Sweet Revenge
Years ago

Round 3 Wood-Baylis Clash

After seeing the cheap hit that Cameron Wood laid on Panther on the weekend I would be suprised if Panther would not be out for blood next time these two teams meet. This incident has only added fuel to an already lit fire between these two teams.
It also shows how unbelievably bad the officiating was for that game.For neither Smiley or Wayne not to even call a foul when an incident like this would have been reportable in an AFL game it's now understandable why some players take matters in their own hands when not receiving calls during a game.
From what i've heard Panther needed to go to the hospital for x-rays but was lucky not to have any serious damage.
After several incidents involving Wood, would it be easy to say he's the dirtiest player in the league???

Topic #6619 | Report this topic

Years ago

I wondered why Panther was so quiet after this weeks game.
Last week south had the ABL in the bag!

Reply #74412 | Report this post

Years ago

With all due respect, Sweet Revenge, you have got it completely wrong. Firstly, Panther does have some serious damage and we all hope he can recover ASAP because he is a vital part of our team. Secondly, not one mention was made by any of Panther's teammates (not that I heard anyways) of Cameron having anything to do with Panther's hit. It was one of those broken up plays where anything can happen, and given Panther's obvious courage and commitment to the ball and his team, unfortunately this time he came off second best.

Reply #74413 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

I wouldn't mess with Cam. He has ways and means of catching up with ya (g'day by the way!).

Reply #74414 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Did it look anything like this?

Reply #74417 | Report this post

Sweet Revenge  
Years ago

Like the way he caught up with Matt Alexanders elbow???

Reply #74418 | Report this post

Years ago

Dear Sweet revenge

When i ran into Bayliss on Sat night, it was neither a cheap shot nor intentional. Both of us were going for a loose ball, i happened to get their first and as Bayliss was diving for the ball i turned my body. His head actually hit my ass (thats why its currently corked) and there was nothing malice in it at all. I went up to Souths coaching staff after the game to see how he was and they informed me that he had to go to hospital. This is unfortunate, but to suggest it was a cheap shot and intentional, and that im a Dead Man walking by an anonymous post is cowardly...If you wish to personally follow through with your suggestion you know where i am. Also you refer to these other incidents i have apparently been involved in. I was involved in 1 incident with Souths several years ago and that is it.. hardly makes me dirty.
I hope Jason recovers fully and is back playing ASAP.

Reply #74419 | Report this post

Tom Hanks  
Years ago

Sweet Revenge,
Posts such as this are extremely counter productive for the hoops forum, the league and all players involved. No matter how ugly an incident may appear on the court it should be left to the officials to deal with, after all, they have loads of experience.

I hope Panther makes a speedy recovery - no doubt he will be out for blood but that's how he plays week in week out.

PS: Whether Cameron is the dirtiest player in the league is unknown. He certainly is a great guy off the court.

Reply #74422 | Report this post

jimmy de bas  
Years ago

What has Panther hurt?

Reply #74425 | Report this post

Sweet Revenge  
Years ago

I'm sorry Tom obviously you have no concern at all for the welfare of any player, where were you when the Dave Bowley topic started???

(Mod: Comment removed. I have been informed that the statement was factually incorrect.)

It's obvious that Wood made contact with Panthers head so how is that not a foul? It would be very interesting to see some video footage but i'm sure Forestville would have misplaced the tape already.
Woody you may be a top bloke off the court but after watching you play and hearing other stories there's no doubt you play outside the rules of the game. Explain to us why Alexander and you got in a tangle in a preseason game if you don't agree? How about the head butt on Kosmider?

Reply #74433 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Mod - perhaps a more appropriate title for this thread can be found? Perhaps "Wood-Baylis clash".

Reply #74434 | Report this post

Years ago

I saw the incident on Saturday night and I am a VERY biased South Adelaide Supporter. ;-)

To me it looked like a very unfortunate accident.
No way did it look deliberate, Just two men going for the ball with 110% commitment as they do and sadly JB came off worse. The play continued on and we may criticise the reffs for that, but I have to be honest and say JB was not in FURTHER danger from the play and the game was stoped at an appropriate time. IMO

Hope you are Ok JB are are able to be back on court very soom.

Reply #74435 | Report this post

Years ago

Has JB never made a dirty play before, Sweet Revenge? its sounds like it wasnt deliberate, but if it was why would you be the first to complain on behalf of him. he has made a few dirty plays in his time, I think its called Karma.

Reply #74450 | Report this post

Years ago

that's cheap Anon (#74460). This is a man's game can't we all stop acting like big girl's blouses. JB plays hard and in no way shape or form did he deserve his injury on saturday. We'll see what karma does to you..

Reply #74454 | Report this post

Years ago

correction - #74450

Reply #74455 | Report this post

Tom Hanks  
Years ago

In response to Sweet Revenge 74433: When the Bowley incident happened i thought some of the comments made were over zealous and i didn't wish to contribute to the sensationalising of what i agree was an ugly incident.

I have a similar approach to this case: Ugly incident but I don't like to see irrational posts turn it into something that it wasn't.

Reply #74456 | Report this post

Years ago

I was at the game and saw the event. Mum above is correct!

Both players dived hard and fairly at the ball, and both landed on the floor like bombs exploding, and at first glance it looked like both had suffered serious damage or injury as it was like two charging rhinos at the ball. Accidents happen and that is what occurred in this instance.

Sweet Revenge, your post is insulting, defamatory and imo, libelous! It does nothing to the two competitors involved, their clubs nor for the Game of basketball. Go back under your rock and stay there, or join your words at Bolivar Sewerage Works.

Reply #74458 | Report this post

Years ago

Wasn't at the game, didn't see the incident, but how does the contact of one player with another's head imply that it must've been a foul?

Reply #74462 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Dunno Isaac, but surely my suggestion of a more appropriate title deserves another basketball icon. I'm hanging out for my third icon in 1000 posts!

(Mod: If I give you too many, you might stop trying!)

Reply #74463 | Report this post

Years ago

Whats Up Moses...
Whats the update on the Mount????

Reply #74465 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Not a lot, Woodman. I'm rarely there as work is taking me to all corners of the globe at the minute (if you can call Adelaide, Bordertown, Broken Hill, Berri, Murray Bridge and the Kimberley that).

Is good to see you're still stirring up trouble. Can't wait to see JB's version of events. Knowing him, this is all just a storm in a teacup - part and parcel of playing a man's game.

Reply #74470 | Report this post

Years ago

Seeing the incident first hand I can say it looked like a complete accident.

initial report was compressed disc in JB's neck.

Huge hustle play from a huge hustle player

Reply #74489 | Report this post

Years ago

Sweet Revenge - mmm where do I start ??? This is a mans game,it's physical.. As they say, if you don't like (or can't handle) the heat, stay out of the kitchen.. Toughen up.. Two blokes going hard for the ball, one comes off second best.. Unfortunately that happens when you have guys playing with their heart on their sleave and putting 100% into everything they do on the court..
As for Woody being the dirtiest player, your kinding arn't you ? I've known this bloke personally for many many years and have seen many many games he's played in, not just in SA.. He plays hard and certainly with his heart mate... Do yourself a favour Mr Revenge, Know your players before you start slagging them... It's pathetic !!

Hope Panther is ok..

Reply #74538 | Report this post

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