Years ago
Do you think Forestville will lose a game this sea
personaaly i think sturt will knock them off!
Years ago
personaaly i think sturt will knock them off!
No, not until the semifinal. I think they did the same thing in 1999. Had a stacked roster, won every game until the semi, und were dispatched at home by the underdog Flames.
Im surprised South go so close to them last night.
Years ago
Well they played their worst game of teh season last night and still won by 10.... go figure
Years ago
anon, are you implying that they have a stacked roster this season?
Baby Blue
Years ago
dont think they played their worst game of the year, they were just under pressure for the whole game which hasn't happened for a while causing some uncharacteristic mistakes. they will be beaten soon.
Years ago
They better not lose a game ! The last time they won the championship, i had the biggest weekend of my life !! haha
Years ago
They don't have a stacked roster and no where near Sturt with Ng, Smylie, Maher coming soon ect. Eagles only really have Sutton and Dix and Campbell.
Eagles will get beaten this season by Sturt and a couple of other teams.
Years ago
Whats wrong with having a so called stacked roster. Whats wrong with having 10 or so very good players all wanting to play on the same team, giving up their own court time in order to have a crack at the title. Not even half of the eagles are even getting paid this year! The eagles are just fortunate that none of these guys want to play for another team. The coaches arn't exactly gonna turn quality players away are they!
freddy get your hand off it, just because a team gets close to the Eagles doesnt mean its because they played their worst game of the year, ever think that maybe South played their best game of the year??
reporter you seem to be very close to the action to claim not even half the eagles are getting paid this year...I doubt that very much, they just wait until after the season officially finishes, then it will sort itself out...
BTW I don't think Eagl$s will lose a minor round game this year
Years ago
Forestville worst game, South best game.... still 10 the diff... hahaha
Years ago
You are an idiot Freddy! Please tell me why it was Forestville's worst game of the year? Because they only won by 8? Yes that's right you moron, you can't even read the scoreboard! They had 6 players in double figures and DMT with 9 points and they shot the ball at 46%...Yeah they were terrible!!!
Years ago
Panther, you're being very harsh on Freddy, look at the HUGE discrepancies from their Season averages.
Season Saturday
FG% - 44% 46%
3PT % - 36% 31%
FT% - 66% 52%
OReb - 16 15
DReb - 38 35
TReb - 54 50
Asst - 23 18
Blk - 4 5
Steal - 9 5
TOver - 16 17
See, they were a missed FT, a steal & a rebound down each quarter on their average & also a Made 3PT shot & had one more tunorver for the game more than average, so you can see how TERRIBLE they were Saturday night.
Years ago
Im talking defensively.... they normally dont allow teams to score that much.
Freddy, you weren't talking defensively, you were talking arrogantly.
"re: Do you think Forestville will lose a game this (#80823)
Pressure from whom. There own mistakes maybe...
Freddy, 07/05/06"
Seems you were talking about the offence end anyway.
Quick question: Were you actually at the game? Because there weren't many forestville spectators that stuck around for the mens game.
Years ago
Your right Freddy, Forestville don't usually give up that many points, so from that perspective you could say that they didn't have a great game defensively. Although i'm sure it was a mixture of bad defence from Forestville, and superb offence from South....esp Scanlon and Smith! I guess having frost out was a blessing in disguise as it gave Smith an opportunity to do what he did.
So if you look at the stats, look at the stats 'shutup!' posted earlier. Also you said you were talking about defence... stats only show offence except for steals, drb and blocks. So you're saying you weren't at the game and have no idea what you're talking about and always changing what you're saying?
the eagles play North next game only won by 2 last time, think the rockets will get them this time, they are playing some great ball and have contributors all over the floor
Years ago
#81020, I agree it should be a good match-up, except in the first game, the Margin was 4 in Eagles favour (76/72), the game was at Hillcrest & Eagles have added Brenton Campbell into their rotation since then, so I'm not sure I would share your confidence.
I think now the question should be - Should Forestville make sure they lose a game this season before the finals? Andy and Todd would both have horrible memories of an undefeated minor season only to lose two finals in a row and finish third. Psychologically there will be heaps of pressure on the whole team if they go into the finals undefeated.
They may not need to try and lose - Eastern this week will be tough. They certainly have the first five to match/beat the Eagles, but zero off the bench compared to Forestville.
let me be the fisrt to say that i dont think theyll go undefeated ha sorry couldnt help myself.
"Do you think Forestville will lose a game..."
Forestville did not lose their first game. They got totally thumped!
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