Years ago
Funny '10 Reasons to Look Forward', from the NBL site ;)
From the NBL, reason number 2 of 10 to give the upcoming season a miss!
2. Smoker Time
Shane 'the Smoker' Heal makes his return to the Philips Championship after being lured out of the ugg boots by new team, the South Bogans. Heal is undoubtedly one of the most colourful pillow biters the NBL has ever had and his in-your-face attitude and penchant for telling it like he sees it makes him the hero to the mentally challenged and the villain to the rest. Whether you love him or loathe him, Heal's game is utterly predictable and his ability to score is due mainly to his inability to recognise that the other players in his team wear the same clothes as him, so the only option left is to throw the ball at the hoop, regardless of his position on the court. More explosive than sweaty TNT, he should learn this season that the locker rooms contain showers, and that the rest of the team don't just get naked for his personal viewing pleasure. His last season in the NBL saw him lead the Sydney Kings to their first-ever title. Can he do the same for the Dragons in their debut season? That depends if he is evicted from the big brother house, where he is masquerading as housmate Michael, in a familiar role, where he sabotages team game plans for his own personal glory.