect world there would be plenty of Referee development happening anytime games are being played.

Maybe the problem is the system?

Maybe the problem is money?

Maybe the problem is lack of numbers, be it referees, referee coaches or administration?

Maybe the problem is retired referees quit frustrated and angry and don't stick around as referee coaches to help out those coming through the ranks?

Personally I think the problem is a combination of all of the above.

Get the system right, put the resources, people and money into referee development and you'll see changes happen. Until then the same people will continue to work 80 hour weeks to make sure two referees are on as many games as possible. Anything on top of that is a bonus!

Reply #81690 | Report this post

Hangin Round  
Years ago

On the outer- your comments reflect part of my reasoning for this thread. WE were told the money will be used for umpire development. I realise this will not happen overnught, but have not seen any improvement, so ask if there is a process in place.
You have to feel for a guy near the end of a long day, but unfortunately for them, the players deserve and pay for quality refs, not someone looking to go home for a (deserved) rest.

Reply #81695 | Report this post

On the outer  
Years ago

I understand the frustration players and coaches must feel but remember the overworked referees feel the very same frustrations.

I can not tell you exactly where the money went as I don't know. I do know referees got a slight pay rise, for some the first in about 3 years and that may be where some of the increased door prices went.

I assume a lot of it went to try and keep BASA afloat, it would appear that didn't really work.

Hopefully door prices will come down once the Dome, Sixers and Lightning are sold off and the new Basketball SA is cleared of the debt.

Reply #81698 | Report this post

Years ago

There is stuff happening with ref development, there was a program on the weekend before ANZAC day that involved a Level 1, 2 and referee coaches course on the one weekend. I reckon there was close to 80 in the level 1 course and about 10 in the coaches course but not sure about the level 2 course. As an innocent by stander I thought it was quite a good number of level 1 refs of course it will take them a while to get up to state champ levels, but they have to start somewhere.

Reply #81742 | Report this post

Years ago

The Process...The Process!!!

Reply #81743 | Report this post

Years ago

I ref and also am UIC once a week at Hillcrest. I was told that the money we paid to register as refs with was to go towards ongoing ref support once a month at various stadiums. This is yet to happen but I know the people in charge have been busy with other commitments. But the sooner the better! I have quite a few junior refs that need more ongoing support then I can give them. And to #81677, I give 100% to the juniors that I have on Saturdays. I dont go into other rooms to sit on my arse ever.......I am always where they can see me...I offer support, encourgement, help them to understand what they could do better or try different, and to go over rules etc. with them. I am not there for money but to see an eventual improvement in the kids that truly want to do better and go further. As for the SAPSASA, I also did that at Hillcrest, I thought that the kids did a great job. We received many good comments from the schools on the days.

Reply #81752 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought the idea of three refs in the gfs was an awesome one. We could have 2 refs to do the game and the third could just run up and down and be abused by the coach we kill two birds with one stone. Everybodys happy.

Reply #81764 | Report this post

Years ago

keep up the good work at hillcrest.
I don't know who you are, but I know you have had some good people b4 you on saturday at hillcrest who nurtured some good umpires.

Chris Clark, Brenton Johnston, Andrew Filmer, Michael Burkan and nathan durant.

i believe saturday mornings is the most important because it will be those umpires which are needed to step up to the plate on a friday night and they will not do this with out good education.

It's a shame there are not more like you at port adelaide/morphetvale and other stadia.

Reply #81771 | Report this post

Years ago

Wayville was appauling!

Reply #81777 | Report this post

Years ago

As appalling as your spelling?

Reply #81789 | Report this post

Years ago

lets be realistic, acroos the board it was horrible. Our team won but i think had officiating been consisitant each age groups results may have been different. it is a concern that when a state championshsp is on we dont do anything to have the highest standard possible.

Reply #81817 | Report this post

Years ago

Umps at Port Adelaide were at their usual standard of appalling. It seems all the drop kicks umpire there!!!!

Reply #81823 | Report this post

Years ago

M/Vale has a new UIC who is doing a fair amount of work with the Junior Umpires and is trying to help them and is slowly moving a few through to Friday Night.
There have been a number of these younger kids evaluated and given feedback by the UIC and a few Senior Refs have helped in the process. I believe things are on the improve.
I do also believe with the Anti-harrasement policy some refs do think they are a lot better than what they are because no one is complaining to them.
As for the ref saturday night with the ego I take it he was on the Under 20 Mens games. He was at the centre of some trouble the weekend before with a coach as well. trouble seems to follow this bloke and he thinks he is great from what I have seen he is the major problem. TECH happy ejection happy dosen't make you a good ref and people don't respect you.
Just my thoughts.

Reply #81856 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh as that coach that was tech happy ejected that 1st weekend how i wish i could say something in response......

Reply #81914 | Report this post

Years ago

U (#81817)

How can you even suggest that BSA did nothing to put the best out there. 2/3 of the ABA referees all did games. Nathan Wieland and Andrew Filmer not good enough??? I guess Nathan Durant must be a lemon as well. It would appear that outside of the Weeks and Tsakalos types who have put in their time and maybe can be excused, all of the senior referee's made a big contribution to both weekends.

Surely people must get sick of ignorance dictating what is written on these forums.

Reply #81924 | Report this post

Years ago

when was the last time you saw weeks and tsakalos do a junior game????? donkey years ago, not that I think they should have too!!!
the other guys you mentioned often put back to juniors which is great and slowly there is a new group coming through to do the hard yards.

keep up the good work Poulton

Reply #81928 | Report this post

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