Years ago

Funny Daws and Smyth respond to fan questions

Mike Daws and Phil Smyth have emailed back their responses to fan questions from the other week. Mike's been on the road this past week so there was a bit of a delay. Some of the responses are a bit terse, but then so were some of the questions!

What kind of performance criteria is been put in place for, and in consultation, with smyth for this year?
The contract for Phil and Steve has one more year to run with an option for 06/07. Their performances on and off the court will determine whether they are offered further extensions.
How do you measure the success of a coach that had so much success early in his tenure but seems to be slipping further and further behind in so many areas?
Refer to answer above.

Are the Sixers going to be utilising the full salary cap in the upcoming season?
Will there be a second import this year or are we looking at using just Willie and the remainder of the team to be Australian
Currently negotiating for a second import
Did Ingles sign with the Sixers indicating he would play here in season 06/07 and then renig on this to go to the Dragons?
Shook hands; agreed on terms but never signed

Are you looking at any new imports that have or have not yet played in the NBL? If so who are they? or at least what spot would you be looking to fill with them?
Yes; will not name them to ensure other teams do not jump the queue for their signatures.

Phil - how many more NBL-useful years do you think Mark Nash has in him?
Nashy has just turned 30 so we would expect with his training with us and outside training he would have at least another four years. Most players internationally peak at around 32.
Mike - IF the sixers were to be sold, what sort of personell changes would you make in the lead-up to the change over?
Will depend on the ownership changes. If I am still CEO (and I would put my hand up for the job), every position would be scrutinized from admin through to marketing/media and off court support
Mike - In recruiting players, how much say does management, coachings staff, and recruiting staff have?
It is a team effort between Phil, Steve and myself with financial acumen from our Corporate Services Manager, Neville Taylor. Has to be that way to achieve best player result for the Club.
Mike - will the sixers be spending ALL of the salary cap, or will you be trying to shave some cash to save some cash?
Spending all of the cap

Are we looking at imports that have played in Australia previously or can we expect to see someone completely new.
Does depend on how our negotiations proceed. Can be either if the player we want is right for the team make-up

For Smyth: When a player like Brett Wheeler has been out of action for a year how do you assess his ability? Do you request footage of him playing ABA now or travel to see him play or have someone else tell you or take his word that he can still play at the NBL level or what?
Even though Brett has been gone for nine seasons, his relationship with our medical personnel has remained very tight. So we knew he was fine medically and the year off would have been terrific physically and mentally. Brett is 34 and after meeting with him in Melbourne and discussing what we were after for the club, it was obvious he was what we needed and it was a perfect match in what he wanted.

Potentially adding Lanard Copeland to the roster impacts on Brad Hill's place in the team. What role do you see either of them playing for the Sixers should Copeland sign in Adelaide?
Adding Copeland to the team does not impact on Brad Hill. The mandate for the club is to put the best team on the floor. Primarily, Brad could play 2 or 3 man and at times back up point guard. Copeland would play 2 or 3. Both could be on the floor at the same time.

1. Is there a reason Pero is snubbed by the 36ers every year?
Our system does not suit. Pero has improved each season and we have considered him but other players have suited the group better.
2. What imports are we currently targetting if any?
Refer to response above
3. What plans are being made for the future starting point guard and shooting guard when Maher and Farley are gone?
What plans did Chicago Bulls make for Michael Jordan? There is no replacement for Brett Maher. So when he retires, we will find the best Australian, American, European or whatever point guard that's available. Farley is the same. Did Chicago replace Pippen ? You cannot replace these players with the same so we will have to find the best available and make other changes.

1) Is Derek Rucker an option or is Copeland your first choice for the guard position?
Negotiation already concluded for Copeland
2) What sort of role and minutes do you envisage for Copeland if he is signed?
It depends on his form. He could possibly start in a 2 or 3 man spot but he could also come off the bench. What is best for the group. We do not have the terminology of first 5. It's the 5 that start, clearly stating that this may not be the best 5.
3) I believe after one and a half seasons in the system Brad Hill is ready to take the next step and be given more responsibilty. Does recruiting Copeland show a lack of faith in the development of Brad Hill? And what will it mean for Brad's playing time?
We are monitoring how he plays for the Eastern Mavericks and he was given more responsibility last season. At times he was terrific and at other times he was inconsistent. Youth does that. We will work at varying his role this season and expect him to improve.

How is it possible that one of the best kids for their age in the country, Joe Ingles, was apparently only offered a spot in the 13 & not in the 10?
We offered Joe the maximum contract the club could afford under the NBL rules for playing basketball. Joe was offered a spot in the team and the maximum money for a rookie for two years.

Are the coaching staff and management going to U18/U20 Nationals to see what is around the place?? The name Daniel Jackson comes to mind??
The under 18s are in Adelaide and we will be attending. We have spoken to several people who attended the under 20s. Each year we have asked for one of the coaches to attend the under 18s or 20s Championships and in the last three years have been told the club cannot financially afford it. We have plans in place where we liaise with the SA coaches and have scouts at these championships.

Quenstion: How do the Sixers approach young talent and what can the club offer to these young, future-of-Australian-basketball, players in terms of development, playing time, mentorship, off-court growth, future and potential to selected for National squads?
For now, let's make a definition of young talent as 23 and under. In our squad of 12 to 13, normally 5 or 6 fall into this age range and have been local. This year, in the NBL, the following has occurred


Jacob Holmes - local from AIS; back to us
Oscar Forman - local from AIS; back to us
Brad Hill - local from AIS; back to us
Nick Hambour - local

Brisbane - Adam Gibson; Launceston to AIS to Brisbane

Cairns - Deba George; Thursday Island to Cairns


Larry Davidson - Local to AIS to US college and back to them
Mitch Selwood - Local to AIS and back to them

Melb Tigers

Tom Greer - Local to US college and back to them
Neil Mottram - Local to AIS to Wildcats to Melb

NZ - none


Jeff Dowdel - NSW to AIS to them
Cameron Tovey - Local to US college to them
Liam Rush - Local (traded in 06/07)
Matt Burston - Local


David Barlow - US college to them
Mark Worthington - ditto
Luke Kendell - ditto
Ian Crosswhite - ditto


Greg Vanderjagt - AIS to them
Brad Newley - AIS to them
Michael Cedar - Local
Kelvin Robertson - Local

West Sydney

Rhys Carter - AIS to Giants to them


John Philip - AIS to them
Adam Caporn

The club has several programs that cover development and the Board continued to look for long term job prospects. We encourage all of our players to have part-time work which will lead to full time or study a course at a TAFE or Uni to help them with life after basketball.
Statement: NBL clubs are becoming multi-national companies and have to conduct business as such, which includes breeding and nurturing new talent to provide for the future of the business. Club needs to offer long-term security, growth and development with potential for players to achieve their personal goals within the structure of the club.

Mike , what do you feel is the reason behind basketball in SA being under the financial pressure it is. Dome debt, poor management previously, carrying teams like the Lightining at a loss?
Combination of Dome debt, lack of focus in management practices and not realizing sponsorship targets.

Lightning loss of $60k this year is not a big factor.
Phil, is there and expectation that SA born players will autonatically want to play for the sixers regardless of finanical offers from other clubs?
No, there is no expectation that SA born players will want to play for the 36ers.
Phil, how do you feel when leaving players site personal development as a reason for leaving.
Do you think as a club we nurture players to the degree they are looking for?
None of the players that have left have ever cited that reason to us at any time.
Phil in the past teams have had great success with castaways from otehr clubs, what do you look for in a player in this position is it ability, heart, training eithics etc?
A combination of things that you have mentioned along with their ability to make other players around them better also.

How many Australians playing in US colleges do you think are capable of playing NBL? Are we currently talking with any about the possibility of joining the 36ers for the upcoming season?
There are 96 Australian players playing at US colleges at the moment and there are a few that could certainly play in the NBL. We are in contact with quite a few.

Are Lanard Copeland and Brett Wheeler being recruited as potential starter for next season or are they going to be a role player? If either is being recruited as a starter how can you justify that to us supporter as one is 35 years old and hasn't played for 12 months and the other is 40 year old? I don't have a problem with either being recruited as role player to give the side that depth but it doesn't give a supporter a whole lot of confidence in the side when they are being recruited as a starter?
You are being caught up in who is starting and who isn't. We do not operate like that - we are a team of 12 and the end of the game is the issue; not who starts.
Mike Daws _ It is not secret that the basketball and more importantly the Adelaide 36ers are pricing themselves out of the family as a potential target audience in the membership area. An average adult silver membership at the Adelaide Crows is $236 for 11 home games (per game $21.45), at the Port Adelaide Power the equivalent season ticket is $232 @11 home games ($21.09), Adelaide united is approximately $237 @ 11 home games ($21.54). Is it going to be feasible for the Adelaide 36ers in the not to distant future to beat or at very least match those pricing structures of other sporting franchises in Adelaide? As sport in South Australia is a very competitive industry.
If you look at our season's prices and divide this amount by the number of home games and our per game figure in 05/06 was $20.31 so we are competitive in the marketplace price-wise. We just need to sell the product better, which we recognize is something we need to do more aggressively.

Is it true that you are in talks with Paul Rees about postponing his retirement?

Phil - for development of young players do you feel they are better off with the Sixers + Academy structure or going to college in the U.S given a chance?
It depends on each individual's circumstance, but for education and basketball a scholarship to the US is probably better than just basketball. It could go either way.

One for Mike Daws - Can you please advise the fans why an option year is offered as part of the contract and when it comes to taking up the option year, a player is screwed by the club trying to cut his salary? This is not how you treat players who have serviced the club well and will lead to other players getting off side with this club. Is it any wonder that no one wants to come and play for Adelaide? Salary alone is not a deciding factor because players will get financial benefit from living in Adelaide rather than Sydney or Melbourne. The problem has to be with the way the club treats them and what else it offers other than just money.
Did not happen this year, I can assure you. Cannot advise you re the past. If you are referring to Jacob, he was offered substantially more than last year, but the South Dragons offered a package we could not match and he could not refuse.

What is happening with the recruiting of a C and PF and a SF and have you been looking at the following players Wade Helliwell, Simon Dwight, Rouben Vesmadian, Austin Bruton, Jordan Dodman, Jason Dix, Brad Bungey, Jason Eversteyn and Steve Leven and how are you going on gathering more sponsors
As regards sponsors, we are looking very promising at this early stage. The sponsors see only positive changes ahead.Simon Dwight is still injured and will not play this season. The other players you mentioned have all been discussed at our meetings - some with interest and some not.

Phil & Mike, is it true that your recruiting of Copeland & Wheeler is just a front to strengthen Fitzy's Monday night over 35's team? Can we expect you to chase Rose, Rucker & get JC 'the Alabama Slammer' out of retirement for the same cause?
No comment, nuttles

Is it a fair perception that Adelaide is not a good option for player development??? I'm very concerned about Brad Hill who appeared to be progressing during the season but his time dwindled-particularly in the finals. Surely any recruiting that undermines Brads minutes is an issue....there seems no point recruiting them if you don't use them. Comment? The perception of a "laid back" coaching style seems to be a label of the Adelaide team....which is now backfiring. Comment??
No, development of players does not happen overnight; it takes time. Brad is a little inconsistent at times and is working extremely hard to limit this in his game. You will see a more developed Brad Hill this season. Perception is not reality.

Is the Adelaide 36ers players going to come to schools in the near future?
Yes, they will be.

With the demise of Hunter where is Jordi Cullen heading? Is Adelaide an option?
Not sure. We are not an option.

IMO Pero Cameron would be the prefect pickup in the 4/5 spot, do you agree? Is he a realistic pickup? If so, is anything being done about recruiting him?
Pero is not being considered as he is lazy at times, which can affect the group. NZ released him for that reason.

Phil: Firslty congratulations on your coaching efforts, i think you have done a great job and the team even though it doesnt win all the champioships is always up there and usually exceeds expectations. Is there any chance of Derek Moore and/or Pero Vasiljevic joining the 36ers next season??? as i think either/both would be a great fit and starting centre/power forward for the club. And are you considering Jayson Wells for the 2nd import id love to see him in a 6ers uniform!! Good luck, i look forward to seeing the new look 36ers in action!!
Derek Moore and Pero are not being considered at this stage. They were certainly on our list, but at this stage others are ahead or financially they are out of reach at present. Jason Wells is not being considered, although a very good player. We have targeted someone we think is better.

Phil, How do you feel when players like oscar & jacob leave for better offers $$ wise when they have been offered decent contracts from the club and been supported for 5 years and basically learnt the professional game through the sixers and yourself as a coach. What can be done do you think to encourage young talented guys to hang around and become lifetime 1 team players when the nature of the game seems to be players switching teams quite a number of times throught their career. Obviously they have to provide for their future as basketball is short term career. Players always want to come back to Adelaide, it just doesnt seem to happen (cat & mee for example) what are some of the reasons behind this never occuring as it seems like they will come back for half what they are worth??
Money is the reason. They will earn a lot more playing elsewhere.
Who is the next Brett maher for the Adelaide 36ers( or as close to as he is one of a kind)??
There is no-one.
Why are the benches so long if guys like Gerlach, Hambour & Madgden never get a run. Last season they didnt even hit the court when the game was all over. Surely those spots could be
utalised better??
Gerlach and Madgen were considering scholarships at US colleges so if we played them, they would be ineligible to play at US colleges. Hambour did play.

Phil, why do you persist in playing players out of position? Do you discuss this with the players? Overheard a certain young player say recently that when contract is over he will leave without question as he is sick of being played out of position, and this was a complaint that hung around when Jason Williams was forced to run at point, when he was more comfortable at the 2/3. Have also heard that a lot of young players are opting elsewhere due to lack of focus on youth development (eg. Forman, several ABAers). Can more be done to develop and support the young plalyers to keep/get them in to sixers uniforms?
Answered previously

Smyth and Daws - Would you rather have consistent yet unspectacular player who delivers week in and week out, or someone who will win you games by themselves but can also be very bad? Because i seem to be a bit confused with the way Dusty Rychart was treated. He is the most consistent player in the league and delivers week in and week out yet he is offered way less than Willie Farley who can be extremely good i agree, but also is not consistent and doesnt deliver consistently. I may be talking a lot of crap, but i was very disapointed when Dusty seemed to have been let go so easily...thats all
Dusty was a huge loss for us but his offer from Brisbane was far greater than ours so it is that simple. We did all we could and you can ask Dusty. He had no choice as it was just too good to say NO to Brisbane.

Phil - What is happening with making sure that we won't lose all of our home grown talent to other teams; Newley, Ingles
We need more money and more outside work. It is difficult but the club is aware and working on this.

Phil, when do you leave?
Not worth a comment.

OK, that wraps up the Q&A. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Topic #6927 | Report this topic

Years ago

There was nothing asked about Dixie in there!?

Reply #77514 | Report this post

Years ago


Thanks Isaac for collating that and to Phil and Mike for taking the time to put their no BS answers out here for us to see.

Qite a few very interesting answers there!

Reply #77515 | Report this post

Defense win Games  
Years ago

Good feedback.

Reply #77516 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Some excellent questions and answers there. Well done folks.

Reply #77518 | Report this post

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

Great job by all invloved, very simple and to the point answers from both guys.

Thanks to everyone for the efforts with this, good insights.

Reply #77521 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure even where to start with this propaganda!
Firstly, perception more often than not is reality!
Secondly, the whole issue of losing players to other clubs strictly because of money is bullshit, of course no player is going to tell the club their leaving because of lack of development.
Just to add to the excuse of losing players to other clubs because of money, why did Wheeler sign with us? Because of $$$, almost twice as much as he was offered elsewhere if you believe those in the know.
Thirdly, Copeland not impacting on Hills court time? Laughable, and look closely because our last promising junior will follow the way of Forman and Holmes in a year.
As for the import, its (Mod: Removed. Let's not ruin their chances!), and the only thing worth getting excited about if we sign him.

Reply #77522 | Report this post

Years ago

Statman, what evidence do you have that the 2 of them gave no BS answers?

Reply #77523 | Report this post

Years ago

thanks Isaac for doing this Question and Answer in the first place and thanks to phil and Mike for answering the questions

Reply #77530 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

I'm wondering what is up with Isaac's comment to Phil?

Reply #77531 | Report this post

Years ago

That was one of the questions. Looks like I'd written it! Haha. I put in another horizontal rule (the line separating questions) and some other text so it's less confusing.

Reply #77532 | Report this post

Years ago

since we obviously cant name the import publicly, the people who know who it is can they answer, what type of player they are?? are they similar to anyone who has played nbl??? have they previous nbl or nba experience??

Reply #77535 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks heaps for that Isaac, means alot for us mortals. Also Thanks heaps to Mike and Phil for taking the time to answer the questions, I doubt you'd see Goorjian make that sort of effort.

Reply #77536 | Report this post

Years ago

They're a forward and they're similar to someone who's played NBL before. Let's leave it at that for now if we can. (That said, I'd bet that other clubs are pretty aware of the Sixers plans anyway, somehow.)

Reply #77537 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

Gee Isaac - thought i'd scooped the story of the year!

"Ex-6ers bro in verbal stoush with Smyth"


Reply #77540 | Report this post

Years ago

All of the Ingles answers are utter bullshit - was not even close to getting offered max rookie salary

Reply #77545 | Report this post

Years ago

EC - about as much evidence that you have that the answers are BS ;)

I was more commenting that they have had the questions put to them as they were submitted on the forum (little or no editting from Isaac) and they have given concise, to the point replys. Whether or not these answers are taken as gospel truth is up to the individual I suppose - but from what I have heard from various unbiased sources they seem to be pretty well on teh mark

Reply #77551 | Report this post

Years ago

#77545 - I suppose your going to tell us too that there was no handshake agreement either?

Oh for the days when a persons word/handshake was their bond!

Reply #77552 | Report this post

Years ago

I did not know that Gerlach and Magden were looking at College this year-- and "that" is why they did not play .

IF that were true, why would you not have 2 other guys in the team who could possibly contribute AND actually get on court ??

Can anyone enlighten me on the ruling .. can you be on the 'payroll' of a professional team and still play college Div 1-2 without being red-shirted, simply because you did not go on court ???

Reply #77555 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks Isaac, Mike and Phil.

Very informative and honest responses and more open than we are entitled to expect. Not too many people in any industry would willingly offer to subject themselves to this sort of cross-examination.

Great work.

Reply #77556 | Report this post

Years ago


To allow the team who will get on court competitive people to train against?

Reply #77559 | Report this post

Years ago

That was a fantastic read whether you believe some of their responses or not. As always, their answers stimulate more questions.

I'd love to know if they're looking to fill the last spot on the roster (after signing this allegedly impressive import) with one of the 96 Aussies playing in College.

Reply #77560 | Report this post

Years ago

Gerlach has definitely had court time. (Interesting to note that the NBL website has pulled the player profiles for Gerlach and Madgen while keeping Forman, Hambour, Holmes, Rychart on the Sixers roster. The nuff-nuffs from West Sydney, for example, are still listed. I'm a skeptic, so I'd guess that they've been pulled at a request from the players and/or the club to help their college chances...)

On Ingles, I don't for a second believe their response regarding the strength of their offer, but they did have an agreement to terms and everything short of a signed contract. I'm on the fence with the Ingles gear - the Sixers thought they had him which is fine, then you can't blame the kid for getting an agent and looking at other offers (which he should've done from the start).

Reply #77566 | Report this post

Ken Richardson  
Years ago

The old 'money' excuse is wearing a bit thin.

Reply #77568 | Report this post

Years ago

Dodging the big questions again (about fitzy's over 35's). what is a nuttle?

Reply #77570 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac - How would you feel if you had a handshake agreement to employ a web designer straight out of Uni for say 40k a year, and when it came to crunch time he shopped himself around and took 75k with your opposition?

Im sure we all agree that all offers should have been considered from the start...but they werent, and an agreement was made - and then backed out on. Very Disappointing!

Reply #77573 | Report this post

Years ago

XY ,

What ? Dont get what you are saying ?

Reply #77577 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know that I'd be all that bothered to be honest. My business is flooded with work right now and has been for the last 18 months - at that time, my business partner of maybe 6 years made the decision to move to London to work on some different stuff (small business and dealing with tax, clients, etc can be pretty draining). Puts a lot more on my plate, but who am I to stop someone from making a decision that makes them happy?

I certainly wouldn't be ringing that out-of-uni web designer to abuse them or whatever. I'd also want to know that they were a web designer and not a backend programmer during negotiations too. All hypothetical of course.

Reply #77578 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

I think some of their responses are valid & on point, while I think some others weren't. At least some info is better than nothing. Having some form of feedback from Daws & Smyth is a positive step forward.

One response I found interesting was comparing Maher to Jordan & the 36ers to the Bulls. For one thing, when Jordan left the Bulls they'd come off their 2nd 3-peat in 8 years. It's highly unlikely Maher will retire in such circumstances. It is also worth noting the Bulls records for the 6 years after Jordan retired were : 13-37 (which equals 21-61 in a real season), 17-65, 15-67, 21-61, 30-52, 23-59. In the 7th season, they finally made the playoffs.

To me, the Bulls were (quite rightly) putting everything into winning as many titles as possible while MJ was still around. The 36ers don't appear to be in a position to do that. While the Bulls were winning title, they hamstrung their future, which resulted in horrible records for the next 6 years.

By comparing the 6ers & Maher to the Bulls & Jordan, are the 6ers saying they're going all out to win a title now, and worrying about the future later? If so, it would be nice to see a team capable of competing for a title out on the floor in 06/07, and at the moment, I think that's rather unlikely. I don't think the 6ers can survive a Bullseque period post-Maher.

Reply #77585 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

Didn't Phil Smyth renege on a handshake agreement with West and go to St Kilda at the start of his NBL career?

Reply #77591 | Report this post

Ken Richardson  
Years ago

Ahhh yes.....hence the nickname 'fairytales'.

Reply #77593 | Report this post

Rueben R  
Years ago

HA - you think too much.

Here's how i took it.

Jordan is the greatest player ever. In Phil's eyes, Brett Maher is the greatest NBL player (perhaps at the moment, or for the sixers), and is irreplaceable.

Now get back to work.

Reply #77594 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

Maybe I do, but I think it's a pretty weak answer to a very valid question. To me, it's them saying they don't care about the team 2, 3, 4 years down the track and realistically I don't think they're a chance to be competing for a title next season.

But hey, if nothing else, at least it confirms they have no intention of getting good young talent into the squad anytime soon. If that's the case, I wouldn't expect us to be anywhere near competitive after Maher and/or Farley retire.

Reply #77599 | Report this post

Years ago

didn't Smyth dance his way smoothly from St Kilda to Canberra

Reply #77602 | Report this post

tony blair  
Years ago

why compare to the Bulls anyway

the NBA has a draft system, it is understood that there will be a down period whilst teams rebuild. there is no draft in the NBL.

Reply #77608 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

So i think a valid question to ask is should the 36ers "do a Bulls" and sacrifice their future success to buy/win more championships immediately, or look to re-build some depth and plan for consistent grand final appearances?

Should they
"Buy now and pay later?"
"plan for the future?"

Reply #77734 | Report this post

Years ago

This year they haven't really planned for the future and unfortunately I don't think they're in a position to "buy now" either.

Next season could be an entirely different situation. Also, I don't know that each of those situations necessarily excludes the other. You can still stack maybe the first six or seven, and blood rookies in the remaining spots.

Reply #77739 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly Mott the Hoople - pretty hypocritical isnt it

Reply #77756 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks for the info from Smyth and Daws, Isaac. Great work.

It is a bit of a catch 22 situation with whether you try to win now or recruit for the future.

Comparisons with the NBA are probably not the most appropriate as NBA teams don't run the risk of developing a Lebron James or a Carmelo Anthony only to see them skip leagues.

I have posted on many occasions that I would have liked to have seen the 36ers build around Hill, Newley, Holmes, Forman and Ingles.

Truth is that even if we had Goorjian instead of Smyth, would we have kept all of the above players and won a championship?

Goorjian has coached players like Anstey, Mackinnon, Jason Smith, Drmic etc only to see them leave for more money from other NBL teams (Mackinnon), the NBA (Anstey) or Europe (Drmic).

If Holmes develops into franchise type 20ppg and 10rpg player I would bet he will look for Europe. He has been quoted on many occasions as saying he would like to play in Europe.

Newley is already looking at the NBA. Schenscher likewise does not look like he will play NBL any time soon.

Reply #77758 | Report this post

Years ago

yea, exactly its a gambel either way with the young players in my opinion, with the current nbl, where players move quite a bit, i think its best to select the best players available to you regardless of age

Reply #77759 | Report this post

Years ago

Statman - this was my first response to you;

"Statman, what evidence do you have that the 2 of them gave no BS answers?"

Firstly, no where in there do I state that the answers given were BS and secondly how can you assume to know what evidence I have, if any?

Reply #77764 | Report this post

Years ago

Geez EC did you get out of the wrong side of teh bed today?

My last comment to you was tongue in cheek for gods sake. I wouldnt have a clue if you have any evidence at all as to the truth of the statements from Smyth and Daws - for all I know you might be Phil Smyth ;)

As I tried to clarify in the 2nd part of my post - when I said "no BS responses" I was more talking about the fact that they have answered the questions as asked in a concise manner without too much waffle and padding (BS)

Reply #77767 | Report this post

Years ago

Peace Statman. I admit I am a little annoyed with the club at the moment but would not deliberately take it out on anyone on this forum. No I am not Phil Smyth, I have a bit more hair than he has.

Reply #77882 | Report this post

Years ago

lol - Give em a bit more time EC...Im pretty confident of a nice 'surprise' import wise and if he clicks with the team it has the potential to make a fun team to watch this season.

As for hair....lucky you - Im becoming more like Phil every day!

Reply #77892 | Report this post

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