Years ago

Stat padding at wayville?

I just read the threat about the ABL Results from this week and saw Jenni Screen had 16 assists that outstanding, I then noted that the eagles women had assists on all 27 of their field goals. Surely this isnt possible, that would mean that no one scored off the dribble and no one scored off an offensive rebound? Who was there this 27 AST on 27 FG is it really true?

Topic #6618 | Report this topic

Hoop Addict  
Years ago


It is also possible to get an assist if a player is fouled on the shot, and they make at least one free throw (though this is not the case in the USA). So, theoretically, since the Eagles had 25 FT's, this could mean another 12 opportunities for assists. It is unlikely that all of their FT's would have an assist attached to them though, since at least some of them would normally come from fouls while the team is in the bonus situation.

I didn't see the game, so can't comment on whether or not it's legit, but it is possible that if a team executes very well they could have an assist count that high. Generally, however, you'll find most teams have assist on roughly half their field goals.

Reply #74411 | Report this post

Years ago

Forestville is also considered by a few people to be a little liberal with stats too, so that wouldn't have hurt.

Reply #74420 | Report this post

Years ago

Or how about we go the other way. Game last week Eastern v Norwood, 169 points, 8 assists for the whole game??? Seems as though there is a big inconsistency across the stadiums. Hard to judge the gaurds on their assists or assist/turnover ratios. It does not reflect truelly on the game and looks from an outsider that they would be selfish teams, or when looking at the guards eg hill 0, davis 0, madgen 1, bell 0, webber 0 and eley 0. How can the 6 guards who played most of the game get 1 assist combined?????

Reply #74452 | Report this post

Years ago

Wayville and Marion are stat heavy stadiums.

Reply #74466 | Report this post

Brad Haydon  
Years ago

I Did Stats for the ABA men and womens at wayville on saturday and can assure anyone that the reason players like screen had so many assist was due to some of the amazing passing done by her. In addition at wayville an assist is considered to be granted if a pass directly results in a score. This means that you could pass it to anyone and they dribble the ball and it still counts as an assist. The NBA is the only competition where an assist does not count if someone dribbles the ball.

Reply #74477 | Report this post

Years ago

"This means that you could pass it to anyone and they dribble the ball and it still counts as an assist."

wow! i never knew that... that is ridiculous!

Reply #74482 | Report this post

Years ago

Brad i think you may be mistaken, the NBA actually counts it as an assist if it directly leads to a score, whereas from what i believe (i could be wrong), our state league no dribble is allowed.
please correct me if i am wrong. the forestville womens game sounds like some incorrect stats if ever i have heard any. 27 assists for 27 field goals, basically impossible, even with free throws.

Reply #74485 | Report this post

Years ago

pres and g-diddy,

just had a look at the box score and that is hilareous. just another example of forestville cheeting.

Reply #74487 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

Pres - you are wrong :).

If you pass the ball to a team mate with the intent to score, it's an assist. For example, if you were to grab a defensive rebound, outlet it to the half way line to a guy with no one in front of him, and they were to take 3 dribbles & lay it up, that's an assist. The pass led directly to the score.

However, if you threw the outlet to that person, who then performed a crossover to beat one defender, weaved around another and they lay it up, it wouldn't be an assist.

Likewise if you were to feed the post, and the post player proceeded to back his man down, use a shot fake, and a pivot (or 3, ala David Stiff) then it's not likely to be an assist.

The amount of dribbles is really irrelevant, it's all about the intent and whether (in the statisticians opinion) the pass leads directly to a score.

You're right - 27 assists on 27 field goals seems excessive, but who knows. One person getting 16 assists certainly helps build the number up.

Reply #74490 | Report this post

Years ago

"The amount of dribbles is really irrelevant, it's all about the intent and whether (in the statisticians opinion) the pass leads directly to a score."

So in terms of the Eastern/Norwood match only 8 people directly scored from a pass. That accounts for 16 points or so. What about the other 70 shots? Dont think there was 70 low post moves. Someone needs to look into evening it up and getting some consistancy as it really is a joke!

Reply #74495 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

I'm not suggesting that at all. Perhaps the caller missed some obvious assists. Yes, 8 sounds like a low figure. Yes, 27 assists from 27 FGs is a high figure. Unless you were there, it's probably hard to validate either figure.

However - also realise that the stats personnel aren't perfect, and at ABL level, they're all volunteers. Unless you're willing to do it for your club throughout the ABL season, I'd suggest you should be thankful you're getting any stats at all.

Reply #74498 | Report this post

Years ago

Just along with what Annon #74452 said about the Eastern game, I was at the Mavs game this week and I'm certain that Goodenough had more than 5 assists for Southern. He probably had 5 in the last quarter alone

Reply #74509 | Report this post

Years ago

I can not see how making a mistake on interpration of an assist can be seen as cheating.

At NBL and WNBL level we have 4 people doing the stats. At International level that amount increases to 6 or 7 each with a specific job to do.

At NBL & WNBL level the stats people have headphones same at international level, so they can hear each other clearly and not interrupted by crowd noise.

At NBL & WNBL in Adelaide the stats bench is floor level with reasonable vision of the floor.

At international level they are placed behind the score table and are on a raised platform they are seeing the game from the centre line, they are seeing the game unimpeded by coaches standing, subs doing stretches or players reporting in for subs.

The WNBL, NBL and International people have attended workshops and passed exams and obtain a certain level of profficency. The calling you would expect as in the recording would remain fairly uniform accross those spectrums.

At ABA level we have some of those NBL Or WNBL people calling or recording games. On some games we have feverent volunteers who have had attended workshops and read protocols. However, they also work under less ideal conditions.

Perched above and behind and already cramped scoretable at marion, or squashed in along scoretables at other venues.

There are teams who are lucky and have three people, someone to record on a computer, for both sides, someone to call the entire game and someone to manual scribe incase the computer fails etc and to act as a spotter.

Subs have to be in an out, a scoretable only have to know who are going in, same as teams are often only interested who is on court, stats people need to know who has come off and who has gone one, they need to have the five on court, on their screen so they are not scrolling the entire 12 player roster for the number they need.

Sit in the crowd one day, when there is a shot, a rebound, another shot, a defensive rebound, a steal, and a foul all occur within 30secs.

Make those calls
as shot 12
offensive reb 5
shot 5
def rebound 10
steal 4 (which i think results in a turnover to def team)
turnover 10
foul 10

the caller has to call them and remember them if the person recording needs clarification. The person on the computer will have their vision on the screen more than on the court they rely on what is being called.

If a coach like Ricky Simpson who loves to patrol the side lines is in the way. Or Kevin Brooks who loves to stand all game, is in the way some facet of the game might be missed.

I can't believe any stats person would cheat, there really is no reason. Points and fouls have to tally with the score sheet and the stats are the ones to change not the scoretable.

Is an added assist going to win a game?

It would also be a hollow victory to any player if they won the assists category and they knew they were being awarded assists when they shouldn't.

I don't know too many players who would go well that's one assist, yup that's two.

Give a little love to the stats people they do a often thankless task and for free under difficult conditions.

Reply #74510 | Report this post

Years ago

I am suggesting that Forestville as a club would like to see their players win some awards. Probably a recruiting tool for buyinh more players. Come to Forestville and we will guarentee you win an award.

Reply #74515 | Report this post

Years ago


You deserve an award for being the tool of the week! MIght even make that the tool of the year!

If you read the posting before your
bit of gutter sniping and maybe spoke to the stats people at your own club you would understand that your posting only casts dirt on all the stats benches of all the clubs. They are there to do a vouluntary job, and if they are cooking the books do you think that they would get the thanks from their own coaching staff who would have inaccurate information. Lie must be boring if you cant find a conspiracy to put others down.

Reply #74524 | Report this post

Dr Dunkenstein  
Years ago

3 - (#74509)

I called the stats for the Eastern Tigers mens game, as i've done for at home games for several seasons now.

As a spectator, it is highly likely your interpretation of an assist differs from our calling protocol.

While often from the side line it is easy to assume the last person to pass to the scorer should receive the assist, there is more to it than that, as Hoop Addict already indicated.

As for the 5 assists to joel, after a few years of calling "shot x, made, assist 5, you'd think giving him assists would be more natural than most other calls i've made in my time.

Reply #74531 | Report this post

Years ago

So you can confidently say Dr Dunkenstein that at the eastern/norwood game there was only 8 assists for the whole game? I find that really hard to believe

Reply #74563 | Report this post

Years ago

Inbound pass after a score...coast to coast dribble and score....an assist to the inbound passer?

Reply #74567 | Report this post

Black Cat  
Years ago

If you've watched either Norwood or Eastern play you would know that they aren't really a "team" simply a bunch of individuals doing their own thing, so I could believe that there was only 8 assists for the whole game!!!

Reply #74570 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

Anon #74567,

Unlikely. After a score, the defence generally has time to at least apply some pressure to a guy dribbling down the floor. Therefore, in all likelyhood, they would have to "create" the score themselves, rather than the inbounders pass leading directly to the score.

If the inbounder threw the ball ahead to someone with no defenders in front of him, and they scored, then yes, it would likely be an assist.

Reply #74573 | Report this post

Years ago

(#74563) "So you can confidently say Dr Dunkenstein that at the eastern/norwood game there was only 8 assists for the whole game?"

Absolutley not.

That was one home game i had to miss. (had tickets to see Dave Hughes. Brilliant!)

Reply #74594 | Report this post

Dr Dunkenstein  
Years ago

(#74594) was me.

Reply #74595 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #74510

I would like to know what International Tournaments has 6-7 statisticians on the game.

I am at one of the biggest International Tournaments going, and we only have the usual 4!

Caller, Main Computer, Back Up computer and spotter.

Every stat that exists is clearly defined in the call protocol manuals,which every Level 2 (National games) accredited stats person has, and every ABA club has a copy. I knowof only one club at the moment (West) who does not have representation on the National league panel.

However, as has been mentioned above, some of those stats are also open to some interpretation from the caller of the game. However, if the caller makes a call, others can suggest that it may have been or may not have been the stat. A good stats team is just that, part of the officiating team, and they help each other out.

Every club needs more stats people, so those of you who think you could do the job, dont be shy...step up to the plate. Never know...you could end up working at the Commonwealth Games!! (I NEVER thought I'd be here)

Reply #74628 | Report this post

Cat in the Hat  
Years ago


Well put, and good to see someone with your experience willing to give the rest of us some facts and an opinion.

Just one thing...Commonwealth Games basketball "one of the biggest International Tournaments going"?? Hardly.

Reply #74633 | Report this post

Years ago

well Yogee guess you never went to the Olympics or Paralympics then

guess the Commonwealth games aren't as big as you think!

Reply #74665 | Report this post

Lyn Wieland  
Years ago

Yogee at both Sydney 2000 events the Stats people had more than four, not sure of the reason or the positions but possibly that all events had to be held in stadiums with a seating capacity of 10,000 with finals held in a stadium with seating cap of 15,000 they had more room?

I stayed for both events with the late Barb Dunn who did the Gold Medal Mens game for stats, and the stats teams lined up with the scoretable teams and marched out in single file behind us at every game, there were certainly more than just four.

Reply #74670 | Report this post

Years ago


You don't really think the Commonwealth games are an elite level competition do you. If we held our National Championships and invited the rest of the commonwealth. NSW or VIC would win more medals than most other Nations.

Reply #74675 | Report this post

Years ago

Go easy on him, he's pumped about working at the Games. Nothing wrong with that. It's OK to correct facts, but there's a more pleasant way to do it.

Reply #74694 | Report this post

Years ago

Well we do have 5....the 5th being the supervisor/coach

And yes, we still do the whole line up, walk on (we even get to pick our own walk on music)...and get cheered on and off by the crowd...was awesome this morning being clapped on by 10,000 at MPV.

Reply #74780 | Report this post

Years ago

And to reply to some of the posts, obviously to people who love tearing me down all the time....

a) I NEVER stated the CG's were an elite competition (please provide copy and pasted text to show otherwise)

b) The reason I said one of the biggest internation tournies is because I am well aware the Olympics, Paralympics and World Champs are bigger tournaments.

Some people on here REALLY need glasses or to go back to Year 3 to learn how to read.

Reply #74781 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey I know it's an old topic...
but I was looking for something else and found a copy of the FIBA Basketball Statistics Manual which I am sure stats people have seen and use. It gives different scenarios and describes whether or not a player would be credited with the stat or not. May help answer some questions previously posted re assists.

Reply #76851 | Report this post

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